Mungkin harus berhenti sejenak, hapuskan jenuh
Mungkin harus pergi sesaat, agar dicari
Mungkin harus menghilang seperempat abad, untuk merindu
Aku ingin menghilang saja. Berlari ke pantai, melepas penat, menikmati ombak, berteriak sesukanya.
Aku ingin menjauh saja. Mendaki gunung tertinggi, menantang langit, merenung dalam kesunyian tebing.
Kosong, seolah tiada rasa, seolah tak merasa, seolah tak dirasa, seperti tak ada.
Hilang, kemudian dicari, dipertanyakan, hingga akhirnya dilupakan.
Tak karuan, tak bisa dijelaskan apa ini rasanya, kehampaan yang tak ada ujungnya.
Sudahlah. Menghilang sajalah. Pergi sajalah. Bersama angin, tanpa bekas, tanpa jejak.
Jika kau merindu, tanpa peta, tanpa petunjuk, tanpa arah pun, akan bisa kau temukan.
Tanda-tanda yang kutinggalkan, tak tampak mata, namun dapat dirasa jiwa.
Karena jika kita satu rasa, akan kau temukan, dimana aku bersinggah
*Sorry for the nonsense poetry (not even sure if I could call it a poetry, haha!
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Sunday, November 25, 2012
Happy Birthday, Dear!
Today is your special day! Today is the same day as your born day 21 years ago. I should thank my friends for help me made pranks on you tonight. I should thank your parents for having had you to the world and raised you until you become an awesome, bright man. And above of all, I should thank Allah for the fate He has written for us, the fact that we met and drawn to each other. :)
I only asked our friends to make a little prank for you but I forgot that we're in PSM where all crazy people love to make improvisation hahaha. You ended up being tied on the street lamp and poured by dirty water. It was a bit difficult to release your tie, but when you got released, you started to chase down us and tried to 'share' your dirty water. Hmm.... how nice!
Hopefully, this one birthday could be one that you will treasure in the future. May all your dreams come true, may Allah always be with you. Let's continue improving ourselves to be better people from now onwards. Happy birthday! 愛してる
birthday post
Saturday, November 17, 2012
Forgiving is the Key for Happiness
Life's lessons: Forgiving and apologizing is the key to happiness. People always make mistakes. Some people remember to apologize while others are too arrogant to do it, and even the are people who don't realize that they make mistakes (alias selalu merasa bener, haha!). What should we do? Our hearts have been hurt many times, but should we mad at them and keep complaining? It will only hurt us once again. Of course, not everyone understands how to treat us or how to act with us, but it's not a bad thing to try to understand them. Why don't we have a big heart and just forgive their faults even though they don't ask for it? Apologizing doesn't make your dignity nor your pride fell. It makes you become the biggest person with bigger heart than others.
The word sorry is so simple to say, but it takes courage and generosity to say in wholeheartedly. Well, although it may be hard to apologize sincerely, but at least we've tried to apologize. Let God heal our pain and may our hearts be filled with serenity after we do it.
At the end of the day, I'm the one who should thank my friends for the lessons they give to me each and every day. Alhamdulillah.
Positive Mind
Friday, November 16, 2012
The Things that Can't be Said, Write it...
When I try to show what I truly want and feel without saying anything, of course, no one will understand. The thing is... I'm also the kind of person who always feels hesitant and keeps everything to myself. In the end, I ended up hurting myself because I can't do anything about it. It becomes difficult to trust others, even those who are closest to me... I can't give them my 100% trust or faith in them because I feared disappointment and rejection. It's not even their fault. The fault is in me because I'm the one who decided to not tell them what I feel or think. And the fault is in me because I'm the one who decides everything in my life.
Maybe that's what life is, we can't expect it will go the way we always want it to be, and it's impossible for everyone to understand what we really feel. In the end, we can only trust ourselves, being indendent, strengthen ourselves, and stop depending on others.
So, why do I write this? I don't know, maybe to help me release some bad energy and to feel relieve because I can put this feeling into writing. Thank you for reading ❤
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Lagu Renungan
Assalamualaikum. Wr. Wb.
Song by Erros Djarot dan Doddy Sukasah
Performance by Paragita UI Choir
Dikesunyian ku merenung
Duduk bersimpuh
Berkawan malam
Terpejam mata tanpa bersuara
Menghayati getaran jiwa
Tiada kata yang terucap
Saat sinarMu datang menyapa
Betapa kecil diriku ini
Dibatas bayangMu
Datanglah sepanjang hari
Jangan lepas lagi
Dekap diri ini dalam pelukanMu
Puji syukur padaMu Tuhan
Hanya padaMu kuberlindung
Suka dan duka tiada berbeda
Saat bersamaMu
Bimbinglah selalu diriku ini
Di jalanMu Tuhan...
Wassalamualaikum. Wr. Wb.
Song by Erros Djarot dan Doddy Sukasah
Performance by Paragita UI Choir
Dikesunyian ku merenung
Duduk bersimpuh
Berkawan malam
Terpejam mata tanpa bersuara
Menghayati getaran jiwa
Tiada kata yang terucap
Saat sinarMu datang menyapa
Betapa kecil diriku ini
Dibatas bayangMu
Datanglah sepanjang hari
Jangan lepas lagi
Dekap diri ini dalam pelukanMu
Puji syukur padaMu Tuhan
Hanya padaMu kuberlindung
Suka dan duka tiada berbeda
Saat bersamaMu
Bimbinglah selalu diriku ini
Di jalanMu Tuhan...
Wassalamualaikum. Wr. Wb.
Artist - Others
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Happy Graduation Day, Mas Inu
Alhamdulillah, today, my big brother, Abdurrachman Wisnu Mahardi has finally graduated from Padjajaran University, Bandung!
Congratulation, Mas Inu!
The Unpad Graduation Ceremony was held in Patiukur, Bandung. It felt nice to visit Bandung again. The city has become one of my favorites, definitely one of the most memorable places ever :') By the way, I always love the Graduation Ceremony. Flowers and roses everywhere. I might look like this, but I love roses. They're actually my favorite flower. Rose has a really nice scent, and I also love its pattern. Luckily, Mas Inu got quite a number of flowers from his friends, hehehe.
What's this? Some kind of flashmob or something?
Suddenly 'That's What Makes You
Beautiful' by One Direction was played and these fresh graduate students started to make some circles and danced together in the same rhyme and movement. They remind me of High School Musical, hahaha!
So, here he is, the fresh graduate man. May all the best and greatest always go with you. You will be facing the real world now. I wish you the best of luck in everything you do. Fight more! Learn more! And Earn more!! The road ahead may look hard, but as long as you keep going forward, you will find what you look for. Have a great future ahead, brother! :)
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