Tuesday, August 17, 2010

I Really Miss My 'Zonk' Family

I just wanna explode my feeling.


It's been almost a week I haven't meet them again. I miss every single zonk thing that we've ever done. And I've been spending the night remembering the good old times with them (what a waste of time, yea I know)

- I miss Tari's cleverness 
And she uses her clever brain to do absurd things which always makes me laugh, like... doing banana dance, and the way she said 'I'm cooler than you.'

- I miss Maya's cheek and her funny laughter 
I want to pinch her cheek as much as I want in a day. I miss the way she always laughs at something that... actually not funny 😅

- I miss Mia's beauty class
I miss the way she explains to us how to keep our face healthy. The way she rolled her eyes when we did weird things is fun too.

- I miss Tyas's random curhat
She always tells me about her problems, from the simplest thing until the hardest ones. We really do have a lot of things in common after all

- I Miss Bunda Dewi's gentleness
I miss the way she told me some weird jokes and the way she treated us like we're really her children 

- I miss Mami Fitri's poker face
I miss her cool attitude and the way she called me 'Chacha Maricha hey hey' and how naturally good her voice sounds when she sings

- I miss Gadis's wisdom
I miss her wise words and her voice. And how she always comes up with brilliant ideas when it's needed

- I miss Helda's late laughter 
She always late to laugh at the jokes that we made and that's utterly funny 

- I miss Nindy's shyness
I miss her awkwardness and how she tried to say what's on her mind to us

I miss Aroma, I miss Mabit, I miss Zonk seniors : Kak Hendry, Kak Usman, Kak Jaka, Kak Khodija, Kak Farce, Kak Fatimah, Kak Risa... and other zonk teachers which I can't mention one by one.

I miss Mabit!!!

Okay.. enough. I guess you get the point. I'm desperately missing every single one of you guys.
Can we meet again and have some random Jdrama marathon?

Friday, August 13, 2010

We Are Young... So What?

Most of the young people nowadays always say, "We are young, we are teenagers. We don't do the right things. We will do the right things when we get older. Now, all we wanna do is have fun. It's our freedom. It's our world..."

My question is.... Are you sure you will still be alive tomorrow? Wait, tomorrow is too long. Are you sure you will still be alive TONIGHT? Nggak ada yang tau umur manusia. Kapan kita mati. Hanya karena kita merasa masih muda, bukan berarti kita merasa santai aja melakukan kesalahan terus-menerus. Yeah, making mistakes is part of our lives... but what we're talking about in here are people who are making mistakes over and over and over again and never try to fix themselves.

Intinya, banyak orang yang menunda-nunda melakukan kebaikan karena merasa, mereka masih punya waktu yang panjang untuk hidup. Padahal nggak seorang pun dari kita yang tau kapan kematian akan menjemput. It's okay to enjoy your life in your own way, but keep it in the good way. Wouldn't it feel much better to be able to do great things and beneficial for others while we're young and have our full energy?

Have a nice day!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Mulutku Harimauku

I learned something today... When I'm in a really bad mood, I can stay quiet longer than people thought. Act like I'm cool and only give a fake smile to people.

But, once I open my social media such as Twitter or Plurk... Disanalah gue akan jadi sangat-sangat jujur dalam mengungkapkan isi hati. Baru saja terjadi lagi hari ini. Gue yang sedang dilanda resah dan gelisah karena masalah berjibun jadi lepas kendali and I was like blaming it to everybody. I'M  PATHETIC!

Bukan satu atau dua orang saja yang mungkin hari ini sudah tersinggung dengan komentar dan status sembarangan gue di social media... Haha maaf. This is me, bocah labil yang nggak bisa menahan emosi.

Marah karena rencana yang mungkin akan gagal dan gue menyalahkan orang-orang disekitar dengan egois tanpa memikirkan kepentingan mereka... What a loser you are, Andria!

Dan karena sikap jelek banget yang seperti itu, banyak yang merasa nggak enak, merasa bersalah, dan meminta maaf sama gue. Oh, come on guys. It wasn't your fault. It was me 😞 And yes... Gue baru menyadari hal itu disaat gue selesai melakukan semua kesalahan itu. What a Jerk! 

Well, at least I've found out how to handle these problems. 


Jadi, mulai waktu selanjutnya, kalau saya badmood lagi... sebaiknya saya buang HP jauh-jauh. Semoga bisa deh. Amin.

Maaf atas jari yang nggak bisa jaga sikap ini T_T