Saturday, September 29, 2012

Happy 20th, Fajrinf

Selamat ulang tahun, Parda, the soon-to-be cantora of Alto. The awesome female driver. You laugh easily and you have one of the greatest smiles ever (ehem, pasti melayang..., tapi gue serius lho, please jangan nangis karena terharu kalo baca, hehehe). Di umur dewasa ini akhirnya lo melakukan perubahan besar: Lo memutuskan untuk berjilbab permanen, sampai akhir hayat (amin!). Alhamdulillah... semoga istiqomah ya :') 

Oh iya, makasih lho karena sudah setia menjadi supir bagi para nebengers, semoga mobil lo bisa segera berubah jadi Alpard atau Bus AC sekalian biar bisa nyupirin semua anak PSM, hohoho... Becanda ya, Parda :3 Eh, ayo dong lo diet, jangan tiap malem ngajakin makan melulu, kalo motivasi diet yang lama udah ilang, cari motivasi diet yang baru aja #eeaaa 

Anyway, gue sebenarnya lagi-lagi gagal mencoba membuat tulisan yang agak meaningful dan touching gitu, malah jadi zonk begini. Gapapa ya, semoga semua harapan lo terkabul, termasuk harapan yang dulu pernah lo kasih tahu di mobil dalam perjalanan kita pulang, yang itu lho, yang kalau lo ulang tahun lo mau ...... (fill the blank) ...................... 

Satu tahap kita lalui lagi. Kita semakin mendekati akhir. Semoga kita bisa sama-sama memanfaatkan sisa hidup kita dengan berbagai hal yang bermanfaat, tapi jangan sampai kita terhanyut oleh dunia karena sebenarnya, dunia ini cuma sebesar sebuah kelingking di dalam samudera yang luas. Jangan pernah berhenti mengingatkan dan mengintrospeksi diri sendiri karena itu adalah proses menuju pendewasaan. Happy birthday, girl :)

Friday, September 28, 2012

Lessons from Losing Voice

Assalamualaikum. Wr. Wb.

Things start to get tough for these past few days and will continue for the next few months. Trapara 2012 will be started soon. Tough days are coming and one of its effects is I lost my voice now due to inflammation and exhaustion *sighs* I can't talk, I can't sing, I can't laugh, I can't scream, I can't swing (?) for undetermined time to recover it. Oh well.... I hated it at firts, but now I think I'm quite happy because I don't need to talk to others. Sometimes without I realize it, I laughed too much, talked too much, most of them are usually useless talk. By not being able to make any sound like now, I could learn not to use my mouth for any useless conversation, for example: gossiping. Nobody's perfect including me. But we can always try to be better person. What is a good person? Who is him? Well, these past few months, I've been learning deeply about Muhammad SAW, so he should be our example of a good person. As a Muslim, it is our obligation to follow his way of living. Of course we will never be able to be as humanely perfect as him, but we can always try to follow what he had taught. As a human, I realized that I've done a lot of mistakes and I still do even now, but by making Muhammad as my role model makes me be more careful when I talk or act in front others. It is not 'imaging' or pencitraan, I'm just trying to be a better person.

Wassalamualaikum. Wr. Wb.

Sunday, September 23, 2012


Assalamualaikum. Wr. Wb.

Things I really want to do before I die

1. Go to Makkah and Madinah to do ibadah haji with family 
2. Graduate from UIN
3. S2 any lesson I'm feel like learning, such as music, vocal, teacher, etc.
4. Mengelilingi bumi Indonesia yang luas dari ujung Sumatera sampai ujung Papua
5. Travelling to Japan
6. Travelling to Europe
7. Get married.
8. Publishing my own books
9. Arranging songs for my choir
10. Make my parents happy in any way I can 
11. Become volunteer teacher for Indonesia Mengajar project for a year.
12. Find the best meadows in other countries and spending the day lying on it <3>
13. Spending the afternoon under the Eiffel Tower with my future husband.
14. Naik balon udara >.<
15. Visit Neverland, Michael Jackson's house
16. Visit The Wizarding World of Harry Potter in Universal Studio Orlando
17. Become a good wife and mother
18. Riding a bicycle in random street in UK
19. Diving with my children
20. Buy a house and private car for parents and my own family
21. Building a mosque in village
22. Adopting orphans
23. Watch Hey!Say!JUMP Concert
24. Khatam Al-Quran for more than 10 times 
25. Wear syar'i hijab like Rasulullah's wifes, without the chadaar of course hehe.
26. Building my own school and library 

Nah, thanks Tari for introduced me this vocab. Hmm... I haven't thought more about things I really want to do beside those things. It would be great if those really come true, right? Hehehe... I'll try to pursue them and make them as my goals, in other words, I have to become successful and rich if I want to make them come true. Bismillahirrohmanirrohim...

Wassalamualaikum. Wr. Wb.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Quality Time with Brothers. Not Really...

Assalamualaikum. Wr. Wb.

Sedehananya, malam minggu ini dihabiskan keluarga gue di rumah Pakde Dar untuk bersilaturahmi, berhubung Mas Inu sedang pulang ke Jakarta dari study-nya di Bandung. Karena rumahnya dekat, kita naik dua motor kesana. Motor Shogun dipakai Papa dan Mama, sedangkan motor MX dipakai Mas Inu, gue, dan De Nanda. Setelah menghabiskan beberapa jam, gue, Mas Inu, dan De Nanda memutuskan untuk pulang duluan karena udah malam dan kedua saudara gue mau nonton Bola.

Di Perjalanan, gue nggak sadar kalau motor yang dikendarai kita itu semakin pelan, sampai akhirnya adik gue nyeletuk, "Lo bercanda aja sih, Mas..." hmmm.... ternyata Mas Inu memang sengaja membawa motornya sepelan keong karena iseng. Perjalanan pulang yang harusnya bisa ditempuh dalam lima menit malah jadi sepuluh menit lebih karena Mas Inu naik motornya lebih pelan dari kucing, dan memilih melewati gang-gang kecil yang agak merepotkan, sementara gue dan De Nanda protes sambil ketawa-tawa karena motornya benar-benar lambat, juga karena jalan-jalan yang sengaja dipilih Mas Inu untuk pulang. Alasannya sih, "Gue udah lama nggak lewat jalan ini.." Zzz....

Akhirnya kita sampai rumah juga, masih sambil ketawa karena perjalanan keong yang baru dialami. Sebenarnya ini mungkin biasa aja kedengarannya, tapi jarang banget untuk kita bertiga memiliki quality time like this karena Mas Inu di Jatinangor selama kuliah dan cuma pulang pas liburan, gue yang menghabiskan sebagian besar waktu dengan seabrek kegiatan kampus, dan De Nanda yang sibuk main kesana-sini, so I feel the need to cherish that silly moment. Hahahaha.... 

Wassalamualaikum. Wr. Wb.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

It's your turn to be 20, Rahma Putri!

Hello there, sweet pal 

One who has prettiest smile ever

One who loves purple so much and still becomes a loyal fan of Vidi Aldiano 

The very first person to become my friend in highschool's first entrance ceremony

You're officially an adult based on your brand new age now

I wish you nothing but the best of all

Jangan sedih karena kita meninggalkan umur belasan, Put. Bersyukurlah karena kita diberi kesempatan merasakan umur dewasa. Semoga bisa memanfaatkan sisa waktu di dunia dengan baik namun tidak terhanyut dalam keindahannya, ya. Amin. Btw, sebenarnya gue cukup kagum sama lo karena sejak SMA hingga kuliah sekarang, lo selalu menempuh perjalanan jauh untuk mencapai sekolah. Sekitar satu jam lebih perjalanan lo demi mencari ilmu, menaiki angkutan umum yang suka nggak jelas di jalanan ibu kota yang juga nggak jelas, hehehe. Tetap berjuang, stay down to earth, tapi please jangan keseringan ketawa nggak jelas, kasihan yang ngerti keanehan lo cuma gue doang, hahaha. :P

Gue niatnya mau membuat birthday post ini agak mengharu-biru dengan tulisan indah ala persahabatan gitu, tapi kenapa malah jadi begini? Haha nggak apa-apa yaa... yang penting ada effort-nya meskipun agak failed, muahaha. Once again, happy birthday Putri! Jangan mentang-mentang udah dua puluh tahun terus lo jadi mau nyoba dugem ya, selamanya muka lo nggak akan cocok dengan dunia seperti itu soalnya, terlalu polos, hahaha. Lagipula, ada banyak hal lebih berharga dan berguna untuk dinikmati #ahseeek

lots of love 

Muhammad, Lelaki Penggenggam Hujan

Assalamualaikum. Wr. Wb.

Pertama, mari ucapkan alhamdulillah karena saya berhasil menyelesaikan buku tebal berjudul Muhammad, Lelaki Penggenggam Hujan ini. I spent more than a week to finish it :'D

Tersebutlah sang Pemindai Surga bernama Kashva, penganut ajaran Nabi Zardust dari Persia. Di Persia, pernah ada seorang Nabi bernama Zardust yang membawa agama suci dan menyebarkannya disana, namun seiiring berjalan waktu, Rakyat Persia mulai meninggalkan ajaran tersebut dan beralih menyembah ajaran lain yang menyimpang. Kashva mendapat kabar dari sahabat penanya, El, bahwa telah datang sosok manusia yang sejak berabad-abad sebelumnya sudah dituliskan kehadirannya di berbagai kitab lama. Sosok yang akan mengubah kehidupan manusia, pembawa kedamaian yang ajarannya akan berlaku melampaui zaman. Kashva penasaran dan ingin bertemu dengan dia. Begitu mendengar akan kedatangan sosok yang katanya akan mengubah dunia dan kemungkinan akan menguasai Persia juga, Kashva berpikir bahwa itu semua adalah murka Tuhan karena Persia telah lama meninggalkan ajaran Zardust. Ia pun datang kepada Raja Kosrou, Penguasa Persia, dan memberinya peringatan akan kedatangan Sang Al-Amin, maksudnya agar Raja Kosrou berhenti mengikuti ajaran lain selain ajaran suci Zardust. Namun yang terjadi, Raja tersebut murka dan mengurung Kashva. Kashva tahu Kosrou takut informasinya ini akan menjadi kenyataan atau membawa petaka bagi agamanya di Persia jika menyebar. Cepat atau lambat Kashva akan dibunuh, sedangkan keingintahuannya mengenai sosok Nabi terakhir itu begitu kuat. Kashva juga ingin bertemu El di Suriah. Kashva pun memutuskan untuk kabur dari Persia demi melakukan pengetahuan mengenai Nabi tersebut dan juga mencari sahabatnya, El.

Al-Amin, Yang Dapat Dipercaya...
Dikisahkan bahwa Kashva memulai petualangannya dalam mencari Nabi terakhir itu terjadi pada waktu yang sama di masa perjuangan Rasulullah SAW di Makkah dalam menyebarkan Islam. Sosok Muhammad, Nabi terakhir yang diagung-agungkan umat Islam di penjuru dunia dari masa ke masa itu digambarkan dengan begitu jelas dan apik oleh penulis, Tasaro GK. Sejarah mengenai Rasulullah SAW ditulis dengan gaya penceritaan novel yang indah, kita diajak melakukan perjalanan spiritual menuju alam-alam di Persia, India, dan Arab, dalam menelusuri jejak-jejak Rasulullah. Penulis menempatkan diri sebagai si pencerita saat menuliskan kisah Muhammad, sambil berkali-kali mempertanyakan berbagai hal tentang Rasullullah, yang secara tidak langsung mengajak kita meneladani sifat dan sikap Pemimpin Umat Manusia itu. 

"Apa yang kau rasakan kini, Duhai Lelaki yang Kata dan Perbuatan Tidak Pernah Bertentangan?" 

"Apakah engkau tertegun mendengar kalimat Shafiyyah melalui lisan anak laki-lakinya yang pemberani itu, wahai Lelaki yang Berhati Sekukuh Karang?"

"Sudah sampaikah kisah ini kepadamu, Wahai Lelaki Pembawa Lentera Ilmu?"

"Wahai Lelaki yang tidurnya sedikit, apa yang kau bincangkan dengan isterimu lewat lisanmu yang lembut itu?"

Biografi Rasulullah dalam perjuangannya menyebarkan Islam benar-benar membuat kita yang membacanya seolah terbawa ke masa itu. Kita benar-benar diajak mencintai Rasulullah dengan segala keteladanannya. Manusia paling mulia, Kekasih Allah, manusia yang sejak kelahirannya sudah dilindungi dan dibimbing langsung oleh Allah melalui keyatimannya.

Muhammad, Lelaki Penggenggam Hujan
Makna hujan adalah wahyu Tuhan. Namiuchi dalam kitab Weda berarti roh jahat yang berusaha menggenggam hujan. Namiuchi adalah bangsa yang ingin memonopoli wahyu Tuhan hanya untuk bangsa mereka sendiri. Siapapun Nabi yang dibangkitkan, ia akan menghancurkan Namiuchi, menghentikan dominasinya, membuktikan bahwa wahyu Tuhan turun untuk semua bangsa dan tidak terbatas pada suatu kasta atau klan saja. Dialah Muhammad SAW. Nabi yang akan memberikan kesegarannya kepada seluruh umat manusia. Lelaki Penggenggam Hujan sejati.

Jujur, dulu saya tidak benar-benar memahami, bagaimana kita bisa mencintai Muhammad sedangkan kita tidak benar-benar tahu sosoknya. Hanya karena saya seorang Muslim, jadi saya harus mencintai Nabi terakhir itu? Meski sudah diceritakan tentang berbagai sifatnya, namun saya masih belum benar-benar sungguh-sungguh mencintainya? Lalu, rasa penasaran untuk mengenal lebih dalam Rasulullah pun muncul. Dan seorang kawan merekomendasikan buku ini karena bahasanya yang menarik, dan saya pun memutuskan mencobanya. Subhanallah, saya benar-benar menyelesaikan buku ini dengan menangis. Saya sudah tidak memiliki keraguan atau pertanyaan lagi mengenai alasan untuk mencintainya. Saya mendapat pengertian kenapa banyak Muslim menangis ketika mengagungkan namanya melalui sholawat atau adzan. Dan kerinduan itu mulai muncul. Kerinduan terhadap Manusia yang Kesabarannya Menjadi Teladan dan ditempatkan di surga terindah oleh Allah SWT.

Subhanallah, tak ada keraguan bagi-Mu Allah sebagai satu-satunya Tuhan semesta Alam, dan Muhammad sebagai utusan-Mu.

Wassalamualaikum. Wr. Wb.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Tweets Archives

Saving some of my worth-reading tweets before I wipe them off. Sounds stupid but I'm deleting all of my tweets now because I need to start over something and because they're too much and most of them are   totally garbages :') but some of them have special meaning for me so I'll keep them :) 

- We won't make the same story like others. We will enjoy two different worlds for now and wait until God let them collide. We'll be patient. We'll be okay.

- Some things are better left unsaid. Some questions are better left unanswered

- As long as you're doing your best, no matter what the result is, nothing you'll regret, because there's always lesson behind something.

- Actually, it's best to be yourself instead of trying to be someone else, because Allah has made you different than others.

Seperti angin, jika hanya sepoi2 terasa menyenangkan, tp jika terlalu besar bisa menghancurkan. Segala yg berlebihan itu tidak baik.

- Jahiliyah time is moment when you're drowned in the darkness and you don't realize it. Everybody has that moment. That's part of growing up

- When you speak the truth, some will hear, some will ignore, and others will against you. Don't be afraid. Stay strong.

- Happiness comes from the moment you have through in life in which you could feel the same happiness when you recall it again in the future.

Now those memories become lessons when I recall 'em again. Tears and laugh, they shouldn't be regretted. They made me who I am today.

I don't hate separation. I just dislike it a lot. Especially when it comes to people who's worthy in my life. I can cry for days inside

No matter how big your body has grown, you always have that special place to lean on your body from exhaustion. That place is mom and dad.

All you need to do is please God and He will let your beauty shines not only to one person, but the whole world just like Khadija and Aisyah

Writer is usually quite, they talk through their writings instead of their mouths.

It's never too late to change ourselves to be better. Life is all about improving yourself for Allah's sake.

Ada hal yg lo lebih baik dibanding gue, ada hal yg gue lebih baik dibanding lo, akhirnya saling sharing, that's what make us equal :)

You are alone in the world. You pissed off. There are so many people outside. Why am I still feeling this lonely?

- Today may won't be as great as yesterday, or maybe it'll be one you will treasure the most, whatever it is, remember to always be thankful ♥

The pain in your heart will be healed by praying. Don't feel miserable when you have Allah with you ☺

You will always be there for your friends when they need it, but you won't ask them to do the same. You're so weird but nice, but weird.

Being alone makes you think a lot about many things, realized about the simplest things.

If I tell you, you might be bothered by it. You might feel discomfort, so I'll just save it for myself. Let only me and Allah who know..

Sometimes I wanna blurt out my feelings like teenager, but I hold it in because I know it's childish. Tho I think it'd make me feel relieved

- I want to go back to those old days when we were still so clueless, when we were questioning our heart

Mimpi yg aneh. Endingnya bahagia tapi tetap aneh. Kenapa gue dan semua orang berubah jadi burung lalu terbang menuju sunset at the end? -,-

I shouldn't complain about my life when there are people in other country who's struggling for living.

There's no difference either you're close or far away. Right?

- I don't need you to say it. I need you to show it.

- Seseorang yg menerima kekalahan dengan sportif dan ikhlas sudah pasti berjiwa besar dan sudah pasti keren :D

- Rasanya kayak proses komunikasi yang tidak berjalan baik karena tidak ada feedback dari komunikan terhadap komunikator

- The journey still long. I've always been missing you but I remind myself again that I shouldn't make a fuss about it.

- Looking back to the old times.. I still couldn't believe that we're drawn to each other now. Haha, God really has unexpected story for us.

If you care, do not hesitate to share

- The storm won't last forever. It'll end soon or later. You just need to learn how to dance in the rain. I'll dance along if you let me :)

At the end of the day, the simplest act you did was the one who keep me strong. Every little thing you do. :)

Mungkin yg diperlukan saat ini adalah berjauhan. Berpisah jalan. Jika Allah berkehendak, sejauh apapun itu, akan dipertemukan lagi.

Just because they said they love you, doesn't mean they really care about you. In the end, you have to prepare yourself to stand alone.

Setiap orang itu penting. Jangan pernah meremehkan mereka. Meremehkan adalah bentuk lain dari kesombongan.

Rasa itu mengalir deras tak terbendung, namun tak ada wadah yg menampung. Akhirnya meluber dan perlahan menghilang.

Aku menyerah. Aku kalah oleh rasa takut. Aku kalah oleh sikapmu. Aku kalah oleh diriku. :')

- Smile is a charity, so don't hesitate to smile. Your smile could be someone else's greatest gift, brighten up their day, without you know it

Menyerah adalah hal yg membuat manusia sekeren apapun jadi gak keren. Begitupun dgn melanggar janji. Gue sih gak mau dibilang gak keren B-)

I'll put that mask on my face so you won't see what's behind it. I'll keep my heart hidden so you won't be bothered by its beat.

Ada rindu dalam sepi, ada kasih yg tak tersampaikan, ada semu dalam rasa, ada tangis dalam tawa.

- I think it doesn't matter for you whether I'm exist or not. So, why should I fight for someone who doesn't really care?

- A smile that can heal this heart from any wound. A smile that belongs to you.

- Silent is gold. Sometimes you just can't control what you're going to say and you'll hurt someone before you realize it..

- The scars that left in you after you get hurt are proofs that you've been through so much pain to be stronger.

- Aku dan kamu ada bukan untuk berlomba menjadi yang terbaik. KITA berusaha melakukan yg terbaik agar dapat bermanfaat untuk satu sama lain

- Menikmati drama kehidupan di sekitar. Menyimak berbagai pikiran orang2 yg begitu tertegun pada dunia.

that's all. Sadly I could't backtracked more to my old tweets which means I've tweeted too much haha. :')

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

The Beauty of Dream

Assalamualaikum. Wr. Wb.

* Another friend of mine has been chosen to be one of models in UIN Fashion Fair Model Hunt 2012. She's getting closer to her dream to be a designer.

* Another friend of mine is about to leave this country to Sakura nation for schoolarship, her dream is coming true.

* Another friend of mine wins Indonesia Kpop Cover 2012 and is chosen as Indonesia's representative to participate in World Kpop Cover Contest 2012. Another dreams of her has been accomplished.

I'm still seeing many of other dreams are getting closer to be reached. So many great people around me. One word for these pals: Inspiring.

You know, some people don't try too hard to inspire others. They're just simply doing their best in anything they do and voilaaa.... they will inspired you without they even realize it. Subhanallah... :)

Wassalamualaikum. Wr. Wb

Sunday, September 9, 2012


Assalamualaikum. Wr. Wb.

Was a bit too angry in my last post, hehehe. Sorry. Mencoba mengikuti teladan Rasulullah SAW ketika ia melihat jenazah Hamzah dikoyak oleh orang-orang kafir setelah perang Uhud.

"Tetapi sesungguhnya memberi maaf itu jauh lebih baik bagi orang yang sabar..." sabda Rasulullah SAW.

Meski ia merasa marah dan sedih, namun Manusia yang Tak Punya Cacat dalam jiwanya itu tetap membesarkan hati untuk memaafkan. Dan mungkin sebagai manusia biasa, saya juga harus bisa memaafkan. Mungkin juga lebih membuka pikiran dan jiwa saya sendiri. Mungkin saya juga pernah menyinggung perasaan orang-orang itu. Ini pelajaran untuk menuju akhlak yang lebih baik, bukan? :')

Memperbaiki diri itu memang butuh proses, seperti emas mentah yang diolah untuk menjadi mahal dan berharga, prosesnya panjang dan tidak mudah. Semoga kita senantiasa diberi petunjuk dan dibukakan pintu hatinya oleh Sang Khalik. Amin.

Wassalamualaikum. Wr. Wb.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Stop Looking for an Excuse Now

Assalamualaikum. Wr. Wb

"Salah jurusan..!" are things that I kept repeating on my head every time I have to face my college, my study. Although Journalistic was my first choice in PMDK (because you only got to choose one subject!), but for these past two years, I've been bug by the thought that I've chosen the wrong subject. I kept thinking that I should have took Literature instead since I've always wanted to work as a writer. I don't want to be boring journalist because I don't even like news. I'm not even up to date on things that going on around me. How could I become a journalist? 

I kept blaming on my parents without their knowing, that the reason I was forced to take this subject was because my big brother already took English Literature in UNPAD, so I got to choose different subject. Haha shame on me..

You know what? I think I've come to realize that actually, I'm just looking for an excuse all the time. Excuse for my laziness, for my disappointment to myself who too afraid, too pesimistic to pursue my own dream. The result is I've collected some bad grades for these past two years. 

I keep hearing people saying, "You're awesome, you're smart, you're better than me, you're....." bla bla bla, they keep praising on me for my indifferent towards my bad grade. My friends thought that my flat expression means that I'm strong and okay. That I'm invulnerable. Those bad grades will never make me down, they said. Well, true, at first I didn't really care about my grades since I never put effort to make them improve, haha. I'm such a pathetic.

Getting new friends, getting to know people's personality, and some quality talk with besties make me realize that I've waste my precious two years because of my selfishness, my own ego. My heart hurts a bit when I realized that the ones who will be hurt the most about me is not me but my parents. I will make them really sad if they ever find out what kind of college student their daughter is. :') 

New semester begins. I think it's time to take my study seriously. I'm sure I'll be able to reach good grades, be more focus than ever. Hey, my bestfriends in class are the most inteligent people I've ever met and they always help me. I'm sure if I put my full effort into this, I will success. Stop looking for an excuse for my laziness and selfishness. This is for my own sake, right. Allah with me. I shall continue the next two years of my college life in a better way. Getting good grades, getting part time job to make my parents be at ease, and graduate in the next two years (amin!)


Wassalamualaikum. Wr. Wb.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Sprout (Jdrama)

One of the main reason I decided to watch Sprout is because this is the first drama where Yuri Chinen gets a lead role. I love to keep in touch with Hey!Say!JUMP's members drama, especially when they have significant role in it. I have read the manga Sprout before so I'm curious how it will be adapted into live action. Now, without further ado, let's jump to the story~

Fated Person?
Three months ago, Miku Ikenochi (Aoi Morikawa) became sick that she couldn't do anything but sit on the school stairs playground. At that time, someone unknown came and brought her to the school infirmary. Miku was really sick that she can barely see his face, but she remembers the touch of his hands. Miku believes that the boy is a part of her fate.

Living with Strangers
Miku's parents decided to make their house as boarding place to help the family pay household expenses. Miku who is used to be an only child and lived a peaceful life, suddenly has to share the house with three different strangers: Naoji Takigawa, an otaku who obsessed with action figures and Rurika dolls, Kiyoka Takiyama, a beautiful college student who's busy dating out with her boyfriend instead of studying, and the last is Shohei Narahashi. A handsome boy who enters the same school as Miku. Miku has trouble getting used with the new circumstances around her. She has to share bathroom, and bump into people she barely knows inside of the house.

One day, Miku found that her special glass is used by Shouhei without asking for her permission, Kiyoka ate her ice cream that she's been keeping in the fridge, and the worst is Naoji broke Miku's precious chime bell. Miku irritated and becomes mad with the three boarding people in her house. Shouhei, feeling guilty, immediately rushed off to his house which was kilometers away from Miku's house to get similar chime bell to replace the one which was broken.

Shouhei apologizes to Miku because of the new circumstances she has to face, but he also shows his gratitude towards Miku's family and the boarding house. He begs for Miku to accept the new people and try to get along together, although it's not easy at first, but Shouhei promised that he will try his best not to cause trouble anymore. Miku, realized that she was acting childish and touched by Shouhei's sincere apology, finally forgives him and the others. Miku accidentally fell on the floor because of her clumsiness. Shouhei offered his hand to help, and when Miku grabs a hold on Shouhei's hand, she recognizes that it is the same hand which helped him at entrance ceremony. Miku felt a sudden excitement insides her, she's filled with happiness because she found her fated person. But Miku's happiness didn't stay for long because the next day, she found out that Shouhei already has a girlfriend, Miyuki Ozawa (Fujiko Kojima).

The First for Everything
1. Shouhei and Miyuki
Just like Miku who fell in love with Shouhei because of the touch of his hands and how he always helps Miku whenever needed, Shouhei also loves Miyuki because of a strong memory they had when they were in middle school. Shouhei protected Miyuki from bullying and became her only friend when everyone was hating on her because the other students think of Miyuki as annoyance for getting a lot of boys attracted to her. One day, when Shouhei's parents got divorced and made him depressed, Miyuki was the only one who could see through Shouhei's fake smile. Miyuki then asked Shouhei to skip school and had fun outside to make Shouhei felt better. She grabbed Shouhei's hand and ask him to run with her. Shouhei felt saved because of Miyuki's existence and ever since then, he promised to protect Miyuki and stay by her side. 

2. Miku and Hayato
Hayato Katagiri (Lewis Jesse) is Shouhei's bestfriend. A popular boy who always plays with a lot of different girls but never be in real relationship. Hayato attracted to Miku after eavesdropping her conversation with her friends about dating random boys for fun. Miku believes that if she has to be in relationship one day, it should be with someone who is really dear to her and not just for fun. Hayato is attracted to Miku's innocence. Miku, aware with Hayato's reputation as a playboy, was hesitated with Hayato's confession at first, but she felt excited because Hayato is the first person who ever confessed to her. Hayato proves that he is serious with Miku and stopped going out with other girls. Miku who was feeling insecure because of her unrequited love, decided to open her heart for Hayato. She's amused with Hayato's sincerity who always stays besides her when she's feeling down. Miku decides to forget the feeling of Shouhei's hands by accepting Hayato's love, they began the relationship. Hayato was the first for Miku to experience real relationship, love, kiss, and everything.

When Love Changes?
Miku to Shouhei
Miku's love towards Shouhei becomes unrequited love once she found out that Shouhei has a girlfriend, and how precious Miyuki is for him. It was hard for her to get over her feelings because she has to live at the same house with Shouhei. Shouhei asked Miku to protect Miyuki when he is not around. Miku knows that her dislike towards Miyuki is 'caused by jealousy. But Miyuki's kindness makes Miku realized that she was being childish. Somehow, Miku feels that Shouhei is more unreachable because Miyuki is too good girlfriend for Shouhei and a good friend for Miku as well. So, Miku decides to give up on Shouhei and open her heart for Hayato.

Shouhei to Miku
Miku has always been a good friend for Shouhei ever since he moved in to her house. He can't help but care about her and always make sure that she is fine. Shouhei is always nice to everyone, but somehow with Miku, he feels kinda protective about her and always watching her without he realized it. Miku, just like Miyuki, can see through Shouhei's fake smile when he's actually feeling down. Shouhei barely realized that Miku loves him, he is busy taking care of Miyuki and think that Hayato likes Miku, but as they lived together and gets comfortable with each other, Shouhei starts to develop feelings for Miku. When he realized that, it's already too late because Miku has already in relationship with Hayato. This time, it's Shouhei's turn to feel miserable and jealous over Miku's intimate with Hayato which happens in front of his eyes, but he couldn't do anything about that.

The Break Up
Although it seems like everything has fall into place, but the heart can't lie. Miku is happy with Hayato, but deep down she still feels the love for Shouhei and cared a lot about him. While Shouhei is trying to keep his promise with Miyuki to always stay by her side, things sure have changed between them. Both Hayato and Miyuki could see this through their respective partners. In the end, Miyuki decided to break up with Shouhei because she realized that Shouhei stays beside her only to protect her, but his love is no longer for Miyuki. Miyuki said that she doesn't need anymore protection that she has become stronger now, and Shouhei has to be honest with himself. While Miku decided to break up with Hayato because she realized she still loves Shouhei and doesn't want to hurt Hayato by having two people in her heart. Even after the break up, Shouhei and Miku weren't approaching each other and keep their love secret. Shouhei moved out from Miku's house to go back to her mother because he's been running away from his problem, and then the four of them go back to become plain school mates.

Fated Person

A year passed since each couple broke up, and they are back to be plain school mates. Shouhei and Miku still keep their love for each other a secret, although they miss each other's company once they reunited at Miku's house for barbecue party.  Hayato and Miyuki approached Shouhei and Miku independently to ask them why they're not going out even after the break up. All they need to do is being honest to each other and not feeling guilty about Hayato or Miyuki's feelings. Miku gained the courage to talk to Shouhei and being honest about her feelings, she ran off to school to see Shouhei, but at that time, she fell on the stairs because of her clumsiness. Once again, a hand which she recognizes offered help to her. It was Shouhei's hand, all over again. They found each other at the stairs where Miku thought of her fated person which was Shouhei, and this time, the same hand and the same fated person has coming back to her. And this time, that fated person is going to stay.

One of my favorite things about this drama is the soundtrack. It contains a lot of wonderful song, especially the main theme from Western Band, Betty's Bomb Shell by Group of Love. The song is so addictive and it suits all of the scenes in the drama. Though from the story, it's pretty cliche and corny, but I enjoyed it thoroughly. Once in a while, it's good to watch this kind of innocent love. You don't even know who to ship because everyone is so cute with each other, I especially love how they make the holding hands becomes important in the relationship instead of a kiss, as if it is the epitome of fated person or true love.

PS: Gifs were taken from tumblr, feel free to message me if you want to be credited :)