Yeah, that's right. Life is a bowl of cherries. If you believe that only good things that will happen in your life, it'll come true. It's all depend on your mind. Ever since I found Maximilian and PSM UIN Jakarta, my college life has never been this much fun :D To be able to work in this organization and to know these awesome, crazy, weird people is the icing on the cake. Today too is one of those precious days I need to treasure because of them. It was a simple fast breaking event but it was utterly fun. Thanks Guys, I feel so blessed to have you arround :)
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Saturday, July 28, 2012
Bus Kopaja P20 AC~
Hari ini gue naik Bus Kopaja P20 AC untuk yang kedua kalinya, lho... It was really exciting, hehehe. Udah tahu kan kalau sekarang ada Bus P20 AC dari jurusan Senen ke Lebak Bulus? Nah, berhubung gue kuliah di UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Ciputat, gue berkesempatan untuk mencoba Kopaja yang super keren ini. Pertama kali naik, gue merasa agak speechless lho. Di P20 AC ini ada jaringan wifi-nya, dengan susunan kursi yang sangat nyaman, ditambah musik-musik yang menyenangkan untuk menemani sepanjang perjalanan. Semacam bus-bus di negeri Barat sana, hehehe. The best thing about this bus adalah peraturan dilarang merokok dan nggak boleh ada pengamen. Biasanya kalau di P20 biasa, banyak yang nggak tahu diri merokok sembarangan kan, ditambah pengamen yang cuma pake kecrekan beras tapi nyanyinya nggak niat. Kondektur dan Kenek Bus ini ramah, lho. Bus-nya nggak ngebut asal-asalan kayak P20 kebanyakan, jadi kita merasa aman. Memang sih tarifnya 2x lebih mahal: Rp5000, tapi menurut gue worth it kok dengan kenyamanan dan pelayanan yang kita dapat. :D
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Nggak berbeda jauh sama TransJakarta sih, tapi lumayanlah. Gue rasa ini perkembangan dalam transportasi umum Jakarta. Semoga ke depannya bisa semakin baik lagi. Amin :D
Friday, July 27, 2012
I'm still a fangirl
I thought I would be able to stop becoming a fangirl because I have no time to open their fanbase anymore since I joined organization in my college. I thought I would be okay eventhough I couldn't keep up with their news anymore. But tonight, I was so bored so I decided to open my fandom again: Hey!Say!JUMP and NEWS. These are what I found...:
1. Hey!Say!JUMP released their second album called JUMP World
So, I downloaded the album immediately and found that most of the songs in the album are as great as in their first album. :"> How can I moved on if they keep making these beautiful musics?
2. Chinen plays as a lead character in a new romance dorama called Sprout
3. Ryosuke Yamada is going to play the 4th generation of Detective Kindaichi!
4. Shiritsu Bakaleya Koukou, Yuya Takaki's dorama, is going to have movie adaption.
And Yuya is going to have a love triangle with Kojima Haruna and Yuta Tamamori. OMG... Can you believe it? These three will make amazing story, hahaha :P
5. NEWS released their BEST Album and their new single called Chankapana
1. Hey!Say!JUMP released their second album called JUMP World
So, I downloaded the album immediately and found that most of the songs in the album are as great as in their first album. :"> How can I moved on if they keep making these beautiful musics?
2. Chinen plays as a lead character in a new romance dorama called Sprout
Sprout is a live adaption of a manga and you know what, I've read that manga when I was in highschool, hahaha. What a coincidence :P Fyi, Chinen looks so handsome in the drama whereas he usually looks like a pretty boy, hahaha. Btw, Hey!Say!7 is going to release another single for the soundtrack of this drama :')
Another detective role, hahaha.... Fyi he looks so handsome in black hair. I heard the writer of Kindaichi manga had been planned five years ago to use Yamada as Kindaichi, but at that time Yamada was too small. I'm so looking forward to this! :D
4. Shiritsu Bakaleya Koukou, Yuya Takaki's dorama, is going to have movie adaption.
And Yuya is going to have a love triangle with Kojima Haruna and Yuta Tamamori. OMG... Can you believe it? These three will make amazing story, hahaha :P
5. NEWS released their BEST Album and their new single called Chankapana
I have seen some gifs and screecraps of Chankapana's PV. There's a little foreign girl in it. It looks nice. I'll come with the review after I watch it. Anyway, the cover looks nice, right? Tegoshi is too bright with his hair, but they are look handsome and mature. NEWS come back... although I never expected they would become four, but whatever... NEWS come back!! :">
I probably won't be able to keep up with their news as often as I used to be, but my excitement towards them is still as big as ever. I can live without fangirling, but fangirling has given me interesting color in my life, haha, so when I stop, I felt a bit empty somewhere inside me. A little bit exaggerating, but it's true :)
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
A sudden invitation at noon from you, and I was like... okay, let's go, then, since I miss you so much, hehe. We had our 1st fast breaking and our very first date where there's just the two of us, without anyone else. We moved from Bintaro Plaza to PIM because you want to watch The Amazing Spiderman so bad, and you were disappointed that the movie wasn't available in BP, hahaha. Fyi, The Amazing Spiderman was cool, but not that amazing. Some parts are so boring and the plot was too slow compared to the old one. By the way, you got a fever now because last night you drank too much soda in cinema whereas the room was cold and you didn't wear jacket. Get well soon, dear! I wish I could be there to take care of you but I'm sure your mother can do it better than anyone else. :D
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
It was my decision to start the journey, and I won't stop here. Maybe I just need more time to get used to this road. Maybe I need to be more understanding. Maybe I need to learn more about sincerity. Maybe I need to be more patient. I'm sure we'll make it through. I'm sure we'll find the way. The tears will stop falling. The pain will soon fade away. I just need to believe. I just need to learn to love unselfishly. No matter how much obstacles in front of me, I'll keep continue walking, even when I'm almost broken into pieces, I'll keep continue walking.
Monday, July 23, 2012
Today I'm Happy
Assalamualaikum. Wr. Wb
"It's not a same dream which keeps uniting us here, but it's passion.." - Lullaby
Today is one of those days that I need to treasure. Congratulation for PSM UIN Jakarta who got the silver medal in Grand Prix Pattaya 2012. This is the very first experience to join in an International Choir Competition and to reach the 2nd place is a very good start for us. Hopefully this achievement could encourage us to be better and better. Can't wait for another competition!! :D
Another great thing about today is I had fast breaking with Maximilian. We had a meeting at noon first, and we decided to break the fast together at the end. Well, not all members of Maximilian were join, only 12 people: Apis, Mujazz, Gupa, Tira, Lullaby, Parda, Tehyan, Guji, Subito, Abbando, and Mudei. It would have been so much better if all Maximilians was there. The togetherness feels so real. We don't need expensive restaurant to feel happy. We just need a place to sit together so we could talk about the past, laughed at our silly moments in Trapara, and making plans about our future. I'm so happy to know them.
"It's not a same dream which keeps uniting us here, but it's passion.." - Lullaby
Wassalamualaikum. Wr. Wb. :)
Saturday, July 21, 2012
Hidup ini adalah Pembelajaran
Kita sering bertemu orang-orang baru dengan karakter yang berbeda-beda, dan secara alamiah kita akan menilai mereka. Wajar sih karena manusia diciptakan untuk berpikir. Namun terkadang, kita nggak sadar saat penilaian kita jadi terlalu jauh dan jatuhnya malah jadi menghakimi, padahal kita sama sekali nggak punya hak untuk itu. Manusia adalah makhluk yang diberi akal dan perasaan, dan secara naluriah mereka akan menilai segala sesuatu yang mereka temui.
Saya pernah jadi orang menyebalkan seperti itu, yang langsung menilai seseorang buruk cuma dari penampilan, atau sikap luarnya saja. Tapi, hidup adalah proses, kawan. Saya pun sedang dalam proses mempelajari hakikat hidup yang sebenarnya. Alhamdulillah, seiring dengan bertambahnya usia (kesannya makin tua banget gitu yaa (-__-")), saya mulai menyadari akan sifat-sifat buruk saya sendiri, dan saya mulai bisa memilah mana yang harus saya pelihara dan mana yang harus dibuang jauh-jauh. Bagi saya, hidup adalah proses untuk menjadi lebih baik dan proses setiap orang itu berbeda-beda.
Seorang pemuda pemalas belum tentu akan berakhir di jalanan. Seorang perempuan yang nggak mau menutup auratnya dan malas sholat belum tentu akan berakhir sebagai 'kupu-kupu malam' (zonk!). Seorang pengamen jalanan yang kotor dan bau belum tentu akan selamanya jadi pengamen jalanan. Kita tidak bisa menduga apa yang akan terjadi pada mereka dan apa yang ada di pikiran mereka. Mungkin sekarang kita menilai diri kita sangat baik karena kuliah di universitas bagus, nggak pernah meninggalkan ibadah, memiliki banyak teman, rajin mandi (oke, yang ini nggak perlu-perlu amat sih --"), dan sebagainya, tapi sekali lagi, hidup adalah proses.
Seorang anak kecil nakal yang dulunya suka nyolong mangga tetangga dan membuat rusuh, sekarang sudah menjadi seorang aktivis kampus yang rajin. Seorang pecandu narkoba yang nggak bisa mengendalikan emosinya sekarang menjadi ustad yang membimbing banyak anak untuk mengaji. Semua orang pasti pernah mengalami masa-masa Jahiliyah dalam hidupnya masing-masing. Itu semua adalah pembelajaran hidup, dan masa-masa itu adalah masa yang mengajarkan manusia menjadi lebih bijaksana dalam menghadapi kehidupan mereka kelak.
Kita nggak berhak menilai seseorang buruk atau tidak baik sekarang, karena kita tidak tahu apa yang akan terjadi pada mereka di masa depan nanti. Seperti kata seorang kawan gue,
Setiap orang memiliki sisi baik dan sisi buruk, dan saya memilih untuk fokus pada sisi baiknya. Rugi kalau saya fokus di sisi buruknya aja, yang ada hanya dosa sendiri. Tapi, bukan berarti kita menutup mata dari segala keburukan. Namun, sebelum mengoreksi orang lain, sebaiknya kita berkaca sendiri dulu. Sudah benarkah kita?
Positive Mind
Friday, July 20, 2012
Shubuh Pertama di Bulan Ramadhan
Shubuh pertama di bulan Ramadhan tahun ini. Engkau duduk di atas sajadah coklat itu, lengkap dengan gamis putihmu, bersiap untuk menjadi imam sholat bagi isteri dan puterimu. Putra pertama mu sedang berjuang di kota lain. Dan putra terakhirmu memutuskan untuk sholat bersama kawan-kawannya di mesjid. Sejak selesai sahur, dia sudah lari keluar. Akhirnya hanya tinggal saya dan Mama saja sebagai ma'mum.
Shubuh pertama di bulan Ramadhan tahun ini, kau lantunkan ayat-ayat suci itu lebih indah dari biasanya. Saya selalu suka saat Kau menjadi imam. Dan saya selalu suka bacaan sholat yang engkau lantunkan. Belum pernah saya menemukan orang lain yang bisa membacakan ayat-ayat suci tersebut seindah itu. Begitu sederhana, namun indah didengarnya.
Shubuh pertama di bulan Ramadhan tahun ini, kau tak beranjak dari atas sejadahmu seusai sholat. Mama sudah bangkit terlebih dahulu, ingin beristirahat. Akhirnya hanya tinggal kita berdua. Kau pun mulai melantunkan dzikir dan doa-doa, begitu khusyuk, begitu hikmat. Di tengah cahaya yang remang-remang itu, saya seakan terbawa oleh doa-doa yang engkau lantunkan pada Sang Pemilik Langit dan Bumi. Hati ini bergetar, dan sungguh itu adalah getaran yang berbeda. Getaran yang menghangatkan, menenangkan, namun di saat yang sama, getaran itu membuat saya ingin menitikan air mata.
Shubuh pertama di bulan Ramadhan tahun ini, kau terbatuk beberapa kali di tengah dzikirmu, terlihat lelah dan sakit, namun tak juga kau berhenti melantunkan ayat-ayat dan doa-doa itu pada Sang Khalik. Dan dalam getaran yang saya rasakan itu, saya kembali menyadari bahwa engkau adalah anugerah terindah dari Allah yang pernah saya miliki. Betapa saya merasa beruntung karena engkaulah yang menjadi ayah. Dalam sepi itu, ditemani lantunan ayat suci darinya, saya kembali disadarkan akan rasa cinta yang sangat besar untukmu. Namun sungguh, rasa cinta itu masih kalah jauh dibanding rasa cintamu pada anak-anakmu.
Shubuh pertama di bulan Ramadhan tahun ini, saya begitu ingin membahagiakan lelaki lembut itu. Lelaki penyayang yang rasa sayangnya tak pernah habis terhadap keluarganya. Lelaki penyayang yang menyinarkan cahaya ketenangan kepada keluarga kecil ini.
Shubuh pertama di bulan Ramadhan tahun ini, ingin sekali saya mengatakan padanya kata-kata itu. Kata-kata yang jika dikatakan dapat meruntuhkan dinding hati terkeras sekalipun. Kata Rasulullah SAW, sunnah hukumnya untuk mengatakannya, dan sungguh kita harus mengatakannya kepada orang yang kita cintai. Namun, saya terlalu malu untuk mengatakannya. Padahal sangat ingin mengatakan kata-kata itu kepada Beliau. Ahirnya saya simpan dalam hati saja. Ah, semoga akan ada kesempatan berikutnya untuk mengatakan hal itu padanya, amin.
"Ade sayang Papa karena Allah.."
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Marhaban ya Ramadhan
Alhamdulillah, Ramadhan is about to come, we will enter the blessed month again. The most awaited month for every Muslim around the world. The month to 'clean up' our inner and outer from sins :') I seek for your forgiveness for every mistakes I've done, either it was done intentionally or unintentionally. Hopefully all of us could reach the day of victory in a soul that return to fitri :D

Yeah, no one knows what the future will bring to them. No one knows 'till when we will have a chance to live this life, every hour, minute, and second is priceless. I know something for sure. Life is a very short journey to go back to Allah. Let's do our best to be a better and better human in this Ramadhan so we could really feel the victory in the end. :)
Positive Mind
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Beautiful Indonesia
"Tanah Airku Indonesia.... Negeri elok amat kucinta. Tanah tumpah darahku yang mulia, yang kupuja sepanjang masa. Tanah airku aman dan makmur. Pulau kelapa nan amat subur. Pulau melati pujaan bangsa sejak dulu kala...."
Indonesia traditional costumes are beautiful, really.... :) Pemuda-pemudi jaman sekarang banyak yang sudah tidak terlalu peduli lagi dengan budaya negara sendiri, tapi marah ketika negara lain mengingatkan kita tentang hal-hal yang menjadi milik kita, haha. Lucu ya..
And whoever said that guys look gay when they wear bright outfits such as pink or purple, definately has no sense of fashion, haha. I think boys wearing pink are totally fine. They look so fresh. I loved it :D
FYI, I did my own make up, hehe. They don't look so bad, do they? Well, I think my make up look perfectly fine, hahaha. Being in this bussiness requires me to be able to do those kind of things, can you believe it? Haha. :3
It's probably one in a million chances for me to wear traditional outfits. Hehehe. I feel beautiful and I'm in love with my country even more by wearing these costumes. :D
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
From Bandung with Love
The title is kinda nonsense actually, I took it from a movie's title, hahaha. Me and my friends from PSM UIN Jakarta went to Bandung to participate in International Choir Festival 2012 for Folklore category which is held by ITB.
Bandung is just lovely. The weather. The city. The nature. The people, and many things about Bandung have make me falling in love. It's the first time I visited ITB and I think it is one of the coolest college ever. The college feels so homie and cozy. Anyway, our homestay is not too far from the competition place. We could take a walk to get ITB. In Bandung, Even if it's in the daylight, we still could feel the cool breeze. Compare it to Jakarta, it feels like I breathe a very healthy air while in Bandung hahaha. Fyi, the owner of our homestay are husband and wife who apparently work in ITB as lecturer and ITB choir couch. They're very friendly and they have two kids named Yuma and Thia. Those kids are too cute to resist and they get along with us so fast.
In our free time, I went to many places with my choir friends, like Warung Pasta, Sushi Origami, ITB, Tamansari Seafood, CiWalk, Lansia Garden, Museum of Geology and Museum of Indonesia Post. We painted a lot of wonderful memories there. I couldn't stop capturing every moments with my camera. :') Anyway, PSM UIN Jakarta passed the elimination round and reached the Final. We felt a bit down at the elimination round actually because we felt like we hadn't show our best there yet, so when we knew that we passed to Final, we promised to pay our mistake. And we really did it. We were so filled with positive energy in the final day and we practiced harder than before. I think our team have done our very best too in the final, and because of it, we know that we have win the competition. What matters for me is not a competition where there's a winner and loser. For me, the best competition is when we could feel satisfied because we've done our best after the show.
I am so glad to have a chance to participate in this competition. I have a chance to explore the beauty in my life. Allah loves me so much, I'm sure of it. Alhamdulillahirobbil alamin :)
Monday, July 2, 2012
I've never been this busy for these past few months. Since I joined PSM UIN Jakarta, I spend almost the whole time in college. Alhamdulillah, those activities I've been doing have taught me many things. I need to thank my parents for always supporting me in everything I do, even when they have to pick me up at 10 pm :')
Anyway, few days ago I came to Mabit Nurul Fikri for The Closing of Mabit 2012. I met some of my beloved Aroma friends. It felt so nostalgic. They've become very awesome, mature, cool adults, but they're still the same crazy people like they used to be. I was so happy to meet them again :)
FYI, PSM UIN Jakarta held a concert last Friday called Pasambahan PSM. It was a very simple concert but memorable as always. Thank God for blessing me with such a cool, awesome life.
Me in the past was a person who love to do nothing and lazing around. I didn't want to involve myself in anything that would made me tired. But now, I've become a totally different person. I love working and I love what I'm doing. I love my routinity as college-student and an active member in organization. Alhamdulillah... :) I was just a normal, boring, ordinary person, but Allah has surround me with extraordinary friends. Thank You so much :D
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