Friday, February 15, 2019

Stop Sharing

Apparently, knowing that you have always been considered as a burden by someone you love is really hurt. But then again, there is no one to be blamed except me for being a burden. And lately, even when I shared my anxieties and sorrows, it will become a burden too.

I wanted to be heard. I wanted someone to comfort me when I shared those sufferings, but what I got is a warning not to be weak and insecure. Sufferings, after all, should be kept to ourselves, right? No one should be burdened by our problems because they have enough on their own.

So, I don't want to be a burden. I don't want to cause sadness and sorrow. And if by keeping all my problems and anxieties to myself will make the world around me happier, then it's okay for me to let all these thrashes get rotten alone inside of me.

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Thank You, AIPA

Alhamdulillah, three months passed, and I was able to finish my internship at AIPA Secretariat. The earlier days were very shocking to me. I was just getting out from months of hibernation at home, I hadn't socialized with people for a long time. But at the same time, despite the difficulties, I was able to learn new things and skills.

While doing an internship at AIPA, I also learned a lot about myself and my weaknesses. I probably have aware of them but somehow always push them to the very end of my mind, 'cause they are all negative. I mean, just my usual thoughts on a daily basis already negative enough for me to handle. I realized that as I grow older, it's getting really really difficult to get to know new people. I didn't mean to do it, but somehow the wall between me and them is really hard to break for myself. I tried so hard to remind myself every time: join the conversation, make some compliments, laugh at their jokes, don't get busy with your own thought.

But the thing is... once there are more than 3 people in the circle, my mouth will automatically shut, especially when they're the hardcore extroverts who really love to talk. If everyone is already talking, then I don't feel the need to talk at all. Maybe because we haven't built a relationship that's close enough for me to be comfortable talking to them. But even just as a bystander, I still somehow enjoyed the time I had at AIPA, doing research, writing, and learn to create graphic design.

I always bring my own lunch because I don't have money to buy food. The only person whom I can comfortably talk with is Bu Nyoman, a 40+ years old mother who easily laughs and sat beside my desk. She is so cheerful and loves to tell the story about her daughter. Apparently, she finds me a really good listener for her because I actually caught all the details she told me. Bu Nyoman also always notice that I never went outside for lunch, so she started bringing me some snacks and foods every day. She is truly a mother. I was a little bit lonely today because she couldn't come to the office, but that's okay. She lives at Ciputat where almost all my friends lived so I will have a chance to visit her in the future.

The other thing that I learned is to properly greet everyone and say "Good Morning" and properly say "See you tomorrow...". Let me be honest with you. I always thought those greetings only happen in a movie. There was a time when I also try to look cheerful all the time because we had some party. Everyone was laughing and comfortably joking with each other and me trying to be a normal person, it would be rude if all I show is a dead face. So, I tried to laugh at some jokes. I'm not trying to fake myself, I just try my best to be polite. I ended up exhausted so much that I needed to go to the kitchen to have some alone time. Then, I decided to wash the dishes just so I can have an excuse to get out of the situation. It is really difficult to fit in, to join the crowd... So the fault is in me because I couldn't make myself comfortable around new people. So if I ended up didn't leave an impression, I couldn't blame anyone. The problem is within myself and I find it really hard to change that.

But there are moments that I genuinely enjoyed too. When some of my colleagues took me to karaoke, just a few numbers of people, and I was truly grateful.

Somebody told me that if you don't get anything valuables, you're beyond stupid if you choose to stay. I find it quite alright with just building a new relationship with new people and getting knowledge. And by making new friends, which I hardly ever done, is a form of blessing, isn't it? So no matter how exhausting it is for me to try to fit in (and failed miserably), no matter how exhausted I was, I'm still truly grateful for the time I had at AIPA. I was finally able to start something and properly finish it and leave the place properly, saying goodbye properly. It is a big step at least for myself because I usually just decided to disappear and never say proper greeting or goodbye. So for all those things I learned, I thanked AIPA for that.