Monday, December 30, 2013

Meski Kita Tak Kenal, Merasa Kehilangan

Begitu ajaib bagaimana semesta menghubungkan orang satu dengan orang lainnya, dan menciptakan perasaan sayang dari hati kepada sosok satu dengan lainnya. Seperti yang gue rasakan untuk penyanyi Nasyid itu, Kang Deden... Gue bukan penggemar berat, hanya dua lagu yang gue tahu dari Band Nasyid Edcoustic:

1. Sebiru Hari Ini
2. Aku Ingin Mencintai-Mu

Yang istimewa bukan hubungan gue dengan mereka. Yang istimewa adalah yang menghubungkan gue dengan mereka. Adalah Mabit Nurul Fikri yang mengenalkan gue dengan dua lagu ini, lagu yang kemudian menjadi pengingat akan ukhuwah yang gue miliki bersama Mabiters saat itu dan bagaimana perjuangan yang kami lalui bersama, serta perpisahan yang siap menunggu kami di depan mata. Lagu yang mengingatkan gue untuk selalu kembali kepada Allah setiap kali gue kehilangan arah. Betapa besar makna lagu-lagu tersebut dan cerita di baliknya bagi gue sehingga gue dengarkan berkali-kali. Lalu, tiba-tiba gue dengar kabar bahwa si pelantun lagu itu baru saja berpulang. Entah bagaimana, ada kehilangan dan kesedihan dalam diri gue. Padahal gue nggak kenal Kang Deden, si vokalis itu. Gue juga nggak ngefans seperti layaknya gadis-gadis pada idolanya. Gue hanya senang mendengarkan dua lagu yang dinyanyikannya karena cerita di baliknya. Tapi, rasa sedih itu entah kenapa tetap ada. Aneh sekali bukan, semesta ini seolah ingin mengajak semua orang mengingat bahwa salah satu sosok yang mulia itu telah kembali pulang, dan kami harus berdoa untuknya. Seolah semesta mengajak kami menangis bersama-sama, meski kami tidak kenal, tapi kehilangan itu ada entah bagaimana caranya.

Semoga Kang Deden ditempatkan di sisi terbaik Allah SWT. Suara merdu nan menyejukkan hati itu akan terus menemani kami semua sambil menunggu gilirannya pulang. Bukan hanya sekedar nyanyian, tapi juga bentuk dakwah. Nyanyia beliau menyentuh hati banyak orang. Selamat jalan, Kang Deden.

Jangan lupa mengirimkan Al-Fatihah untuk Beliau

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

I'll Blame Me

I'm afraid that 'mine' is too strong
I've been in this place and I always know 
I'm such a terrible lover
Because I'll love completely, wholeheartedly
Isn't that too much to take?
Wouldn't it become a burden when it's too strong for you?
And that strong feeling hurts me too much too
Because it makes me fragile for every simple reason
I worried too much, I expect too much, and I will miss too much?
Wouldn't that be too much for you to take too?
Can anyone teach me how to control feelings?
Because mine is overflowing and I don't know how to stop it
Not that I want to stop loving
I'm just afraid that too much feeling will hurt my precious one
Tell me how to soothe this burning emotion

In the end, if I ever get hurt
It's not you whom I would blame
It's me and my own stupidity
It's me who let myself burned in my own fire
It's me who let myself falling without a parachute
It's me who let myself consumed by that strong feeling
If I ever get hurt, it would be nobody's fault but me

PS: I drank too much coffee and my mind started exaggerating things. Before I realized it, I've written these on my cell phone. So, note this in your mind whoever read it: It's just fictional writing. I repeat, FICTIONAL WRITING! This means it's not what I'm really feeling since I wrote it when I was feeling sleepy and hungry and my mind just went super random 😛

Sunday, December 22, 2013

The Reason to Keep Going

Right now, everyone around my age/semester/year in college is busy starting their final undergraduate thesis. Whereas I'm still here, having the time of my own, still busy doing choir and Mabit stuff. Some people asked me, have I ever get bored doing the same things for these past few years? The answer is NO, I never get bored. The choir is the reason why I'm still coming to college, while Mabit is the thing that keeps me from dropping myself out of college because it reminds me of how much I struggled to get into university. Everyone is so eager to graduate from college while I'm here all alone, having my own dilemma. I'm in my 7th semester. Mom keeps saying that I should graduate next year, but the thing is... I don't know what am I doing. I've tried to find reasons to continue studying the thing I never really interested in, but as time passed, I keep getting this feeling that what I'm doing is useless. I can't find any reason besides my Mom's order to go to college, get a diploma, and graduate soon, so society will accept me. 

Well... Lucky them who actually get the chance to study the things they really want and love. A moment of silence for someone like me who needs more extra reasons and courage to keep coming to college. I should be grateful, shouldn't I? And I am grateful, with my friends and organization, but not with my studies. But no matter what happens, I can't stop now, I'll try to graduate, not as soon as my Mom expects me to be, but soon. My brother said that I should enjoy college while it lasts, either its classes or organization, so when I'm finally leaving, I can look back with no regrets. If I can't like what I'm studying, at least I can love what I'm doing while I'm here, and produce something. So, good luck to you who are struggling with your final thesis. Wish me luck too! :")

Anyway... I don't need to graduate to wear those awesome graduation uniforms, lol. I already tasted the feeling of wearing it. It felt hot actually, but it does make you look cooler haha.

Saturday, December 21, 2013



Something is blooming inside me and no one can stop me from feeling this happy

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Selamat Hari Kelahiran, Para Pejuang Tangguh!

Dua tahun lalu, tepatnya pada tanggal ini, kami semua berkumpul di Aula Student Center UIN Jakarta, hari pertama Training Paduan Suara PSM UIN Jakarta. Pertama kalinya diperkenalkan bahwa nama angkatan kami adalah Maximilian yang berarti Pejuang yang Tangguh! Kemudian, satu persatu dipanggil dan diberi nama baru, nama PSM: Nama yang aneh dan unik dimana semuanya diambil dari judul lagu atau istilah musik. Saat itu, nggak ada rasa peduli sedikitpun terhadap orang di sekeliling, nggak pernah terpikirkan sedikitpun bahwa nama Maximilian akan menjadi begitu berarti, nggak menduga sama sekali bahwa separuh jiwa akan menyatu dengannya...

Dua tahun sudah sejak itu, dan nggak ada satu haripun yang gue lewati bersama mereka tanpa meninggalkan kesan yang mendalam hingga sekarang, meskipun itu hanya tawa untuk imajinasi liar (kita lebih sering ngomongin khayalan absurd daripada gosipin tokoh tertentu!), ataupun melakukan projek-projek besar yang tidak pernah kita duga akan mampu kita lalui. Gue bersyukur terlahir di angkatan Maximilian. Alhamdulillah, dua tahun kebersamaan ini merupakan salah satu momen paling berharga yang pernah gue alami. Terimakasih ya Allah atas anugerah persahabatan yang Engkau berikan untuk kami. Semoga Engkau pertemukan kami di Surga-Mu. Aaaamin.

A little flashback :')

Happy 2nd Anniversary, My Precious Maximilian 💗

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Kuliah Kerja Nyata

KKN is one of the greatest chapters in my life that I would cherish the most. I never expected that I would have such a deep bond with certain people from that place. How would I know? I wasn't really excited about KKN back then, barely came to the group meeting, I wanted to stay home so badly instead of spending 30 days in another faraway village. Anyway, people changed. Experience also changes my perspective and opinion about KKN. Now if anyone ever asked me about KKN, I would tell them to take it and enjoy it. You would create great memories as well 💗

So, whom did you think had a special bond with me? KKN Ganks? Hmm... no. They're nice and awesome, but what I mean here are the kids from Belimbing Village. And when I said special, I really mean it. Let's get to know them 😁

1. TINO 
He's in 5th grade and he has Liver disease, but unexpectedly he's super hyperactive. He has great energy and he loves to tickle everyone around him. He never gets tired, he could chase me only to tickle me for like an hour and he wouldn't stop until he gets his target. Naughty... naughty boy 😆 This cheerful kid can get along with most people. He likes to pull pranks on others too, and he usually succeeds. He's also very smart, like one of the most lovable kids I have ever met. Tino loves playing chess, that explained why he's so smart 😁

Rico is supposed to be in 5th grade, but he's still remained in 2nd grade. As far as I know, he can only read the word "Ibu" and "Ayah". He can do a bit of math, he can do addition quite well, but he can't do subtraction or even multiplication. Rico can't be hurt nor get hurt because he has epilepsy. We can't surprise him too hard or he will faint literally. Rico is very courageous to learn something. He's has a little bit of autism; if you tell him something, he will do it right away. Like when I told him to come to my homestay at 7 am, he really comes. When I promised him something, he will remember it and he will keep asking me to complete my promise to him 😁

Stephen, such a cool name, tho all of his friends called him without the 'S', haha. Stephen is one of the most lovable kids too. He's naughtier than Tino. Stephen loves to pull pranks on others, and he's like a troublemaker, but in a cute way 😋 Stephen also has a deep bond with us, his home is really far from our homestay but he didn't hesitate to take a long road only to meet us and play with us. Isn't it the sweetest thing ever? And he loves animals so much. He would borrow my camera to hunt some animal pictures. That makes him even more adorable 💚

Angga (on the left) and Anggi (on the right), I usually called them Twins A. It's quite funny how I discovered them: At first, Anggi was absent because he was sick. I didn't know that Angga has a twin. After a week, I met Anggi who was running in the school hallway, but I called him Angga. Of course, he didn't answer. Then, one of their friends told me that it was Anggi who just ran past me, and Angga was inside the class. Can you imagine how I reacted when I found out that the adorable kid has another adorable twin? Like... double cuteness, LOL!! They're almost identical. But it's easy to differentiate them once you get used to them. Angga has a big mole on his neck while Anggi has a smaller one on his left cheek, and Anggi's face is a bit smaller. It's cute how they always wear exactly the same clothes when they visited my homestay, and they always have the same haircut. Unlike the other kids, Angga and Anggi are very shy. They refused to get closer to us in the first two weeks. It was a big surprise when they visited our homestay despite their faraway home. And they visited us every day, although all they did were only sitting, hiding their faces, and whenever we asked them something, both of them have the same answers: "Nggak tau.." or just look away, refused to answer. But they're still really cute. This post is longer than the others because they are, you know, double~ 💙💙

Ardi is in 4th grade. He was supposed to be in 5th grade, but he failed because he missed too many classes the previous year. It's sad because he's a brilliant kid, and much more mature than the others in character. He's the best kid I have ever met. He loves drawing and his drawing is fantastic. He knows that I adored him more than the other kids, but he didn't act spoiled at me while the other kids usually tried to get our attention. He would just sit a bit farther and draw something, he understands that I have to teach his friends. He's very sincere and calm. He takes good care of Rico, he keeps him accompanied and he always helps Rico doing his homework. Ardi always participated in our programs, and he did it wholeheartedly. Before I left, we made a promise that he would not absent from school anymore and he would reach the first rank in class. I have faith in him because he's actually brilliant, he's just so lazy last year, but he wanted to change. Isn't that sweet? 💗 Sadly, on the last day, I couldn't meet him for the last time because he was so determined to go to school despite the fact that it would be the last time he spends his time with me. I'm just so proud of him. Ah, no worries... two weeks after the farewell day, I met Ardi again because I visited the village again with my friends so we got to say our farewell properly for the last time. I will cherish the time he spends with us 💗

His full name is Bastian Saputra, and I'm the only one who called him Bastian. Bastian and Ardi is one packet for me, I love both of them the most. Bastian also loves drawing, although his drawing isn't as great as Ardi, he enjoys it. Bastian has a problem in reading, although he's already in 4th grade. He's slower in reading compared to others, that's why I focused him on learning how to read and whenever we're together, I would ask him to read any words that we found near us. Bastian is a cheerful kid, and he's already visited me in Jakarta once. He's also the one who calls me the most 😁 He loves playing more than studying, that's normal 😋 He and Ardi completed each other, and Ardi would always gladly help him. And both of them are my special sons 💗

I made a promise to them that I will visit once in a while. Hopefully, I could really make it ❤

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Allah Mengalikan Sedekah Papa 10x

I just had another super quality talk with my super Dad, and I felt the urge to write about it because the topic is really interesting (for me, at least). Tentang apa? Keajaiban sedekah. Berapa banyak cerita tentang keajaiban sedekah yang pernah kita dengar? Tak terhingga, tapi hal paling sederhana pun cukup untuk membuktikan kekuasaan Allah SWT.

Hari ini, gue mendapat kiriman uang dari PSM, hasil danus Vietnam, yang tidak gue sangka-sangka karena kompetisinya sudah berlalu lama dan gue kira beasiswa dari Kampus merupakan puncak dari rejeki Vietnam ini. Ternyata... Allah masih belum berhenti menurunkan hujan rejekinya (dan insya Allah, tak akan pernah berhenti). Seperti biasa, uang itu gue bagi untuk orangtua. Meski tidak seberapa, langsung saat itu Papa mulai bercerita, 

"Baru tadi sore Papa iseng memberi uang pada ibu-ibu tukang sapu jalanan, cuma Rp5000, tapi malamnya Allah sudah memberikan gantinya. Beberapa hari yang lalu, Papa juga iseng memberikan uang Rp20.000 kepada Bapak tua yang kakinya luka, tertidur di jalanan dengan anaknya. Lalu malam harinya, tiba-tiba Allah mengembalikan uang Papa lagi. Hanya dalam hitungan jam, keajaiban sedekah itu terjadi. Dan entah kenapa, jumlahnya selalu 10 kali lebih banyak... Sesederhana keinginan untuk memberi, semudah itu pula Allah memberikan gantinya..."

Itu hanya salah satu dari sekian banyak kisah keajaiban sedekah yang Papa berikan kepada gue. Salah satu yang menarik lagi, 

"Waktu itu Papa pernah batal memasukkan uang amal Rp5000 ke Masjid karena mau memberikannya ke De Nanda. Papa pikir sama aja, tapi ternyata sampai sore nggak ketemu-ketemu. Lalu, sorenya, Papa ditilang polisi sebesar Rp50.000. Bukannya kesal, tapi Papa langsung introspeksi diri, ingat kalau tadi batal memasukkan uang ke Mesjid. Subhanallah..."

Papa selalu bilang, sedekah nggak perlu nunggu bertemu anak yatim-piatu, orang cacat di jalan, atau pengemis. Memberikan uang kepada Pemulung atau Tukang Sapu Jalanan juga sedekah karena mereka juga fakir yang bekerja untuk hidupnya. Ketika ada kesempatan, jangan pikir panjang tentang untung-rugi, langsung saja berikan. Lama-lama akan jadi kebiasaan.... dan tanpa perlu mengharapkan apa-apa, Allah pada akhirnya akan membalas kita, meski kita merasa tak perlulah juga tak apa, kita ikhlas, namun Allah memberi hadiah atas keikhlasan kita karena Dia sesungguhnya yang bisa melihat jelas apakah kita tulus atau tidak. Jangan berpikir kita ingin memberi tanpa mengharapkan sesuatu dari Allah, Allah bisa menilai siapa yang sungguh ikhlas tanpa kita harus berpikir rumit tentangnya, dan meski kita menolak, Allah akan tetap memberikan reward-nya kepada Hambanya. Syukurilah...

Semoga bermanfaat.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

One of My Dreams...

One of my absurd dreams is having a duet partner who actually knows how to sing a duet... if you know what I mean. Haha... somehow, I've been wanting to have a duet partner since I listened to duet songs when I was a kid. I think it's wonderful when two voices are mixed and harmonized beautifully. That's why when I'm listening to a duet song, I would learn the 2nd chords and notes as well, and master it, simply because I wished I would find someone later to sing it with me, LOL. What a random dream. It would be amazing if our voices and hearts are intertwined 😋

One of my Favorite Duet Moments and Couples~

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Have a Wonderful Ied, Everyone

Well, nothing much happened in this year's Ramadhan. I don't go to my parent's hometown like I always did in previous years. My family spent this Idul Fitri in Jakarta. I think as I grown up, I'm getting more and more careless about myself. For example, this brand new Ied clothes, I didn't buy it myself. Everything has been chosen by my mother, from shoes, hijab, clothes, and everything, I don't really care about them. What I know is I will wear what my Mom has prepared for me, either it's new or old ones, haha. No wonder if I wore such girly outfits on Ied day, which I don't regret because my Mom bought it for me without asking me, and I'm not complaining. I'm just wondering, is it bad if I don't pay attention anymore to those kinds of things? On the bright side, I'm not into fashion because if I were to be a fashionista-girl, I won't be able to satisfy myself since the price of those clothes is quite expensive. All I care about is collecting as many books and DVDs to make me happy. But as a girl and a woman, most people said that I should care more about my look. Oh well.. is this a dilemma or just a random rant? LOL... Anyway, Happy Ied everyone!

Monday, July 29, 2013

It's not too late to say "Happy Fasting!"

Ramadhan 2013 almost reach its end. Luckily, this Ramadhan happens at the same time as my college holiday. After putting my whole self into PSM activity like no end from January to July, I'm finally taking a little rest from it. Not only because I'm in my 7th semester of college now, but I have KKN to take care of. I should pull myself away from the organization that I love. I barely come to college and spending my days home, helping with household works and stuff.

Also, Ramadhan means... a lot of Iftaar invitations, from old friends to the recent ones (haha, I didn't even make new friends this year, so anti-social), but unlike previous years, I only accepted few Iftaar invitations from my most precious people.

1. Iftaar with Maximilian

It was fun, even the friend whom I haven't met for a long time showed up. I came late though. We wrote letters to give to each other. We're probably arrogant to say this, but Maximilian is the best generation that ever exists!! 😝

2. Iftaar with childhood friends

We only meet at least once a year. Ever since we graduated from Junior High, we went to different schools, but we're still trying to always keep in touch with each other. They are the kind of friends whom I don't feel awkward with even though we haven't talked for a long time. We ordered one plate of mix toast bread with green tea and vanilla ice cream as its topping and the five of us ate it together. We wouldn't be able to finish it if we ordered one for each person. Sadly, Ema and Mara, couldn't join us this time.

Just like what Kushina Uzumaki said, "You don't need a lot of friends. Just a few, the ones you can really trust, are enough." 

Jaa, happy fasting. 

Friday, July 19, 2013

Itazura na Kiss - Love in Tokyo (Jdrama)

Another adaptation from a phenomenal manga is here: Itazura na Kiss - Love in Tokyo. This is the 4th live-action that I watched, from Japan, Korea, Taiwan, even Indonesia. Now, Japan has come with its new version of ItaKiss with brand new actors. I personally think this is the best version of all. Now, without further ado, let's jump to the story!

The Story
The epic story is started with the love confession from Kotoko Aihara (Miki Honoka) to Naoki Irie (Yuki Furukawa). She's got rejected immediately. After three years of secretly crushing on this guy, Kotoko's first love flipped by just like that. Kotoko learned Naoki's true character: behind the intelligence and his charming face, Naoki is nothing but an annoying, cold-hearted, arrogant person. Kotoko regrets that she wasted her high school life crushing on someone like Naoki. From this onwards, unexpected fate and incidents start to happen in Kotoko's life. All of sudden, Kotoko's new house got hit by a meteor/shooting star (LOL seriously... 😂) and crushed it down. Kotoko and her father must find a new place to stay.  The family who offered help to The Aihara happened to be The Irie family. Apparently, Shigeo Aihara, Kotoko's father, and Shigeki Irie, Naoki's father were best friends. Kotoko and her father start living in Irie's house until they find a new home. Kotoko couldn't help but felt a little excited because she still likes Naoki after all, but Naoki made it clear to her that he hates stupid women. 

They Make Each Other a Better Person
Naoki who never faced any challenges or hardships found Kotoko as her first trial who ruined his peaceful life. He never gets so many troubles as much as when he is with Kotoko. Naoki started becoming more human and shows emotions and feelings. Naoki was annoyed with this change, but at the same time, he felt a weird excitement that he never felt before. After helping Kotoko studied and see how hardworking she is, Naoki's perspective about her changed little by little, although he never showed it, he has faith that Kotoko will be able to reach her goal because of her perseverance. Kotoko, who's always been living so carefree and has no goal other than getting Naoki's love, has also started thinking about her dreams and do something for her life. Although she is not as smart as other people and her cooking skill sucks, she learned to be better at studying and as the time passed, she is more responsible for things which entrusted to her. Even her cooking skills improved. They are completing each other.

The Growing Relationship
Although it seemed like the relationship between Kotoko and Naoki has gotten better, there's always something that makes Naoki back to his annoying behavior. But he has gotten more protective about her in the way that Kotoko doesn't understand because Kotoko is quite slow at understanding things, she's still thinking that nothing has changed between her and Naoki although compared to their first meeting, Naoki sure doesn't think of Kotoko as a nuisance anymore and has become a very important person to Naoki.

Naoki learns to appreciate Kotoko more
I like how Naoki, little by little, changes to be a better and nicer person because of his encounter with Kotoko. They come to understand each other and Naoki learned about the meaning of hard work. Although he thought of Kotoko as a nuisance at first, he starts to appreciate her more.

Naoki started to feel strange emotions, he gets angry with Kotoko's friendship with Kinnosuke Ikezawa (Yuki Yamada), Kotoko's best friend who has a crush on Kotoko. Naoki may seem cool and careless about everyone else, but he didn't realize he felt a strong rivalry with Kinnosuke, although he always underestimates him because he is from class F. Naoki always makes sure that Kotoko will never fall for anyone else but him.

Naoki believes in Kotoko's capability
Naoki always being rude to Kotoko and hates her so much to the point that he didn't want to walk with her at the beginning of the story. He always underestimates her, but as they started living together, Naoki realized that Kotoko has strong perseverance to reach her goal and since then he knows he can push Kotoko beyond her limit to help her reach what she wants. He knows Kotoko will never give up.

Naoki is becoming more gentle towards Kotoko
You can see that Naoki's behavior towards Kotoko has changed as time passed. He in the past wouldn't even care about her, but as he develops feelings for Kotoko, he does not hesitate to show his feelings, although Kotoko is still clueless about that.

Mischievous Kiss to Fairy Tale Kiss
At the end of their high school days, Kotoko decided to give up on Naoki because Naoki made fun of her feelings in front of their classmates and insulted her friends. Naoki, furious with Kotoko's decision, suddenly kissed her only to make her unable to forget him easily. Naoki barely realized that he was actually jealous of Kotoko's intimate friendship with Kinnosuke, and being provoked by Kinnosuke's statement about who will steal Kotoko from him. That mischievous kiss was their first kiss. The second kiss took a very different scene and circumstances. Kotoko helped Naoki's brother when he got a sudden stomachache which threatened his life and brought him to the hospital. At that time, Naoki was busy working and didn't answer any calls. When he learned the situation, he realized he had caused troubles to Kotoko, but Kotoko still helps him anyway. Naoki then realized how important Kotoko for him, and kissed her when she was sleeping.

The Best ItaKiss Adaptation, and here's why:
1. Miki Honoka is perfect as Kotoko. She has this natural adorable gesture that is not annoying to look at, she can bring out the clumsiness and cuteness from Kotoko's character without exaggerating it. Kotoko's character looks young, lively, fun, and you fall in love with her as you watch her grow and more mature. She is not clinging on to Irie-kun all the time and even stands up for herself. Her life does not revolve around Irie-kun, unlike the other versions of Kotoko, this Kotoko is more independent. She isn't so stupid either and we can see her improving her cooking skill and studying.

2. Yuki Furukawa is Naoki Irie in real life
He is fluent in English and graduates from the same major as Naoki's first major in college, Yuki Furukawa is truly Naoki Irie in real life, although he's much nicer lol. In other adaptations, the one who portrayed his character is acting a bit exaggerated that somehow they lost the unique and typical character of Irie-kun who is supposed to be cool, introverted, and ignorant with the things around him. This version stays faithful to Irie's character until the end, only he becomes nicer towards people around him, but he doesn't change his poker face nor his introvert side.

3. The best Kin-chan
In this adaptation, Kinnosuke is not just comedy relief. He actually becomes Naoki's rival and true second lead character. He has very good chemistry with Kotoko and his feeling is not just a crush, it makes you want to support him somehow. We got to see the growth of his character and how he becomes a professional chef. We even get to see the best part of him like when he kept supporting Kotoko despite his own broken heart, and how he scolded Naoki who has been acting too ignorant towards people around him, including his family, and made Naoki learned the value of people who are precious to him. In terms of appearance and school grades based on the story, Kinnosuke may lose to Naoki (although in real life, both actors are actually so handsome!), but as a person, we get to see that he is a better human being compared to Naoki and somehow Naoki learned a lot from him.

4. The Iconic Things

- The morning coffee Kotoko made for Naoki.
It is stated in the manga that the only thing Kotoko's good at is making a coffee, and this becomes an iconic thing in this adaptation. Naoki always looks calm and satisfied, somehow surprised, when he drinks Kotoko's coffee. Whenever he drinks coffee made by Kotoko, it seems like he just drank the most delicious coffee in the world. It makes you wonder what kind of magic that Kotoko has put in it that makes Naoki seems to enjoy it so much. This coffee thing does not exist in other adaptations.
- The shooting star
This is the thing that hit Kotoko's house which results in her living together with Naoki's family. The probability of a house getting hit by a meteor is one in a million, and whenever Kotoko or Naoki sees a shooting star, they are reminded of their fateful meeting.
- Walking together with 3 meters distance
This is the first rule that Naoki gave to Kotoko when they began to live together. Since they have to go to school together, but Naoki didn't want to get close to Kotoko to avoid any stupid rumors, he told Kotoko that she can walk behind him at a 3-meter distance. Although it seemed annoying at first, they always do this whenever they're walking to school or college together, in every season and at different times.

I absolutely love the wedding scene too, and I highly recommend it to everyone. I hope you enjoy my review and this can be your reference in choosing good J-dramas. Love from the Itakiss family.

PS: All of the gifs were taken from Tumblr and Google. Feel free to message me if you want to be credited or want me to take it down. Jaa, sayonara :)

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

#VICC - Day 3 (21.06.13) - The Competition Day, Lampion City

Our 3rd day was started by early rehearsal in Hoi An Beach, and I got to capture this awesome sunrise scenery. This picture is chosen to be put in my College Photography Exhibition. Thank God... It was a coincidence to get this awesome silhouette 😆

Last Morning Rehearsal before the Competition. Our Squad!

The Competition
Since I've put our competition pictures story in my previous post, I will only put some pictures of other choirs.
The Choir from the U.S.A, they are the 1st champion of this event while we, PSM UIN Jakarta, are 2nd. They were simply amazing. Truly, the best choir I've ever heard so far 💗

This is The Voice Weavers, where most of the members are middle age. They got the silver medal, but their performance was interesting and they are all very nice to us :)

After the Competition: 
With my best friend, Rahma Putri~
yes, we won the gold diploma!!
After the announcement of all winners, everyone was gathered on stage and sang together. It's a Vietnamese song but we already learned it so we could sing it together. It was amazing and one of the most beautiful moments I've ever felt in my life

We made a circle after the announcement ended, to pray together and show our gratitude. It was beautiful and memorable. Everyone was crying of happiness 💗
with Children Choir from China :D

We still have Gala Dinner with all choirs at night, but before we get to Gala Dinner Place, we had the chance to have a little trip to Hoi An Ancient City. It was amazingly beautiful, they only use lampion to light up the whole city.

Another awesome moment was when our squad was tired after a long walk around Hoi An Ancient City, so we decided to take a break and sing some random choir songs on the street. Suddenly, a lot of people and tourists stopped and watched us. Finally, the Squad decided to have a little performance there. People were so excited to see us, it was great fun. We were dancing and singing along with the crowd, just like a musical 😆

After that not-so-short break, we continued to walk to Gala Dinner place and met these Vietnam Children Choirs. We got along with them really fast and together with them, we sang that Vietnamese song once again. Mostly those kids were singing while we only clap our hands, LOL.  And my friends taught them some ridiculous Bahasa words and slang such as, "Eeee... Aaa.... e e e e... aaa!!" Those kids were so excited and kept saying it along the road. LOL, you don't have to understand Indonesia to say those phenomenal Dahsyat chanting~ And these kids apparently like us a lot. They kept shouting "Indonesia - Vietnam!!" and played around with us 😁

Gala Dinner Place

It was said that after you float this candle in the lake while wishing for something, your wish will come true. Well, I didn't buy myth, but I float that candle without wishing anything LOL 

It was truly a night to remember. We had so much fun and happiness, it's like after 6 months of struggling together, the gold diploma and those wonderful vacations and experiences we didn't think we would get before suddenly paid off all of our sweat. God truly pays us for our hard work with something that's too good to be true. Alhamdulillah...