Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Masa Sekarang

Kau tau kawan? 
Aku sedang berada di masa-masa sulit yang terlihat mudah. 
Masa yang berat namun juga ringan. 
Masa-masa yang membingungkan
Masa yang tidak penting tapi sebenarnya penting. 
Masa yang akan kutertawakan nanti ketika aku mengingatnya kembali. 
Tapi di masa sekarang... 
Aku belum bisa menertawakan masa-masa ini.
Masa-masa yang sungguh melelahkan hati

Monday, January 30, 2012

Puisi Semalam

Ada sedikit getaran yang tak menyenangkan di dada
Desiran angin dingin menyapu relung hati yang retak
Membuatnya semakin dingin 
Rasa ngilu yang tak mengenakan
Harapan tak lagi menjadi sumber kekuatan
Harapan perlahan menghilang, sirna, meninggalkan bekas luka
Seiring dengan kenyataan yang memaku jiwa
Kering, sepi, kosong, jiwa ini bagai padang di masa kemarau
Apalah cinta yang didongengkan orang-orang itu
Hanya bunga tidur belaka saja

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Two Wonderful Days...

Friday, January 27th, 2012...

Gue dan Maximilian mendapat kesempatan untuk tampil di acara Partai Bulan Bintang (PBB) mewakili PSM UIN Jakarta. Ini adalah suatu kehormatan bagi kita yang notabene belum resmi menjadi anggota PSM, tapi udah diberi kesempatan tampil di acara yang dihadiri banyak pejabat DPRD, hehehe. Kita menyanyikan tiga lagu, Mars dan Hymne PBB, serta Indonesia Raya. Btw, kita cuma punya waktu seminggu untuk mengenal dan menghapal dua lagu ini. Sampai di hari-H pun masih banyak dari kita yang belum hapal lagu mars-nya. Absurd banget. Tapi alhamdulillah di real event-nya, kita berhasil membawakan lagu itu tanpa ada yang salah \(^o^)/ Seperti biasa, begitu acara selesai, kita langsung foto-foto untuk kenang-kenangan. Jarang-jarang kan mendapat kesempatan untuk tampil cantik dan ganteng dengan jas, blazzer, dan baju formal, hohoho. Pulangnya, kita semua ditraktir kak Arbass, ketua PSM UIN Jakarta, makan di sebuah restoran dekat kampus. Sebenarnya makanan yang mereka sajikan enak, dan lokasinya juga nyaman dan bagus, tapi penyajiannya lama parah. Mungkin ada sekitar tiga jam kita di restoran itu karena makanan yang diantar lama banget. Tiap satu jam sekali 😑 Kompornya cuma satu kali ya, jadi susah buat masakin 60 makanan. Nggak apa-apa deh, kita jadi punya kesempatan buat ngobrol panjang lebar, ketawa-ketawa, foto-foto (lagi!!), hoho.  That day was entirely fun. Lo tau, gue mengenal Maximilian kurang lebih baru sekitar tiga bulan, tapi rasanya seperti udah bertahun-tahun 💗

Saturday, January 28th, 2012...
Hari ini, gue mengajar lagi di Mabit Nurul Fikri. Terakhir kali gue mengajar kurang lebih sekitar setahun yang lalu. Intinya, sudah banyak hal yang gue lupa dari materi Bahasa Indonesia yang gue ajarkan (-_-) Alhamdulillah, sahabat gue, Fadhlia Najmia, yang dulu merupakan kawan sesama pengajar Linguistik mau menemani hari ini. Gue konsultasi soal dan membahas banyak materi sama Mia. Ilmu-ilmu yang sempat terlupakan itu pelan-pelan kembali, hehe. Gue mengajar rombongan A dan B yang kelasnya digabung, and it was really fun. Untungnya gue datang lebih cepat dan sempat belajar dulu sama Mia, jadi bisa menyampaikan materi dengan cukup baik. Meski begitu, ada beberapa materi penting yang gue kurang pahami juga, tapi mabitersnya dengan baik hati menolong, hahaha. Suasana di kelas lumayan terasa santai karena Mia menemani. Maya pun akhirnya juga datang dan membuat kelas gue semakin absurd. Ya, gue memang belum bisa menjadi pengajar yang serius, sih, jadi gue selalu memperlakukan murid-murid gue sebagai teman 😂 Btw, gue diingatkan lagi dengan cita-cita gue untuk menjadi guru. Cita-cita itu masih ada, tapi perlahan mulai meredup. Pengalaman mengajar tadi telah menyalakan kembali cita-cita menjadi guru karena gue memang merasakan kebahagiaan saat mengajar. Tentu masih ada banyak hal yang harus gue pelajari dan perbaiki untuk menjadi guru yang baik, tapi yang lebih penting lagi adalah bagaimana gue mempertahan cita-cita ini dalam diri gue. Ganbarimasu!

Tomorrow is Monday. I'm planning to go to Nurul Fikri again. I bet I will have a fun story again. I hope you have a wonderful day too.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Rasaku berawal dari kesal 
Hingga kemudian kau tersenyum 
Dan rasaku pun berubah menjadi rindu 
Rindu terhadap senyum yang ternyata menghangatkan itu. 
Apa ini? Kekaguman semata? 
Yang pasti, pertemuan denganmu 
Menjadi sesuatu yang selalu kunantikan

Monday, January 23, 2012

PSM UIN Jakarta - 2 Decades

Less than a month of preparation for the celebration of PSM 20th Anniversary, but we managed to get everything done nicely. We, Maximilian, were working on this project passionately because we wanted to show our gratitude towards our seniors in PSM who have created such a great organization and teach us about many things, not only about music and arts but also about life. Really, the lessons I've got from PSM until today are things I will always treasure... Thank You! 

The first performance, we sang 'Tadarus' conducted by our awesome senior, Kak Ginta

A performance from one of the oldest seniors in PSM, Kak Yuuki, who was singing while playing flute beautifully. He sang Love of My Life and You Raise Me Up. A very nice performance, indeed.

Iwan Buana as the founder of PSM UIN Jakarta shared his wish for his organization :)

After the Show!!


Memories can be forgotten
But we keep painting it over and over again
So that it will remain in our hearts
And together, we sketch our history under the stars
-PSM UIN Jakarta - 2 Decades

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Dari Zahrika Prastamia untuk Denisa P. Rosandria

Sahabat yang bernama Wardhatul Toyyibah meminta sahabat yang lain, Zahrika Prastamia, untuk menulis pendapatnya mengenai gue, Wardha, dan sahabat kami yang lain lagi, Mella Meida Wati. Entah kenapa Wardha mengikutsertakan gue di dalam hal ini, hahaha. Inilah yang dia tulis tentang seorang Denisa Prameswari Rosandria, yang dia salah mengeja namanya menjadi Deanisa.

"Deanisa adalah perempuan yang saya ingin tiru. Disini saya proklamirkan bahwa saya adalah fans sejati, the real fan of DEANISA ROSANDRIA.

DEANISA………. SUGOI !!!!!!!

Perempuan yang lebih mempercayai dirinya daripada orang lain. Perempuan yang melakukan apa yang memang ingin dilakukan. Tidak begitu peduli dengan apa yang orang pikirkan dan katakan, selama itu tidak merugikan mereka, tetap dilakukan.
Perempuan yang tidak terlalu dipusingkan oleh masalah. Perempuan yang santai, tapi kadang juga bisa serius. Serius ketika dia memang sudah memutuskan untuk melakukan itu. Apalagi itu adalah hal yang dia suka. Walaupun harus pulang jam satu dini hari, it's ok.
Perempuan yang benar-benar membuat saya iri. Sebenarnya wawasan dia lumayan luas, tapi dia lebih senang memuji orang lain yang mungkin malah wawasannya tidak seluas dia, involved me.
Deanisa adalah seorang penyanyi dan seorang guru. Dia penyuka dorama Jepang. Dia lebih rela membuka matanya untuk dorama Jepang daripada untuk belajar di kelas. Dia lebih senang mendengarkan musik daripada Pak Suhaimi bicara.
Moment yang membuat saya “sesuatu banget “, yaitu ketika dia bilang berubah menjadi seorang perempuan dewasa yang lebih peduli dengan penampilannya. Dia berencana merubah diri karena usianya sudah masuk kepala dua.
Tapi sayangnya, saya belum pernah melihat ekspresi lain dari seorang Deanisa. Deanisa ketika marah, sedih, dan kecewa. Apakah Deanisa orang yang pandai dalam menyembunyikan perasaan-perasaannya ? Atau memang gaya pengekspresiannya yang  flat?
Ada kesamaan antrara Deanisa, Wardha, dan Mella. Mereka sama-sama tidak bisa tampil all out  kalau sudah berhadapan dengan orang dengan jumlah yang tidak sedikit.. The best performance dari mereka seperti terkurung ketika mereka harus menghadapi orang banyak."

Terimakasih, itulah yang ingin kusampaikan atas tulisan yang indah ini. As expected from Zahrika Prastamia. Gaya tulisannya sangat menarik dan membuat pembacanya tidak bosan. Begitu jujur dan humor yang disampaikan pun berisi dan tidak garing. Oke, kesannya gue sedang menilai sebuah buku saja, wkwk. 

Kawan... tidak salahkah saat kau bilang iri padaku, hahaha. Kecerdasanmu adalah sesuatu yang aku irikan. Cara berpikirmu, kepercayaan dirimu, dan segala sikapmu yang apa adanya, semua itu juga adalah sesuatu yang kuharap bisa kumiliki. Ayo kita terus melangkah bersama, saling melengkapi kekurangan masing-masing, dan sama-sama saling belajar.

Aih, gaya tulisanku kenapa jadi formal melayu begini. Terpengaruh oleh tulisanmu yang indah itu sepertinya, hahaha... Once again, thank you. Nanti, akan kutulis juga kesan-kesanku tentangmu. Tunggu ya. 

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Home Alone...

Yeah, my family members except me are going to Blok-M now. They didn't leave me behind, but I'm the one who chose to stay home. I use this free time to download many J-videos and watch new J-Dramas. 

1. Risou no Musuko

Yamada and Yuto's drama which has started airing a few days ago. I just finished watching the first episode. There are no subtitles yet but I've laughed in many parts, but there were also parts that got me cried a bit, hahaha. A very nice starter. Yamada plays quite a different character compared to his previous roles (mostly all of them are as detectives). Yamada has a mother complex here. And Yuto plays another boy who has a mother complex too. I'm sure will keeping up with upcoming episodes.

PS: Super Delicate which is Hey! Say! JUMP's new single is really a good song. It's a soundtrack for Risou no Musuko. Can't wait until they release it!

2. Saikou no Jinsei no Owarikatta

Yamapi and Chinen's drama. It has a different genre from Risou no Musuko. Chinen plays as a university student whereas, in real life, he hasn't graduated from high school yet, hahaha. And Yamapi plays the oldest brother. His role is quite the same as his previous dramas (all except in Nobuta wo Produce and Proposal Daisakusen). I hope his character will develop later in the drama. There's no subtitle yet so I skipped a lot of parts because it was a bit boring. Maybe because I don't understand what they're saying and this is not comedy-drama so I was so serious when watching it, haha. Hopefully, my thought will change after I watched it again with subtitles, hehe.

3. Hungry

Because Miori Takimoto is the lead actress, and because this is Shori Sato's first drama, I decided to give it a try. It turns out to be a very very enjoyable drama. Osamu Mukai as the lead actor plays a chef of French cuisine who doesn't know how to behave like a chef. He has skills and his cooking is amazing, but he doesn't have 'what it takes' to be a professional chef.  A bunch of guys from a rock band who learn to be a professional chef is really interesting. I was starving while watching this drama. So many foods! I'll be keeping up with upcoming episodes too 😣

Now, I'm going to watch a dorama that I got from Tyas a few days ago. Nice Sunday. Jaa~

Saturday, January 14, 2012

A Prince in Modern Era

credit to animehsj@tumblr

I love his haircut. I love the way he leaned his body into the car. I love his blue shirt. I love his black suit. I love the color of his tie. I love his cool expression. That little smile always makes my heart skip a beat. Overall, this picture reminds me of a prince. A prince from the Modern era of course. Oh, well... Takaki Yuya is a prince anyway, at least for me. Hahaha... 💗

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The Fun in the Last Exam!

Today is the last day of my final exam. I'm studying Journalism in college now and today we got to shoot a Talk Show as our last project for the final exam of TV and Radio subject. Pretty awesome, huh? 😎

My classmates were divided into three groups and each group has to make a talk show video that includes two commercial breaks in it. My group had finished the commercial break video a few days ago (and those are the most absurd commercials I've ever seen, ahahaha!!) I played as a ghost in one of the commercial breaks, and I played it quite brilliantly, I guess... 🙈 And today, the whole classmates have shot the talk show part. It was full of fun. I really enjoyed it. And I got to sing at the ending of my group's talkshow. I was really nervous. I still don't have enough confidence to perform in front of many people, even after those choir training, but I think I'm not as nervous as I used to be. But still... I couldn't help but kept closing my eyes as I was singing, ahaha. What an unprofessional singer 😝
the heels I wore made me feel even more nervous 
it's a wraaaap....~

I'm so glad that my relationship with my classmates has gotten better than before. I was so shy and never really talked properly with them, but it has been more than a year we are together. I want to treasure people in my life and I started to open myself little by little to them. Hopefully, this friendship will keep developing as time goes by. Ahaha... wish us luck and get high scores for this exam (and the other exams as well!!).

Btw, I welcome you warmly, Holiday! Be great... 😚

Saturday, January 7, 2012

The Warmth in A Rainy Day

Mabit always has a special place in my heart. Mabit always gives me a warm feeling whenever I'm back to that place after a long journey of my adventures. Today, too, I felt that kind of warmth again...

So, today is the first Saturday of 2012 and I was invited to join in an event which was held by the Department of History. Because last year I also attended this event and it was always fun to be in it, and I also wanted to see the faces of Mabiters of 2012, some fellow friends who are alumni of Mabit Nurul Fikri finally went to this Museum called Museum Gajah. Department of History held their final exam there. I was filled with nostalgic feelings while watching those Mabiters who were studying seriously. Also, it felt nice to see Mabiters of 2011 who have become teachers now. Btw, here are some pictures of our trip at the Museum.

I took most of the pictures because I love photography and I prefer to take pictures than to be the one who gets photographed, so no wonder if I have the least pictures in any photo album. That camera was Maulida's but I was the one who holds it all the time, hehehe.

We got caught in the rain. The weather these days seems unfriendly. Me, Maulida, and our seniors, Kak Farce, Fatimah, and Khodija decided to go back earlier while the other mabiters were still in the middle of their exam. Actually, the five of us went to McD nearby. It was fun too because my seniors are probably three of the most hilarious people in the universe. With them, I will always have fun and laugh a lot. More than that, all of us are into Japanese boybands (I influenced them, actually LOL) so we kept talking about the same topic all the time, hahaha. 

It was a fun Saturday. I was surrounded by warm people. The cold weather didn't feel too cold because of their existence. I think tomorrow will be fun too. I already have some plans. Looking forward to it.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Awesome Music is Awesome!

I know this is late, but I just found out that 100% Yuuki song by Hikaru Genji that has been covered by Ya-Ya-Yah, Hey!Say!JUMP, NYC, and many other Japanese also have English cover. And this version is the coolest one of all 100% Yuki's cover songs I've ever heard! West Five Monkeys make it sound like a pop-rock song, and they sang in both English and Japanese. So cool... :D

Check it out! If you spent your childhood around 1999 - 2003, you probably have heard this song. It's a soundtrack for Japanese anime, Nintama Rantaro.

Awesome, yes? 

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Happy Birthday, De Nanda (15)

Fifteen years ago, I was running with Mas Inu to a clinic near our house. We wanted to see our little brother who had just been born. It's you, Muhammad Rezananda Trimulya. I was only 5 years old when you were born. The first impression that I got when I first saw you inside that mirror box, "Oh, he's so small. I have a little brother. I become big sister now..."

And let's spread it to the world that you haven't hit your puberty yet, even though you're already 15 now, a first-year high school student, hahaha. Your voice still sounds like a little boy and your adam's apple hasn't shown up yet. Maybe that's why your height doesn't increase too much, haha. That's because you're busy playing video games all the time when most of the boys around your age have already been in love. Seems like you don't have any interest in love LOL. The things that you like are also weird. The book you read is something that will never be read by me or Mas Inu: Japan and Chinese histories. You even bought one book that cost Rp250.000 and that book is about the Kingdom of China. But I think that's pretty cool because you're different from other kids. And unlike me who's so unpopular, you are known by many people around our neighborhood. I think all neighbors know who are you, haha. That's also pretty cool.

You don't want to be called a little kid, yet you still act like a 7 years old boy. Be a little more mature please, bro!! You're a high school student now. Anyway, Happy Birthday. May all the best go with you. Please learn to eat by yourself. From now on, too, do your best. Don't play too much. If you want to be a football player, go find any good football school and sign up! If you want to increase your English skills, don't be lazy when Mom tells you to study. Keep improving your skills as you're growing up and show our big brother that you can be cooler than him. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, BRO! 😂

Monday, January 2, 2012

Omedetou, Yabu!

To the leader of Hey! Say! JUMP, Omedetou gozaimasu! Of all the great news I've received from JUMP, the news about you who just passed the Entrance Exam of Waseda University was the one that got me excited the most. I thought Inoo-chan would forever be the only college student in JUMP. I'm so glad that you decided to be a university student and use your (very very very) brilliant brain not only to create music but also to study properly in college. Ganbatte kudasai ne, I'm always amazed by Johnny's talents who continue their education to college after they graduate from high school Omedetou, Yabu-kun!!

In another completely related news, Hey! Say! JUMP will hold its first Asia Tour in 2012. Too bad, Indonesia is still not included on their country list. They will release a new single too called "Super Delicate" for the soundtrack of Ryosuke Yamada and Yuto Nakajima's drama, Risou no Musuko. Not to mention that four of HSJ members will play in winter drama too this year. The boys are doing very well. I'm a happy fangirl ^^

Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Year's Eve 2012

The title says it all...

My New Year's Eve was rather ordinary with just me and two of my best friends, Kartika and Revina. Usually, in previous years, we would spend new year's eve with other 4 people, Dianti, Mara, Kiki, and Ema, but this year, they couldn't participate. We felt a bit lonely at first but I think we still had the same amount of fun as in previous years. Kartika and Revina slept over at my house. We went to my Auntie's house too because they hold a BBQ party there. We didn't buy fireworks or something and prefer to watch the fireworks from my house, lol. 

If there is one thing I like the most about New Year's Eve, then it would be the Fireworks party. I love it when the dark sky is decorated with so many beautiful fireworks.

Thanks to these two girls, my New Year's Eve didn't feel too lonely. Friends are the best thing, indeed.

Tanoshikatta.... :D
When most people tend to make New Year's resolutions, I don't make any. I think I'm going to let it flow again. If I have to make any wish, I wish that this year is not really the end of the world, haha. Let's hope for a better, brighter future, and let's do our best again in 2012. 

Happy New Year!