Monday, February 27, 2012

A Little Relieve...

For these past few months, I've been having quite hectic schedules. Since I joined the choir in my college, I spent most of my time in PSM's Residence at the Student Center Building of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah because I got to do this and that. You could say that my life right now is spent in college more than at home. My mom complained a lot about it, hahaha. Anyway, I was chosen as secretary of Maximilian Recital which will be held on April, 20th. I thought it would be easy, but I was so wrong. You know, I'm quite slow. But as secretary, I have to learn to make a proposal which was not easy at all. This is actually the first time I make a proposal, and Recital is one of the most important events for PSM UIN Jakarta and for us Maximilian. The amount of money we will get depends on the proposal I make. If I couldn't finish it on time, it means my friends from the Public Relation division won't be able to do their job in finding sponsors. And you know, I'm not good with the deadline yet, haha.

Alhamdulillah, my seniors from PSM are so nice and they showed me how to make a good proposal and after spending about days trying to create a good proposal, I have finally finished it. It took so long for me to get it done, haha. How lame. I hope this concert will be successful. This is Maximilian's concert anyway.  Don't forget to watch it. Get the tickets from me. It's cheap, only Rp15.000 and we will present you with one of the best choir concerts ever, hahaha. Okay, maybe not the best, but I promise that we from Maximilian and PSM UIN Jakarta will do our best to entertain you. Fyi, the songs we will sing at the concert are quite tough yet fun, such as Jali-Jali, Tari Pasembahan, Beat It by Michael Jackson, Nina Bobo, Nothing Else Matter by Metalica, etc. So do come to our recital. You won't regret it. We promise.

Haha... I promoted too much. Anyway. it's past 1 AM now. Gotta go to bed because I have to go to college again tomorrow. Jaa~

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Minggu Cantik

Setelah sekian bulan, akhirnya gue ke salon lagi hari ini. Kegiatan yang menyenangkan untuk dilakukan di Minggu sore yang mendung, mencoba lepas dari segala pikiran tentang pekerjaan sejenak saja. Sejak kemarin, gue begitu ingin pergi ke salon. Akhirnya tadi gue ajak Mama ke salon deket rumah, namanya Salon 119. Lokasinya strategis dekat jalan raya, nggak terlalu ramai, bersih, dan lokasi untuk perawatan perempuan dan laki-laki pun dipisah. Very nice...

Gue bukan perempuan yang gemar bersolek sebenarnya. Pertama kali di ajak ke salon oleh Mama pun, gue merasa aneh. Mau ngapain sih buang-buang uang demi mempercantik diri? Begitu pikir gue dulu. Tapi, setelah merasakan sensasi di-lulur, di-creambath, di-massage, di-facial, dan berbagai perawatan lainnya, ternyata hal-hal tersebut memang cukup membuat ketagihan, haha. 

Ke salon memang bukan hal yang harus dilakukan sering-sering, tapi sesekali pergi ke salon untuk lulur-an atau massage sudah cukup untuk me-refresh tubuh dan pikiran kita. Lagipula, gue sudah mau masuk kepala dua. Sudah cukup gue hidup selama 19 tahun tanpa memperhatikan diri, sudah waktunya berubah menjadi wanita yang sesungguhnya... 

Okay, kidding. Itu bukan alasan untuk selalu pergi ke salon, kok, haha. Gue pun cuma pergi ke salon beberapa bulan sekali karena malas. Malah, Mama yang selalu memaksa dan mengingatkan untuk ke salon dan sebagainya. Mama sering mengeluh karena gue nggak memperhatikan penampilan dari kecil, makanya waktu SMA jadi korban jerawat dan kulit terbakar matahari karena terlalu sering main di luar wkwk.

Tentu saja, gue yang sekarang sudah nggak 'liar' seperti dulu. Gue bahkan mulai belajar masak, mengenakan pakaian yang lebih feminin, dan suka inisiatif duluan untuk merawat diri. Sifat tomboy itu nggak hilang, ia tetap melekat dalam diri 😜

Anyway, kecantikan yang sesungguhnya itu berasal dari dalam, dari jiwa kita. Jika kita mau menciptakan jiwa yang bersih dan cantik, caranya dengan selalu mengelilingi diri dengan kebaikan, dan..... sesekali perawatan di salon, hahaha! Yang terakhir nggak wajib sih, tapi sesekali ke salon sangat baik untuk refresh pikiran dan tubuh, lho, haha. Kecantikan juga datang dari jiwa yang bersih kan, hehe. Alright, I gotta go now. I hope you have a nice Sunday like me 😁

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Super Delicate PV

It's finally here...

The PV is all about dancing, modeling, and flawless human beings. There was no story in the PV, unlike Over or Mayonaka no Shadow Boy. The song itself is once again, one of the coolest songs Hey! Say! JUMP ever released so far. It's catchier than Over in my opinion and a lot better than Mayonaka no Shadow Boy, hahaha. I like the choreography in Over better, but this one is not bad either. It's actually good, very good!

The boys look extremely gorgeous in the PV. Each of them did a catwalk like a professional model and each of them got a single camera for themselves on the stage. All of them except Inoo. Yeah, seriously, the amount of spotlights Inoo got in here is getting less and less. Let's hope that Johnny-san did that because Inoo has almost finished college so he's busy and wouldn't be able to get too many spotlights for now. Oh, and to Keito too. Haha, he doesn't get too many spotlights either. FYI, Keito got accepted into Shopia University in Japan. Let's hope he won't lose any spotlight because of this. I'm talking to you, Johnny-san! Omedetou, Keito!!!

Jaa, gotta do some assignments now!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Masakan Papa

Kebanyakan orang kalau ditanya apa masakan favorit-nya, pasti menjawab masakan ibunyalah yang menjadi favorit. Berbeda dengan gue yang akan langsung memilih masakan bokab gue. Selain karena Mama jarang banget masak sejak dulu, Papa memang lebih berbakat dalam hal masak-memasak. Hal yang lucu di keluarga gue, setiap kali Mama memasak sesuatu, dia akan meminta Papa untuk mencicipi masakannya dan membantunya memperbaiki rasa kalau masih ada yang kurang atau lebih, hehehe. Hari ini Papa memasak Daging Sapi Lada Hitam khusus untuk gue karena gue pernah protes tentang rasa daging goreng yang biasa aja dan membuat gue nggak nafsu makan. Hehehe.... Jadi seneng 😁

Daging Sapi Lada Hitam ini sama enaknya dengan yang pernah gue makan di restauran, bahkan mungkin lebih. Terima kasih, Papa!!

Saturday, February 18, 2012

I kinda like JKT48...

Maybe I'm a little bias because JKT48 is Indonesia's girl band produced by the Japanese Music Industry, the sister of the Japanese phenomenal girl band, AKB48. I don't claim myself as JKT48 fan, but I admit that I like their version of Heavy Rotation. Both the song and the PV. 

Anyway, here's JKT48 version of Heavy Rotation. I like the PV. It's so Indonesia-ish, with those traffic, ojeg, kopaja, National high school uniform, and Red White flag all over the place. They also sound good and the dance are so nice too.

And here's AKB48 version of Heavy Rotation

That's all for today. Jaa~

French Cuisine

So, I watched Hungry! again last night. It's a Japanese drama about an ex-rocker who aims to be a professional chef of French Cuisine. The drama has reached episode 6 so far and all the foods in it make me want to taste French Cuisine... Not only that the foods look delicious but they also look very artistic.

Aahh... I'm hungry!!

Monday, February 6, 2012

After A Long Time...

.... we finally able to meet up today. These two are one of the best girls I know from high school. Dhanty goes to the University of Diponegoro in Semarang, Dila and I are staying in Jakarta but we go to different colleges. It had been months since we had not seen each other, so it felt nice to gather together again. We only spent the day at Dila's house, watched movies, music programs, and talked about many things that each of us has been up to.

I don't know when the three of us will meet again, but at that time, I hope our laugh, our smile, will remain unchanged 💗

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

February 1st

First of all... 
WELCOME FEBRUARY!! The month of love, hahaha. Have you guys prepared your chocolate? 😝

These days have been like a roller coaster for me. It's a holiday, btw, but it doesn't feel like it. I mean, I have to go to my college every day because my choir is going to hold a concert in April so we have been doing the preparation since January. It's Maximilian Recital. We will present you the best choir concert ever, so do watch it in April, okay \(^o^)/ Also, as I've written before that I'm back to teaching again, but it doesn't take a lot of my time like it did last year because I'm not the head of Departement of Linguistic anymore so I could be a bit relax, hehe. 

Move to another completely unrelated news: Hey!Say!JUMP's Super Delicate cover has been out, and it looks gorgeous!! \(>o<)/

credit to jump-now@LJ

They will release a concert DVD too. Hey! Say! JUMP is really active, it's scary... 😂 And Happy Birthday to Yabu Kota-kun as the leader. LOL, sorry, I am late posting about this and I didn't make a special birthday post because I was lazy busy. FYI, I've watched Saikou no Jinsei no Owarikata with subtitles and it turns out to be one of the best dramas ever, so far. Hohoho... subtitles do matter! The drama is so deep and each story in each episode has a different and interesting plotline. I'm going to keep up with the drama!! 

Last but not least, I'm surrounded by awesome people. They make me want to be awesome too. Haha... I'll do my best! Jaa, gotta rush to Carrefour with my family now. Have a nice day!