Monday, February 25, 2013

Kata-Kata Papa

Karena gue tidak ingin melupakan, atau terlupa akan berbagai pelajaran berharga yang pernah dikatakan Papa. Sosok lelaki yang akan selalu gue rindukan dalam ada dan tiadanya...

1. "Hidup di dunia jangan takut miskin, takut nggak punya uang, takut melulu. Bumi Allah luas untuk seluruh umatnya. Allah lah yang merawat kita sejak kita masih dalam kandungan hingga akhir hayat nanti. Kalau bukan karena rahmat Allah, kita tidak akan hidup dalam perut Ibu, kita tidak akan selamat berkendara di jalanan, kita tidak akan selamat dari berbagai racun dalam makanan. Segala hal di dunia ini dari yang sekecil atom hingga yang terbesar, dikendalikan dan dijaga oleh Allah. Jangan pernah takut kita akan terpuruk. Selama kita punya Allah dan beriman pada-Nya, ia takkan pernah meninggalkan kita."

2. "Sholat bukan hanya sekedar hapal bacaannya saja, tapi memahami artinya, dan memahami maknanya. Kalau kita sholat tanpa memahami artinya, bagaimana kita bisa khusyuk dan menumbuhkan kecintaan terhadap Allah? Sama halnya dengan membaca Al-Quran. Sekarang ini bukan tentang mengkhatamkan Al-Quran, tetapi mengkhatamkan arti bacaannya juga."

3. "Kalau sewaktu-waktu di jalan, kamu melihat sosok yang perlu ditolong seperti Bapak-Bapak atau Ibu-Ibu yang menarik gerobak yang terlihat berat, hentikan dulu perjalananmu. Ambil waktu untuk membantunya mendorong gerobak itu sampai dirasa telah melewati jalanan yang sulit. Jangan malu sama pandangan orang. Jangan gengsi, karena perbuatan-perbuatan yang kelihatannya itu sesungguhnya sangat mulia, karena kamu telah meringankan beban orang lain."

4. "Coba dibiasakan jangan sholat buru-buru. Misalnya, pasti ada saat dimana kita tidak khusyuk di beberapa bagian ayat dalam sholat. Coba diulangi membaca bagian itu dalam hati sambil memahami artinya dalam-dalam. Berhubungan dengan Allah pakai hati, salah satu wujudnya dengan sholat, jadi nikmatilah."

5. "Biasakanlah untuk tidak langsung bangun begitu selesai sholat. Ambil waktu untuk berdoa dan mengucap syukur pada Allah. Waktu yang paling berharga dalam berkomunikasi dengan Allah itu justru adalah setelah sholat."

6. "Baca Al-Ikhlas dalam hati saat kehilangan sesuatu, sambil terus mencarinya. Biasanya ampuh. Kalau Papa kehilangan sasuatu di rumah, Papa baca Al-Ikhlas dalam hati berkali-kali dan barang itu biasanya ditemukan dengan cepat, kadang ada di tempat yang di luar pikiran kita sama sekali, tapi Allah entah bagaimana menuntun kita ke tempat itu. Lapangkan hati dan serahkan pada Allah. Jika memang hak kita, akan kembali pada kita."

Wednesday, February 20, 2013


Hati ini begitu merindu
Namun tak lagi mampu meluapkan
Hanya bisa bersandar pada Tuhan
Dan meminta-Nya menyampaikan

Hey kamu
Apakah kamu juga merindu?
Masih mampu melihat senyum hangat itu saja
Aku merasa, cukuplah
Semoga ini yang terbaik

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

An Ending. A New Start.

"Do you still love him?"
I do.
"How much?"
Still as much as the first time I fell for him. Nothing's changed about my feelings to him.

"Why did you take the decision that will hurt both of you?"
We're no longer highschoolers or youngsters. It's not about the relationship anymore. It's more than just that. I want to set him free, set myself free.

"How much he means to you?"

Honestly, he's the first person whom I ever have a real relationship with. I felt the deepest feeling towards him, but we can't continue like this. At least, I can't. Honestly, I'm the type of person who needs affection and attention the most from someone I love, and I know he has more important things to do than just taking care of me. I don't want to be selfish and ask too much from him. I think the best way is to set him free.

"Don't you regret it? If you really love him, you should stick together with him no matter what.."
I thought I regret it at first, but it has happened. We both have made the decision. It may sounds cliche, but I believe that if we are meant to be together, we will eventually find each other. Allah has His own way for us. I will just believe in that.

"Do you have any last words or wish for him and the two of you after this story ends?"
Take care of yourself, take care of your health, eat regularly, have confidence in yourself because you are worth more than you ever thought, I'm sorry if I ever did you wrong, and thank you for everything you've done. I'll keep them in my heart. I wish we both will find each other in the end. And if we don't, I wish that both of us will end up with the right person. I wish we can laugh together in the future when we look back to our past. To the present.

And the story ends here. Thank you for everything. May Allah always be with you, and I'm sure He will. :')

Sunday, February 17, 2013

An Open Door?

It's been a while, hasn't it? Alhamdulillah, I think the word is not enough to show how grateful I am for Allah's mercies to me. For the ups and downs in life, I'm so grateful for it. Thanks to these superb, incredible folks who keep inspiring me to be a better, stronger, braver person. And to my parents, ever since I was a kid, they've been teaching me that the best are those who can be beneficial to others, and they showed me how to. I dare myself to break my own shell, get out from my comfort zone, take chances and challenges, gain experiences and lessons, and look how far I've come? I'm no longer that lazy kid who'd rather spend the day in her bed and doing nothing (though I still love it, haha!). 

Anyway, don't forget to purchase Media Indonesia today (17/3/13). There's my very first published feature about Choir, "Berpadu dalam Harmoni, Menorehkan Prestasi"... Is this an open door to become a real writer? My friend told me that I have to prepare myself to write another article. So, I will be publishing my writing (mostly feature I think) monthly in Media Indonesia. A dream comes true? 😁

Next target: Publishing my own book! Aaaamiiiin :')

Saturday, February 9, 2013

I'm dying to say it but I can't

I'm dying to say it, but I can't, because I'm afraid of hurting anybody's feelings. This is suck. I'm such a terrible person. Should I sacrifice myself and my feelings so I won't hurt anybody. Maybe that's the best way then since nobody can read the sign except myself, so of course no one will understand. Moreover you, who never understand anything. Should I keep my mouth shut though my heart feels like screaming?

"My heart is not in it anymore..."

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Just Let Me Be...

I know that this is only a dream. I know it very well. And I know that this is impossible, though impossible is nothing, the chance is one in a million. The probability for it to actually come true is almost zero, but don't stop me from daydreaming. Let me imagining things. Let me keep this nonsense thought in my mind. Let me enjoy my own world. Let me enjoy this solitude. Let me pretend as if everything will go as my wish though I know it won't. Because it feels good and I want to enjoy it while I can. While it's still there. Someday I will wake up. And this dream will be fade from my mind and my heart. Just like other dreams that had passed.

So, let me be a daydreamer, for someday I will wake up and realize that everything was just a dream. A really nice dream.

Friday, February 1, 2013

One Direction

Have you noticed my tweets recently? It's all about that awesome British boyband, One Direction! Yes, that boyband from the U.K whose British accent has caught the girls' heart around the world, hahaha. Okay, that's not the real point. Those 5 guys (Liam, Harry, Louis, Niall, and Zayn) started their career from X-Factor U.K. The first U.K. Boyband to hit number one chart on the U.S.A. The judges even said that these boys are the next generation of The Beatles. They probably exaggerated it a bit, though... hahaha~

I always love boyband. I love the way those different types of voices mixed together. It's not too late to declare to the world that I have officially become one of One Direction's fans, right? Since they only debuted for about 3 years, if I'm not mistaken, haha! Well, I'm always late when it comes to new music or hits. I happened to come across their music in a friend's blog. It was their song called "Little Things" which made me started to pay attention to them.

Zayn Malik and Harry Styles: Favorite!
When I heard Zayn's voice, it feels like I found a treasure (hyperbole!). And if you noticed Zayn's deep voice, you would notice Harry Styles's too. Especially in Little Things! It's impossible not to since Harry is like one of the lead singers. These two have the same type of voice: bass/baritone, couldn't really decide because they could hit high notes in perfect pitch. But I'm sure they're not tenor. Their vocal range is wideee~ *talks like a professional music observer 😜

Most of One Direction's songs and videos I clicked on YouTube suit me a lot. Little Things, More Than This, Irresistable, Live While We're Young, or Summer Love... Even all of their singles which mostly are upbeat songs are great and suit my ears. And you don't have to question their singing skills. They know how to sing and how to perform. Their voices harmonized perfectly when they sing together. I was satisfied when I checked their live stages and concerts: they're impressive. I'm going to keep my eyes on them :)

Btw, Happy 19th Birthday, Harry Styles! <3>