On February 4, 2023, I watched Jeff Satur's solo concert, Live on Saturn, in Jakarta, which marks the first-ever solo tour he ever held. It was probably the best thing that ever happened to me this year (yes, I know the year has just only begun, but I know that it's the best thing that ever happened to me this year! 😂)
the view from my seat
Short introduction about Jeff Satur: he's a singer, music producer, composer, and actor from Thailand. He's got one of the most beautiful voices I have ever heard, so it didn't take long for me to become a fan once I saw his song cover on YouTube and watched him sing in his drama series. And the songs he wrote and produced are all so good too. If you're interested to know, some of my songs recommendations from him are Comedy, Stranger, Fade, Moment, Loop, Why Don't You Stay, Hide... (ok, I need to stop myself right here, or else I'll write his whole music discography 🙈)
Btw, it was thanks to my friend, Iqbal, who made it possible to watch this concert. I was broke, and the ticket started being sold on December 22, and I didn't have enough money to purchase it, but my friend who happened to work in this concert and ticketing business offered me a possible way to purchase it through him, so I will be forever grateful. Thank you, bro! ❤
It's been 11 years since my first and last proper concert, the Westlife concert I wrote about in this blog, too, so I was kinda clueless about what kind of look would be proper for a concert. I thought I went overboard with my makeup, but everyone wore so many amazing outfits and makeup when I got to the concert venue (Balai Sarbini). They truly dressed up to express themselves in the best way possible for this concert, and it's a such amazing sight to see. I was genuinely surprised and amazed by the effort from everyone.
I also met my Twitter friend whom I know from Saturdayss fandom (Jeff Satur's fandom name), and maybe it's because we've been talking for months on Twitter about Jeff and many other stuffs, so it doesn't feel awkward at all when we first met 😆
The whole concert experience was amazing. I've been watching Jeff's live performance on other people's fancams or videos, and I know this man is one high-quality musician who gives nothing but the best performance someone could give. It was the reason I started becoming his fan because I saw how fun and amazing he always is when he's performing on stage, so being able to experience it in real life was a truly one-of-a-kind experience. Despite his busy schedule, he sounds like he's in the best shape that night. His vocal sounds amazing, his band sounds amazing too, and he performed 20 songs that night, and not even a single song ever missed anything. He also performed a classic Indonesian song, "1000 Tahun Lamanya" which he's been singing since around 2019 when he used to do a live cover on his social media, and his pronunciation is amazing too. Also, the way he performed this song with his little dance is so cute, I always love how he does it whenever he sings. It's like watching a music personification in one man and that is Jeff Satur for me 😣
It always amazes me how much effort he's willing to give to appreciate every place he visits for a tour/concert. He's been on tour with his drama series team since last year, and he always makes sure to perform one classic/famous song from each country, which I find so amazing because it means he always has to memorize the lyrics in different languages and also learned its melody, and he never performed all of those songs half-heartedly too. From watching him in that one year since I discovered him, I know he's an artist who gives his all in performing, and that's why I knew that this concert would be totally worth it. So glad that I was right about that 😄
I didn't take many fancams tho, because my cellphone camera isn't really in a quality to take good fancams, so I just decided to enjoy the whole thing without using my cellphone too much. There are other fans who recorded good fancams already anyway 😁
Another thing that makes this concert memorable is how intimate it feels. Balai Sarbini made it possible for fans from every section to get a good look at Jeff, and Jeff always tried his best to look at every section and interact with the audience. His small talk, jokes, and motivational speech are mixed so amazingly, which makes it never boring to watch him even when he's not singing. He makes everything enjoyable and intimate with us. No wonder the fans can't move on even after two weeks after this concert is over 😭
Actually, there are so sooo many moments I would like to share, but I think I would end up writing the whole concert minutes instead, lol, so let's just keep those in my memories. Another unique thing new to me is getting all these freebies that fans made and shared for free in the venue. I didn't get a lot because I didn't come early, so most of the freebies already ran out, but I still got a few. It's amazing that there are fans who put so much effort into making all these to share with each other for free. Apparently, sharing freebies like this has been common in Thailand and K-Pop concerts, but this is something that I experienced for the first time at my big age, so it feels amazing 😁
This concert feels magical to me. I thought I would hate the crowded place because I went to watch this alone. My introverted self was anxious about being in a place with many people. But it turns out to be one of the best days ever. I initiated many small talks and conversations with fans in the concert venues, something I thought I was too scared to do. And the whole concert experience made me feel that maybe life is worth fighting for if it means I will experience this concert again in the future. Maybe it wouldn't hurt to aim to live a bit longer if it means I will experience the joy of being in this kind of concert again. Honestly, I've been having suicidal thoughts more than necessary this year. I even marked a year and a date and prayed to God to end my life at that time because I didn't dare to do it myself. I have been in such an awful state of mind since last year. But when I experienced this concert, the joy I felt lasted for days and even weeks until today. I still have very vivid memories of that day and how much I enjoyed it. It makes me feel like I found a new reason to live and to try again. If this kind of expensive event can give me such amazing happiness that could last for days and weeks, I think I wouldn't mind working harder and living longer so I will experience it again one day. This may sound exaggerated on my part, but this is what I really feel. Of course, I wouldn't go overboard or be depressed if I couldn't experience it again in the future because we can't expect what's gonna happen. But right now, in this very moment, maybe what I really need is that small hope, that small goal to aim for this momentary happiness, so I won't lose to my dark thoughts and sadness. Maybe for now, that's all that matters, a newfound will that will keep us going.
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