Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Sekai Ga Hitotsu ni Naru Made

A song from Ya-Ya-Yah. I've put the translation of the lyrics of this song before. At first, I just want to know Kota Yabu's voice when he was a kid with his ex junior group in Johnny, Ya-Ya-Yah, but I ended up in love with this song. Definitely one of the best songs I've ever heard. I just love the melody, the voice, the lyric, and their dance. My father even tried to play this song with guitar and he said, this is one of the hardest songs he ever heard because they use so many variations of cords and notes. The dance is like sign language for the Deaf. It's simply beautiful. I can listen to this song many times and never get bored with it. It's been 8 years already since this song was released but you still will hear this song in JE Artist concert (especially Hey!Say!JUMP's concert) because this is one of the best-phenomenal-memorable songs in JE. Oh, for those who watched Nintama Rantarou when you were kid, you probably will feel familiar with this song. This is the ending soundtrack of that phenomenal anime :)

Check out the lyric with English translation here
You can download the full version of this mp3 here  

Monday, May 23, 2011

Atashinchi No Danshi (Jdrama)

It's been a while since I watched dorama again (about two months lol) dan entah kenapa beberapa hari ini gue dihantui kembali oleh keinginan menonton dorama Jepang lagi. Dorama inilah salah satu yang gue pilih untuk memuaskan keinginan diri yang sudah tak terbendungkan. Drama ini dirilis tahun 2009 -iya, seperti biasa gue selalu ketinggalan- tapi seperti biasa, gue nggak peduli meski mungkin semua orang udah tau drama ini juga, gue akan tetap menulis reviewnya 😝 Setelah lama nggak nonton dorama Jepang, dorama ini mengembalikan lagi rasa kagum gue terhadap kisah-kisah dari negeri Sakura sana yang selalu super kreatif, penuh makna, dan nggak membosankan!! Okay, ayo kita mulai kisahnya~

Mineta Chisato
Chisato Mineta (Maki Horikita), gadis yang baru memasuki umurnya yang ke-20 tahun ini hidup menggelandang selama dua tahun. Nggak benar-benar menggelandang, sih, hanya saja Chisato harus menutupi identitas dirinya dengan menjadi pengemis agar dia terhindar dari penagih hutang. Ayahnya memiliki hutang 100 juta yen dan kabur, lalu membebani hutang itu kepadanya sehingga dialah yang dikejar-kejar oleh penagih hutang tersebut selama dua tahun. Suatu hari ia tertangkap dan terpojok oleh para penagih hutang. Chisato pun putus asa dan ingin bunuh diri, namun seorang pria tua gagah tiba-tiba datang menolongnya dan melunasi semua hutangnya.

Shinzo Okura (Masao Kusakari), pria yang sudah uzur ini adalah pembuat mainan terkenal. Perusahaannya bernama Miracle dan sangat besar di Jepang. Bapak ini tiba-tiba saja meminta Chisato jadi isterinya. Jelas aja Chisato menolak. Mana mungkin dia menikahi pria yang lebih cocok menjadi ayahnya. Plus, umurnya baru 20 tahun dan dia baru saja bertemu Shinzo, masa tau-tau ngajak nikah -__- Tapi, Shinzo mengancam meminta uang 100 juta yen dikembalikan padanya saat itu juga kalau Chisato menolak lamarannya. Shinzo pun menjelaskan bahwa ia hanya ingin Chisato menjadi isterinya selama sebulan karena sebulan lagi Shinzo bilang dia akan meninggal dunia. Shinzo hanya ingin memiliki seseorang yang ia bisa panggil isteri untuk menemaninya hingga akhir hayatnya sebulan lagi. Setelah itu, Chisato boleh pergi. Akhirnya Chisato setuju menikahi Shinzo karena ia tak punya pilihan. Lagipula, kan cuma sebulan.

Sebulan pernikahan, dan ternyata Shinzo-san benar-benar meninggal dunia. Chisato memang merasa kehilangan karena Shinzo adalah orang yang sangat baik, namun ia juga merasa lega karena bisa bebas. Tapi ternyata, ada surat kontrak lain yang mengikatnya. Shuji Tokita dan Kyoko Koganei, adviser perusahaan Miracle memberitahu bahwa Chisato harus tinggal di rumah keluarga besar Okura yang bernama Trick Heart selama tiga bulan bersama enam putra Shinzo dan berperan sebagai ibu mereka. Ya, Shinzo memiliki enam putra dan semuanya adalah anak adopsinya. Jika tidak mengikuti kontrak ini, Chisato harus mengembalikan uang 100 juta yen yang dipinjamkan Shinzo. Masalahnya, yang ditemuinya di rumah ajaib penuh jebakan dan mainan keluarga besar Okura itu adalah sekelompok pria yang seumuran dengannya, dan bahkan ada yang lebih tua darinya. Mana mungkin dia bisa menjadi ibu bagi mereka semua?

Okura's sons
1. Fuu Okura (Jun Kaname) 
Anak Pertama. 30 tahun (bayangin aja, masa ibunya 20 tahun, LOL). Pria dewasa yang lebih suka hidup di luar rumah keluarga Okura. Playboy dengan pacar lebih dari 20 orang. Fuu juga seorang pelukis handal. Meski kakak pertama, Fuu sama sekali nggak peduli dengan adik-adiknya dan malah lebih suka merusak kedamaian yang ada. 

2. Takeru Okura (Yoshinori Okada)
Anak kedua. 27 tahun. Diantara keenam bersaudara, wajahnya yang paling tidak terlalu tampan wkwk. Takeru adalah anggota geng motor yang nggak punya sopan santun. Sikapnya nggak dewasa sama sekali dan paling berisik. But he's unexpectedly has a great heart. Takeru sangat menentang bullying, dan dia amat sangat peduli dengan keadaan saudara-saudaranya.

3. Sho Okura (Osamu Mukai)
Anak ketiga. 25 tahun. Sho bekerja di club sebagai host di malam hari dan bekerja sebagai sales pada siang harinya. Sho sama seperti Fuu, tinggal diluar rumah keluarga Okura, meski dia sering mengunjungi rumah besar itu juga. Sho mungkin terlihat seperti pemuda bebas, tapi ternyata dia sudah punya anak laki-laki berumur lima tahun, Riki.

4. Masaru Okura (Yusuke Yamamoto)
Anak keempat. 22 tahun. Seorang model terkenal yang dipuja banyak gadis, tapi sayangnya, Masaru malah phobia terhadap perempuan. Dia nggak akan tahan berada dekat perempuan dalam jarak satu meter. Banyak yang mengira dia tidak suka perempuan, meski sebenarnya ia punya alasan kenapa ia takut pada perempuan.

5. Satoru Okura (Koji Seto)
Anak kelima. 17 tahun. Satoru adalah mantan pesulap terkenal handal, namun karena beberapa hal, ia berhenti menjadi pesulap dan memutuskan untuk mengurung dirinya selamanya di kamarnya di rumah keluarga Okura. Sudah setahun ia tidak keluar kamar sama sekali dan hanya berbicara lewat kamera TV pada orang-orang di rumahnya.

6. Akira Okura (Tomoki Okayama)
Anak keenam. 12 tahun. Ya, dia memang yang paling muda, tapi otaknya brilian banget. Di umur segini, Akira sudah bermain-main saham. Sifatnya juga dewasa (atau mungkin dia membuatnya terlihat dewasa karena dia dikelilingi kakak-kakak yang jauh lebih tua darinya). Akira sering bersikap dingin dan tak acuh pada siapa saja.

Keenam pria itu tidak akur karena mereka merasa tidak ada hubungan darah satu sama lain. Tapi, mereka menjadi kompak saat Chisato datang. Mereka secara kompak menolak Chisato sebagai ibu mereka dan berusaha membuat gadis imut ini keluar dari rumah keluarga Okura. Kekompakan mereka yang lainnya adalah, keenam anak keluarga Okura ini membenci Shinzo, ayah angkat mereka, karena alasan masing-masing. Tak hanya itu, hutang Chisato baru dianggap lunas kalau dalam waktu tiga bulan ini, dia bisa membuat keenam anak ini bersatu dan akur seperti saudara yang sesungguhnya. Dan yang utama, membuat keenam anak ini mengakuinya sebagai ibu.

Nah, bagaimana cara membuat mereka bersatu kalau dua anak laki-lakinya ada yang tinggal di luar rumah dan menolak untuk kembali, salah seorang anak menolak untuk keluar dari kamarnya selamanya, satu anak lagi tak mau dekat-dekat dengannya melebihi jarak satu meter, dan dua anak lagi 'membencinya' dan berusaha membuatnya keluar dari rumah.

Sho and Chisato...

Terdengar rumit memang ceritanya, tapi drama ini super menghibur. Dari episode 1 sampai 11, gue nggak merasa bosan. Konfliknya yang rumit dibalut dalam gaya komedi yang absurd banget. Tentu aja nggak mudah membuat keenam anak laki-laki itu mempercayainya. Mereka menganggap Chisato hanya mengincar uang saja dan Chisato berkali-kali mau kabur dan menyerah dari tugas itu karena sikap anak-anak Okura yang super menyebalkan. Kita dihanyutkan oleh penggambaran tentang proses menjadi keluarga yang seru. Detik sebelumnya kita ketawa ngakak, lalu detik setelahnya kita dibuat menangis. Kita diajak melihat perubahan sifat masing-masing karakter dan bagaimana mereka pelan-pelan mulai mempercayai Chisato.

Chisato dan keenam 'anaknya' pelan-pelan mengenali sosok Shinzo yang sebenarnya, dan nanti akan terungkap kenapa mereka bertujuh harus dipaksa ke dalam keadaan semacam ini. Banyak kisah-kisah tak terduga yang muncul di setiap episode dan membuat gue menarik napas karena terpana, seperti saat Satoru dan Takeru yang belakangan malah naksir 'ibu' mereka karena diselamatkan dari ketakutan mereka yang terbesar, sikap Fuu yang paling nggak mau menerima keberadaan Chisato, dan yang paling menarik adalah, kisah cinta samar-samar antara Chisato dan Sho.

Ya, karena ini drama mengenai keluarga, kisah cinta mereka nggak dinomorsatukan, tapi ditunjukkan kalau memang ada sesuatu di antara mereka. Dan itupun baru muncul di episode yang gue nggak duga, haha. Drama Jepang memang memaksa kita memperhatikan dengan seksama dan menebak-nebak makna dari setiap adegan dan gambar, that's why I really love it. Masih banyak kejutan-kejutan dalam drama ini, tapi nggak seru kalau gue buka terlalu banyak kan, so you should watch it yourself. Pokoknya, dorama ini recommended banget. Kita diajarkan arti dari sebuah keluarga, dan yang terpenting, persaudaraan, meski kita nggak diikat dengan darah, hubungan itu bisa terjadi. Dan seperti nama perusahaan mainan milik keluarga Okura, drama ini menceritakan banyak keajaiban ❤

We are family... forever~

Saturday, May 21, 2011

tagged-facts about myself

Well, I've been tagged by Audcline and since I'm bored and have nothing to do, I'll follow this game, then hahaha

1. Each tagged person must post ten things about themselves.
2. You have to choose and tag ten people.
3. Go to their blogs and tell them you tagged them.
4. No tag backs.
5. Have fun.

10 things about me:
1. I'm a Muslim, and I'm proud [this is a Facebook fanpage's title, hahaha] :)
2. I don't like sweets. I do eat them sometimes but I can't eat them too much. I'd prefer junk food and salty foods [That's why I never succeeded with my diet]
3. I'm the second child in my family, the only girl [besides my mom] I have one older brother and one little brother. They're quite cool :)
4. I like Japanese music and dorama.
5. I've known about Hey!Say!JUMP for years, but I started to become a fan of them for these past 6 months because of Yuya Takaki. They are currently my favorite artists. Can't stop browsing anything about them >.<
6. I love Disney and Disney stars such as Miley Cyrus, Demi Lovato, and Jonas Brothers. Don't you think that Disney is kind of like Johnny Jimusho? 
7. I'm an Introvert and a Taurus ^^
8. I like being alone and not feeling lonely as long as I have my internet with me.
9. It takes a long time for me to get along with new people, but once I become close with them, I can show the real real me in front of them :]
10. I don't really read fanfictions. I still try to understand it. I'm not used to imagining my fave artists in some situations LOL.

That's all. Haha there are so many facts about myself but I'm too lazy to write it down, and the rules saying that I just have to put ten facts. Btw, who the hell will care with these? Hahaha oh well, it's quite good to kill the time.

I tagged:
1. Gadis
2. Tari
3. Debby
4. Nadya
5. Kartika

I just put random names of my friends who have a blog and usually read my blog (I don't mean to be narcist, they're the one who says they read my blog :P), and actually, I'm not sure they will do this 'tagged-facts about myself' thing wkwk.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Super Quality Time with Debby Amanda

Kyou wa tsukareta desune...?

Well, those are the only Japanese words I can remember from the book I read. Hahaha... Today is really tiring, isn't it? But today probably one of the best days I've ever had. That's because I spent it with my closest cousin, Debby Amanda. I miss her so much because we haven't met for a long time and finally today, WE MET and had quality time together 😆

I really want to treasure each moment I have today. Okay, I'll tell you about our little fun miserable journey ^^ We promised to meet up at Empang Tiga at 11.30 am, but I fell asleep until 12.30 am. My phone was all silent so I didn't hear any ring from it. Debby was calling me about 16 times! She was waiting for me for about an hour, hahaha, sorry, girl! I was exhausted from the Stase program at Cibubur yesterday. Your patience is proof that you are better than a boyfriend, haha!

From Empang Tiga, we decided to go to TIM (Taman Ismail Marzuki) because Debby wants to see the information about some music events (I forgot what exact event it is), then we chilled around at Teater Kesenian Jakarta and took some pictures. We were so tacky because none of any visitors of that place take pictures and actually, that theater is not a tour location I guess? But we couldn't help the temptation. That place looks really cool, plus, we thought we have to capture and treasure every moment we have... Here are two pictures from my camera~

From TIM, we decided to go to the Grand Indonesia Mall. Well, the problem was, neither I nor Debby knew what transportation we should take from TIM to GI. Fyi, both of us are home-girls. We always spend most of our time at home, so although we've been living in Jakarta for years, we still don't have any clue about the road, haha. And yes, we got lost together. We tried asking some random people we met on the road about the route to go to GI, and we got some help, but we still got lost, hahaha, bakayarou! But that was fun, you know, because we were together so we thought it was a very fun miserable journey :))

we finally reach the center of the city~

Well, we could reach Grand Indonesia in the end, after a long journey, haha. You know that GI is one of the coolest malls in Jakarta and one of the biggest too. We were excitedly walked to that big building. There are so many awesome art creations and artifacts in GI. We went straight to Gramedia and yes, we spent so many hours at that bookstore. Debby was reading some articles about Korea, and I read some articles about Japan. 

Debby with one of awesome art creations in GI~

We got hungry and decided to look for cheap foods outside GI because we didn't bring too much money today and we couldn't drop at any restaurant in GI because the price is really expensive. We ended up had a little dinner at Seven Eleven near the mall. We bought this little food called "sushi" (Debby who named it like that) because it looks like sushi. It's just not as good as the real sushi and pretty cheap. The taste is quite delicious, I think, probably because I was starving so every food would taste good for me. 

Debby couldn't stay too long outside at night so we decided to go home at 07.30 pm. We took Transjakarta to went home. And our journey has finally reached its end. I really had a good time. I miss you already, sister. Let's go to some fun places again next time. Take care 😆

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Nothing Much

Hey guys...

I'm so tired. It supposed to be a day off today but my friends called me to work on our college assignment. Btw, today is one of my friend's birthday. Happy birthday, Mella. May all the best go with you. Stay happy ^^

Yesterday, I bought the next series of Diary of a Wimpy Kid, The Last Straw. I love this book. I suggest you guys read it too. It will help you learn English in a fun way. It's quite easy to understand and very funny. So far, I've collected two books of the series:

The author made this book a diary of a wimpy kid. This is a diary of Greg Heffley, a middle school student who thinks that he is the most perfect human being on earth. He writes down all of his thoughts and point of view about his life in this book in a funny way. Gergory Heffley receives a diary from his mother, which he refers to as a journal, and in it records his years of middle school and so on. Somehow, reading this book will encourage me to write more on this blog. I don't care if nobody read my blog though, because I write in here for my own sake and it feels good when you recall all of your memories from the past through your writing/diary/journal.

On a very different note, tomorrow I will have a sleepover with Mabiters 2011, Aroma, and Rombeng (akhwat) at Cibubur. It's my turn to accompany these girls this week. The good news is, Mia and Tyas will accompany me. And probably, Maya will go along with us too. Yaaay... I'm so excited. We feel so nostalgic because last year, we did the same thing as what these mabiters doing now: living in a strange place with your friends only for about 2 weeks. It was a great time, though. ^^

Okay, now news about my beloved boys, Hey!Say!JUMP
Hikaru Yaotome will be staring in a new drama titled You Are Beautiful, a remake of K-Drama. I'm so looking forward to it. Finally, JUMP members are back to acting again... Yaaay~ I've heard the clear version of Over song, Hey!Say!JUMP's new single. I'm not being biased, but the song is really awesome. I can't wait for the PV!! And Screw song which is Hey!Say!BEST's new song in the new single is also very good. The song itself is written by Kota Yabu (again!!). He really needs to make his own album which filled with his own songs, but I want him to stay with JUMP though ^^

Okay, that's all. Catch you later~

Monday, May 16, 2011

Sekai ga Hitotsu ni Naru Made - Ya-Ya-Yah (Lyric and Translation)

Mabushii hizashi ga kimi no namae wo yobu 
The dazzling sun calls out your name
Onnaji kimochi de sora ga mieru yo
We can look at the sky with the same feelings
Tsurai toki hitori kiri de namida wo koraenaide
When things are tough, don't let your tears fall all alone

Sekai ga hitotsu ni naru made
Until the world becomes one
Zutto te wo tsunaide iyou
We will always be holding hands
Atatakai hohoemi de mou sugu
Because soon our warm smiles
Yume ga hontou ni naru kara
Will make dreams come true


Hajimete deatta ano hi ano basho kara
From that day, that place we first met
Ironna mirai ga aruki hajimeta
We started walking to various futures
Naze minna kono shikyuu ni umarete kita no darou
I wonder why we were all born on this earth?

Sekai ga hitotsu ni naru made
Until the world becomes one
Zutto te wo tsunaide iyou
We will always be holding hands
Omoide no mabushisa ni makenai 
Don't lose to the dazzle of memories
Totemo suteki na yume ga aru
We have a very wonderful dream

Sekai ga hitotsu ni naru made
Until the world becomes one
Zutto te wo tsunaide iyou
We will always be holding hands
Atatakai hohoemi de mou sugu
Because soon our warm smiles
Yume ga hontou ni naru kara
Will make dreams come true

Sekai ga hitotsu ni naru made
Until the world becomes one
Zutto te wo tsunaide iyou
We will always be holding hands
Omoide no mabushisa ni makenai
Don't lose to the dazzle of memories
Totemo suteki na yume ga aru
We have a very wonderful dream

Sekai ga hitotsu ni naru made
Until the world becomes one
Zutto te wo tsunaide iyou
We will always be holding hands
Tokimeki wa takara mono itsudemo 
Our heartbeats will always be treasures
Ai ga ashita wo mamoru kara
Love will save tomorrow

Love will save tomorrow
Love will save tomorrow

Ai ga ashita wo mamoru kara
Love will save tomorrow

PS: This is probably one of the best Japanese song I ever heard. I miss Yabu and Hikaru with Ya-Ya-Yah. Their voices in this song was very beautiful. :')

My Everything - Yabu Kota (Lyric and Translation)

Singer: Kota Yabu

there is no clear version for this song, but this is the best mp3 rip that I can found while surfing on internet. Sorry, don't know where to credit it. Inform me if you think this is yours.
download Yabu Kota's engrish :3

Matataku Hoshi ga hitomi wo tojite 
Times when the twinkling stars close their eyes
Kaze ga yukuesura miushinau toki ga kite mo
And I lose sight of where the wind goes, come
Kawaranu omoi, You are the one
This unchanging feeling, you are the one
Itsu no hi mo kimi wo aishiteru
No matter when, I will love you

In my heart, kono mune no naka shizuka ni
In my heart, in my heart somewhere silently
Demo tashika ni kimi no sonzai ga
But definately your existence is there
Itsuka nani yori mo taisetsu na mono ni natte ta
Since a time, you became more important than anything else
Can you listen to my heart?

Want you to know
I really wanna say to you
That you are the only one
Kimi ga subete You are My everything
You are my everything, You are my everything
Eien ni mirai mo koko kara ugokidasu no sa
From here, our unending future starts to move too
Until the end of time, everything

Wow, nukumori wo dakishime atte iru
Wow, we will embrace the warmth to gentleness
Yasashisa ni ude wo mawasu
We will turn our arms
Soshite, sasayaki wa shidai ni kasanari
And then, our whispers will bring us together again
Futari wa hitotsu ni naru
The two of us will become one

Want you to know
I really wanna say to you
That you are the only one
Kimi ga subete You are My everything
You are my everything, You are my everything
Eien ni mirai mo koko kara ugokidasu  no sa
From here, our unending future starts to move too
Until the end of time, everything

Hanasanai yo You are my everything
I won't let go, you are my everything
And (you) have to know
You gotta listen to my heart
I can be the one for you
Until the end of time, my everything...

PS: I LOVE YABU KOTA-SAN SO MUCH. His voice in this song is very very beautiful till makes me cry. :')

Otanjoubi Omedeto, Tyasharas!

Otanjoubi Omedetou~
The one whom people claim as my twin
The big fan of Arashi
The one who claimed herself as Sakurai Sho's

My Taurus partner
May all the best go with you
Don't be like me because... that's sucks (Ryan Higa said)
You're one year younger than me but you are more mature
Stay like that, because if you stay immature like me, you'll get nowhere

Traktiran adalah kewajiban!

come to think of it, we do look a bit similar~

Thursday, May 12, 2011

I should treasure this one birthday

Hey guys...

Yes, it's my birthday. I'm now 19. I'm not feeling that excited actually. Well, I know I probably look like someone who always very excited about birthday, and yes, I am. I will be very excited about my friend's birthday, but honestly, I'm not that excited about my own birthday, hahaha. Oh, I just found out that my birthday is in the same date as NEWS's debut anniversary. How cool, isn't it? B-)

Today went fine. It's a rainy day actually and I thank God for that. I like rain and I think the rain that pour down from the sky today is His present for me, hehehe. Oh, and one of my college's friend has the same birthday as me. Happy birthday to you, Cho Prakoso. And why were you sticking around me all the time at college earlier? Hahaha :P

Thank you to all of you who say happy birthday to me through facebook, twitter, text messages, bbm, phone, etc. Really appreciate it. And thanks for all the wishes too. Btw, this is the last year I will be in teens's age. Next year I'm going to be 20. You don't know how sad I am because of that. That's why I think I need to treasure this one birthday. 19. Time flies... I want to go back to elementary school, middle school, highschool, if only I can.

By the way, Ema, Kiki, Tika, and Vina came to my house tonight. They brought me a birthday cake. I really didn't expect that. Thank you very much, guys. Ever since elementary school until now, you are still one of best people I ever know. And the cake is very delicious too. Thank You very much guys. 

Fyi, Hey!Say!JUMP's new single preorder has been opened (it's opened in my birthday too, another awesome coincidence B-)) Just FYI, because I myself is not going to preorder it. Not because I don't want to. It's just the price is too expensive for a poor college-student like me. Trust me, I really want to preorder but my pocket is totally empty. I just read the information again and I can't believe that everyone already pre-order it. the one with lowest price (which still very expensive for me) has been sold out for Limited Edition CD and Regular Edition CD. Sugoiii....... Go go go Hey!Say!JUMP.!JUMP HIGHER! Sorry I can't buy your CD. What kind of fan I am?

And my mom told me that I can ask anything for my birthday present, and I asked her whether I can pre-order the regular edition of JUMP's new single, and she said I can. Yaaaay~ But don't worry, someday, maybe in two or three years later, I will go to Japan and watch your concert LIVE. AMEN!!

PS: It supposed to be a birthday post for myself. I planned to write something awesome about myself in this post but end up with another fangirling again. Hahaha... Sorry, I just can't help it. Well, once again, hontou ni arigatou minna-san for making this day isn't too boring. Dan Terimakasih, Ya Allah, sudah memberikanku kesempatan untuk merasakan umur 19 tahun. :)

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Birthday, Yama-chan !!

Yay, it's Yama-chan's birthday. Not yet in my country, but it's already your birthday in your hometown, Japan, so I decide to post this birthday post now :P The ace of Hey!Say!JUMP. The most popular member around the girls :P This boy has finally turn into 18. People around the world is celebrating your birthday by trying to trend #ichigoprince on twitter. AND WE DID IT. It becomes a trending topic on Indonesian twitter. We'll keep trying to make it worldwide trending topic. See, how much people love you? :D Why Ichigo? Of course because you love ichigo so much, right? In Hey!Say!JUMP's concert at Fukuoka two days ago, the audiences were also celebrating your birthday with you. I wish I was there too.

Hey, I heard you once complained about your height, hahaha. Don't worry Yama-chan, you still have so much times to grow. Now, you're even a bit taller than Daichan, right? Btw, is it just me or your face doesn't really change? Yes, your hairstyle has changed pretty often and you're getting bigger and bigger now, but that cute rascal expression in your face doesn't changed at all. Hahaha.... Well, I hope you're surrounded by happiness. I'm looking forward to your upcoming projects, dramas, songs, etc etc. Stay awesome, stay cute, stay adorable.... I love you :)

PS: Three days from now is my birthday. Yay, you and I are taurus partners, aren't we? :P

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Recommended Bloggers

Hi, guys... 

I suggest you read this entry and open every link I post here because you're gonna love their writing. I'm following many blogs, but there are some of these blogs which I think very awesome. Here are recommended bloggers you need to know: 

1. Mella Meida Yusuf 
"Ibu cintamu adalah samudra tak bertepi, kasih sayangmu adalah lautan hikmah terdalamku, nasihatmu adalah penyejuk dalam kegundahanku." 

This cute little girl is my college friend. The way she talks in real life is very Betawi, hahaha. Tulisannya indah banget, dan gue kaget saat pertama kali membaca gaya tulisannya. Gabungan Andrea Hirata, Habbiburrahman El Shirazy, dan sastrawan-sastrawan hebat lainnya. Kalau kalian membaca tulisannya, kalian nggak akan menyangka bahwa cewek ini adalah tukang latah dan suka mengkombinasikan bahasa Betawi dengan Sunda. Mella belum terlalu percaya diri untuk menulis banyak, tapi gue tahu bahwa di otaknya tersimpan begitu banyak ide luar biasa yang perlu dikeluarkan. Yes, she's a very awesome writer. ❤

2. Sumayyah Maulida Hamka
"Aku hanya ingin malam ini mengetuk pintu Tuhan, aku bahkan tak peduli, apakah Ia akan menjawab ketukan ku yang patah-patah ini, atau Ia akan menyahut hanya di dalam rumahnya saja...? 'ada apalagi mol? kenapa kamu begitu banyak meminta?'"

Maulida, Molly, Maya, call her whatever you want. This another cute little girl is my friend I knew from Mabit Nurul Fikri. Isi blognya adalah curahan hatinya, dan Molly sangat jujur dalam menuliskan pikirannya ke dalam tulisan. Gaya menulisnya sama persis dengan gaya bicaranya sehari-hari yang blak-blakkan dan penuh kiasan-kiasan lucu. Tapi, dalam tulisannya yang sangat jujur dan sederhana itu, Molly selalu menyisipkan ungkapan-ungkapan unik dan bagus yang membuat kegiatan yang sebenarnya biasa saja menjadi terdengar luar biasa. Itulah yang seringkali membuat gue berdecak kagum ❤

3. Zahrika Prastamia
"Ketika kita sudah berada di posisi yang sudah kita rencanakan, yang kita dapat malah nol besar. Kenapa bisa begitu? Karena kita tidak melakukan apa yang sudah kita rencanakan sampai mengkhayal setinggi langit. Alasannya sangat umum "TAKUT &RAGU-RAGU".

Another college friend of mine. Yes, you can tell once you read her writing that she's a very bright person. Dan sangat kritis terhadap banyak hal. Mia adalah sosok karakter yang tidak hanya membaca buku untuk iseng karena dari yang gue amati dari dia, Mia selalu menyerap bacaan-bacaanya. Blognya pun bukan berisi cerita kehidupan sehari-hari seperti kebanyakan orang, melainkan tulisan-tulisan berat tapi sederhana yang sangat recommended untuk dibaca, karena dia selalu berusaha mengangkat topik yang bisa dipelajari di setiap tulisannya, dan bukan sekedar tulisan iseng belaka ❤

4. Gadistya Novitri
Matematika tak bisa mengukur kita 
Satu tambah satu bukanlah dua 
Satu tambah satu menjadi satu 

This sweet girl is another friend of mine I knew from Mabit. Yes, she's a math teacher and also a medical college student at University of Indonesia, makanya kadang dia bisa mencampurkan ilmu matematika ke dalam tulisannya, haha. Gadis menulis banyak tentang kehidupan sehari-harinya di blog, dan dia termasuk apik dalam menceritakan kehidupan sehari-harinya. Blog biasa seperti kebanyakan orang, tapi gue merasa harus memasukkannya ke dalam daftar recommended bloggers karena dia selalu berhasil membuat gue kagum dengan gaya tulisannya selalu berubah-ubah dan unik ❤

5. Asriana Syarifa Septari
"Being a child means freedom. Yes, you can express anything you want straight-away, without being troubled by what people will judge about you. Anything. Because you never think of other people. You just want to become your very self, telling others how you feel. That's just utterly great, isn't it?"

Salah satu blog yang selalu gue baca setiap kali blogwalking adalah blog gadis ini, teman Mabit yang lain, Tari. Gue selalu merasa tulisannya menarik untuk dibaca meski seringkali ia hanya menuliskan kehidupan sehari-harinya saja. Mungkin karena Tari hampir selalu menggunakan bahasa Inggris di tulisannya. Gue sangat menyukai gaya bahasa Inggris-nya dan tulisannya membuat gue belajar kosokata baru, hehe. Tari selalu menemukan hal-hal sederhana yang bisa dipelajari dalam pengalaman sehari-harinya, yang kemudian akan dia tuliskan. Hal itu membuat gue berpikir bahwa kita bisa mempelajari hal sekecil apapun dalam hidup. Kita hanya perlu melatih diri dan pikiran kita untuk lebih peka terhadapnya. Btw, I kinda miss her old writing about japanese stuffs hahaha ❤

6. Muhammad Imandadi Alam
"Tidak sedikit orang berkata “aku tidak tau, ilmuku belum sampai kesitu” lalu tidak perduli dan menghilang di balik tirai ketidakingintahuan."

He is my cousin. He is pretty handsome, isn't he? Satu-satunya cowok yang blognya amat sangat gue rekomendasikan untuk dibaca, meski ada banyak blog cowok lain yang juga bagus, tapi blog kakak sepupu gue ini adalah salah satu blog favorit. Dia pengarang lagu dan dia adalah salah satu seniman yang gue kagumi. Gue selalu dibuat kagum, berdebar, dan berakhir dengan tarikan napas puas atas tulisan-tulisannya. Ia bercerita tentang hidupnya, tapi bukan kehidupan sehari-hari biasa. Mas Dadi menceritakan potongan-potongan hidupnya yang terlihat sederhana menjadi sebuah cerita pendek dengan gaya tulisan yang tidak biasa. Ada unsur sastra dan kombinasi kata yang seringkali membuat gue terpana saking apiknya ia menyusunnya, membuatnya menjadi sebuah cerpen yang tidak membosankan untuk dibaca di setiap paragrafnya. Dia punya bakat menjadi penulis sejati. :)

Nah, that's all. I hope you enjoy my writing and hopefully I can be as great as these people. Everyone is a writer of their own lives, indeed. But not everyone is gifted to create amazing scenario of their lives. But we can always keep trying to make it better and better while we still have time, right? So, I'll keep on trying :)

Friday, May 6, 2011

Hey!Say!JUMP to release new single

It's been announced that Hey!Say!JUMP will release their 7th single titled "Over" on June 29th. Besides Hey!Say!JUMP, the single includes two songs of subgroups Hey!Say!BEST and Hey!Say!7.

Rumors of a possible new Hey!Say!JUMP single, apparently announced during one of their recent concerts, have now officially been confirmed with an announcement on Johnny's Net. Their 7th single "Over" is planned for June 29th and includes the following songs:
- Over
- Ai-ing -Aishiteru-
- Screw (Hey!Say!BEST)
- You got more (Hey!Say!7)

Subgroups Hey! Say! BEST (Boys Excellent Select Team) and Hey! Say! 7 consists of the five oldest and five youngest members respectively.


My boys will release four new songs this year!! First, they finally have their own TV Show and there are two (Shounen Club and Yan Yan JUMP) and now they will release more than one new song in a year. I think it is not exaggerated to say that this year belongs to my beloved Hey!Say!JUMP !! Aaaah... I am so looking forward to the PV and PV making. I'm even thinking to save my money so I can pre-order it but if the price is too expensive.... let's just wait until someone post it in LJ so I can download it for free, hahaha. Well, sorry for this poor college student :P

I'm sure the songs are gonna be great just like JUMP's other songs. One month until the PV come out. Woohoooo~

Sunday, May 1, 2011

A Special Someone

I just finished reading one of my friend's blogs. Her blog is a present for her boyfriend. She made it and write in there like she's talking to her boyfriend. So sweet, and the blog's design itself is also very cute. I know she's really good at photoshop. I am somewhat jealous. I want to be able to use photoshop as well, hiks~

Anyway, her blog is filled with so many sweet writing from her to her boyfriend. She really loves her boyfriend and I think the relationship she has with her boyfriend is a mature one. I kind of envious. I want to fall in love too, hahaha. It's been a long time since I'm in love with someone. Watching my friend's relationship makes me want to have a special someone too. Someone who will take me as a special person for him too. Someone who wants to be with me not only now and later, but forever.

Well, I know someday I'll find you. I don't know what are you doing now or how we will meet? Or have we met already? I probably gonna find you tomorrow, next week, next year, or later? I hope it won't be too long for you and me to meet and fall in love. Until that day, let's prepare ourselves to be a better version of ourselves for each other. And when that day finally comes, let's create our own color of love together.