Sunday, January 27, 2013

I Will Treasure You More

Sometimes things our friends do for us are beyond our expectation. Like what these people did yesterday in order to meet me. They came to my workplace although they know that it's far away from their houses and although they know they had to take quite complicated route and public transportation to get to my place. I've told them they don't need to force themselves and they still could hang out without me, but they refused. We hadn't been able to meet each other for months. The problem was me who never find some time for them, and there had been many plans that got canceled because of me 💔 I'm so sorry.

I couldn't make time for them because of my never-ending activities. I didn't know whether I was really that busy or I was just too lazy to think about which date and time I could make for them. I'm such a terrible friend, but they were so stubborn too, haha. When they finally sacrificed their time in order to meet me, I felt so happy. They said, the point is not the place, the point is we need to meet up, all of us together, to connect our silaturahim, and they'll go to my place no matter how far it is. Hahaha thank you..... 💗

Mia, Tyas, Maya... these precious friends I found at Mabit Nurul Fikri. I shouldn't forget our precious moments after all this time. Thank you for sacrificing so much for me. Thank you for cherishing this friendship. I will treasure you guys more than I ever did from now onwards. Hopefully this bond and friendship will last forever. Thank you so much for staying with me despite me being who I am all this time 💚

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Balance in Life

So, how's life? So far so................... tired! Btw, I'm having writer's block now. You know, that syndrome when you couldn't write anything although you want to write. That's why I don't write as often as I used to be in this blog. Because I actually don't know what to write or how to write it. Now, I'm trying to write my daily life to get my inspiration back 😅

It's been more than a week but this illness still sticks in my body. Inflammation, flu, fever, and maag. These never-ending activities often make me forget to eat regularly. I lost some weight and my friends even told me that I become too thin now, but don't worry because I'm strong. I won't let this sickness hold me down from doing my activities.

can you tell my eyes? I was still sick when this photo were taken =_=

Anyway, it's not only bad things that happened to me lately but there are also good things. Some friends offered me jobs; TV Show Script's translator, writer at Media Indonesia, and waitress at my friend's cafe. I'm currently working as a waitress now. It's not about the salary, but experience instead. So, yeah... the sickness and chances that Allah give to me at the same time are proof that my life is still in the balance, hahaha.

I also learned the difference when you're working for your passion and working for money only. When I'm in PSM, I don't mind doing things as much as I could because my passion is there, singing, art, and everything. When I'm working somewhere else, in something that's totally different and definately far from my passion, time goes by very slowly. Although I always try to do my best in everything, it's kinda hard when your heart is not in it, all you can do is just pushing yourself to the limit, hahaha. But no worries, I have fun too~

At Workplace, Kopi Kampung... Look how pale I am.

Alhamdulillah, I hope I could gain money to pay fees for the Vietnam competition all by myself, without having to ask my parents. Ameeen. Ah, happy holiday, though I couldn't really call it a 'holiday', hahaha.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Di Balik Sebuah Musibah

gambar diambil di Taman Fakultas Psikologi UIN Jakarta, setelah hujan kemarin

Alhamdulillah, matahari sudah mulai kembali menyinari hari-hari kita lagi. Hujan tidak sederas dan sesering beberapa hari sebelumnya. Banjir mulai surut. Orang-orang kembali beraktivitas. Mungkin ada alasan kenapa Allah mengguyur Jakarta beberapa hari ini hingga banjir melanda lebih besar dari sebelum-sebelumnya. Mungkin kita lupa bahwa hidup kita berjalan selaras dengan alam semesta. Kita lupa menjaganya. Kita lupa untuk tidak membuang sampah sembarangan. Kita lupa untuk menjaga lingkungan. Mungkin juga kita lupa bersedekah, lupa berbagi pada sesama selama ini. Banjir telah membuat kita menjadi lebih peka atas musibah yang diterima orang lain. Banyak orang-orang mendirikan posko bantuan, terjun ke lokasi bencana demi membantu orang-orang, bahkan menyisihkan harta mereka demi para korban banjir tersebut. Maha Pengasih Allah, Dia masih mengingatkan kita, mengajarkan kita, mengembalikan kita ke jalan-Nya, padahal kita berkali-kali lupa. Ya Allah, terima kasih atas kesempatan yang Engkau berikan. 

Semoga kebaikan dan pengorbanan yang kita lakukan tidak berhenti hanya karena hujan telah berhenti. Amin.

Friday, January 11, 2013


SIMCIT stands for Subito (Juliandi), Isaka (Me!), and Mudei (Syifa) Cita-Cita, Impian, Target. Berawal dari kelaparan yang melanda kita bertiga malam itu setelah latihan PSM, tak seperti biasanya, kita bertiga tidak ikut kawan-kawan lain yang sudah menyebar ke berbagai tujuan untuk makan malam. Saat itu gerimis, dan kita bertiga sama-sama nggak punya uang cukup untuk sekedar membeli makanan. Hanya sisa ongkos pulang ke rumah masing-masing, tapi masih terlalu pagi untuk kita bertiga pulang ke rumah, jadi kita memutuskan untuk duduk-duduk aja di Bangku Doraemon, sebuah bangku kramat milik anak-anak UKM, sambil sama-sama menahan lapar hahaha 😂

Sambil duduk, kita memikirkan berbagai hal yang mungkin kita ingin makan, diiringi dengan khayalan-khayalan gila yang kita ungkapkan satu sama lain. Seperti biasa, obrolan kita tidak pernah berisi hal yang masuk akal. Semua serba-serbi imajinasi aneh yang otaknya dari Subito, salah satu spesies manusia langka di dunia yang segala kehidupannya sering disangkutpautkan dengan Sponge Bob. Kita bertiga kebetulan cadel, dan sama-sama penasaran dengan kenikmatan Indomie Double Spesial seharga 16 ribu yang dijual di Warung Siang Malam dekat kampus itu (nggak ada hubungannya ya...). Belum pernah sekalipun kita memesan menu itu karena masalah kanker (kantong kering), paling mahal cuma pesan Indomie Single Telor, hahaha 💔

Berawal dari sebuah 'mimpi' untuk makan Indomie Double Spesial, kita bertiga memutuskan untuk menuliskan harapan dan target-target 'kecil' lainnya yang ingin kita capai ke dalam selembar kertas. Bukannya kita bertiga memang se-gank atau apa, tapi malam itu kebetulan memang cuma kita bertiga yang ada disitu, hahaha. Tentu saja, target utama kita adalah "Indomie Double Spesial!", kemudian berlanjut dengan target makanan-makanan lain yang ingin kita cicipi, dari yang harganya agak mahal sampai ke mahal banget. 

Tidak cuma makanan, kita juga bermimpi untuk bisa jalan-jalan ke berbagai tempat karena selama setahun ini kita bertiga sama-sama anggota yang terlalu aktif di PSM sampai lupa untuk jalan-jalan. Dari lokasi di dalam sampai luar negeri kita tuliskan disitu. Dari yang terbodoh sampai yang ter-hampir-nggak-mungkin-terjadi hahaha. Ternyata tulisan-tulisan itu bukan hanya tulisan asal yang kita buat atas dasar iseng, melainkan dengan sepenuh hati kita menanamkan harapan di dalamnya.

Sekarang, Gue, Subito, dan Mudei sama-sama bekerja di sebuah Cafe kecil milik senior PSM kita, Kak Lada. Nama cafe-nya adalah Kopi Kampung. Alhamdulillah, Gue dan Subito juga akan bekerjasama menjadi translator sebuah script atas tawaran dari seorang teman. Kesempatan dan peluang itu tiba-tiba berdatangan. Ya, dari mimpi-mimpi kecil itu, tiba-tiba sekarang kita bertiga memutuskan untuk mengambil kesempatan bekerja, keluar dari zona nyaman, mencari sesuatu yang baru, dan mengorbankan waktu bermain dengan kawan-kawab PSM, demi sebuah pengalaman, demi pelajaran hidup. Mana pernah kita bertiga menduga kalau kita akan berbuat sejauh ini untuk mimpi-mimpi aneh itu? Yes, miracle does exist.

I call it the power of dreams, passion, and friendship... May all our dreams, wishes, and targets come true! 😂

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Celebrating Our Togetherness

It's 2013 already! Time flies before our eyes. I felt like it's only yesterday when I celebrated the new year's eve of 2012 with Kartika and Revina, and suddenly we entered the brand new year again. Ever hear a saying that when you're having so much fun, time will fly faster than you think. Well, it's true that 2012 was a year filled with countless experiences, sadness, but more happiness. Alhamdulillah 💗

So, basically, this year's new year's eve was the same as my previous new year's eves. I spent those new years' Eve at my house, only with different people each year. 2009, I spent it with childhood friends and JHS companions. 2010, I spent it with childhood friends. 2011, I spent it with Aroma Mabit Nurul Fikri. 2012, I spent it with Revina and Kartika. And this year, 2013, I spent it with my Choir Friends, Maximilian. Each new year's eves has different story but they are all about togetherness with my dearest people.

We were simply celebrating our togetherness and our day off because we rarely have it. The Choir Rehearsals are quite tough and tight these past few months, so we really cherished this moment. We don't need excessive euphoria nor spending too much money to have fun. All we need is a place to sit together, telling random stories, laughing at silly jokes (and we're laughing almost the entire night because we made all the things that actually normal seem weird and funny! Their freak imagination kills me, hahaha!). It's cheap but the time we spent is expensive.

At 23.50 o'clock, fireworks started painting the cloudy night sky. Luckily, I live in a neighborhood where everyone who lives here love to buy and play fireworks (except my family, haha!) so we got to see free fireworks party. The moon under the cloudy night looks shy because it looks less glamorous compared to the fireworks, haha.

What about New Year's Resolution? I don't have any to be honest. I've never been making any new year's resolution. I just want to be better and better in everything I do. I want to be more useful for others. Oh, Allah... Words thank you are not enough to show how grateful I am for your blessings this year and hopefully for the upcoming years also. Thank you for the circle of friends you have created for me 💙