Friday, September 30, 2011

Dream actually do come true...

Ya Allah, thank you very much from the bottom of my heart. I've been waiting for 17 years to meet this amazing boyband, the very first foreign musician I knew, and you answer my prayers, you make one of my biggest dreams, come true. Thank You. Thank You. THANK YOU!!

"Hai Westlifers!
Yeaay! Ini dia nih kabar yang kalian tunggu-tunggu, 80 pemenang yang beruntung menonton konser Westlife Gravity Tour 2011, tanggal 5 Oktober di Tennis Indoor Senayan, Jakarta.

Masing-masing pemenang berhak mendapatkan 2 tiket nonton konser tersebut (kelas Tribune), jadi kamu dan temanmu bisa asyik sing-along di konser boyband legendaris ini. 

Cari namamu di antara 80 PEMENANG #simPATImusik berikut ini: 
30.81330723xxx, Frisca Caca,
31.81398179xxx, Wiwind Rizki
32.81338565xxx, Ayu Yuliantari 
33.81282004xxx, Denisa Rosandria 
34.81314475xxx, Intan Mardiana
35.81316348xxx, Vera Aprilianti
36.81385750xxx, Luthfianza Mirza Fadhiel
37.81375260xxx, Reski Samma
38.81317904xxx, Omega Yustrianna

Mark, Shane, Nicky, Kian... I really can't wait for October 5th, but I have to ^^
I wish I could meet Bryan too.. oh well, still very happy 😂
Thank You, Ya Allah... Thank You! 
And Thank You so much for SIMPATI to give me a chance to meet them 💜

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Sebelas Patriot

Andrea Hirata adalah salah satu penulis terhebat sepanjang masa. Paling tidak, begitulah menurut gue. Sudah gue baca semua buku-bukunya dari Laskar Pelangi hingga Padang Bulan dan Cinta dalam Gelas. Nggak ada satupun dari buku-buku itu gagal membuat terkesan. Keindahan tulisannya yang dibalut gaya melayu memang dijamin membuat pecinta sastra manapun jatuh cinta. Serius. Lihat, gaya tulisan gue jadi sedikit seperti dia karena gue baru saja membaca Sebelas Patriot, hehehe..

Sebelas Patriot adalah buku yang halamannya paling sedikit diantara buku-buku Andrea yang pernah ia terbitkan. Cuma 105 halaman kurang lebih. Dua atau tiga jam saja bisa selesai. Kisah ini masih berpusar tentang Ikal dan pengalamannya. Kali ini, Andrea menceritakan tentang Ayahnya dan sepak bola. Singkatnya, Ayahnya adalah mantan pemain sepak bola terhebat yang pernah ada, namun karena kekejaman Belanda di masa penjajahan, mimpi Ayahnya hancur. Cara Belanda menjajah Indonesia tidak hanya dengan memaksa rakyat kita bekerja rodi saja. Mereka juga melarang keras rakyat Indonesia saat itu untuk menang melawan tim Belanda dalam pertandingan olahraga apapun. Mereka harus selalu mengalah pada Belanda, seberapa hebatpun mereka. Jika mereka membangkang, Belanda tak segan menaikkan mereka ke dalam Tangsi dan membuat mereka tak berani bermain olahraga lagi. Tapi, Ayah Ikal dan kedua saudaranya tidak mau menjadi pengecut. Mereka adalah tiga bersaudara yang mencintai sepak bola, dan mereka adalah pemain yang handal. Di lapangan, mereka merasa merdeka karena bisa bermain bola dengan bebas, dan mereka ingin menunjukkan kemerdekaan itu dengan tidak menunjukkan sikap mengalah pada Belanda. Sikap perlawanan itu mengakibatkan Belanda memutuskan untuk mengakhiri mimpi tiga pahlawan lapangan ini. Dan hal ini membuat Ikal terpacu untuk melanjutkan impian Ayahnya, walau Ayahnya tak pernah memintanya. Disini kita juga diajak untuk mencintai Tim Sepak Bola PSSI karena mencintai Tim Sepak Bola sendiri adalah 10% mencintai bola dan 90% mencintai Tanah Air. Karena bagi Ikal dan Ayahnya, sepak bola adalah salah satu bentuk perlawanan terhadap penjajahan yang pernah menimpa mereka.

Apik sekali cara Andrea menuliskan kisah yang diambil dari sejarah Ayahnya ini. Gue bukan penggemar sepak bola atau olahraga manapun. Gue nggak suka menonton acara kompetisi, tapi gue nggak tau sepakbola bisa terlihat begitu indah. Cara Andrea menggambarkan sepak bola ke dalam sastra akan membuat penggemar bola manapun semakin mencintai sepak bola. Dan satu hal yang selalu gue dapatkan dari semua buku Andrea; gue jadi semakin menyayangi dan menghargai Ayah sendiri.

"Trompet memekakkan, kembang api yang ditembakkan, dan api suar yang dilambai-lambaikan dari atas pagar pembatas adalah perayaan kegembiraan. Bendera raksasa yang berkibar-kibar adalah psikologi. Mars penyemangat yang gegap gempita adalah seni. Orang-orang yang duduk di podium kehormatan adalah politik, dan orang-orang berdasi yang sibuk dengan telepon genggamnya di belakang jajaran politisi itu adalah bisnis. Orang-orang yang berdesak-desakkan di mobil omprengan demi mendukung PSSI adalah Patriotisme..."

Intinya, jika lo pecinta sepak bola, maka novel ini adalah bacaan wajib. Kalaupun bukan, novel ini adalah salah satu dari sedikit sastra yang menginspirasi kita untuk tidak pernah berhenti mendukung tim sepak bola negara kita.

Terimakasih lho, mas Andis, karena novel ini telah membangkitkan semangat membaca gue lagi yang beberapa bulan ini sempat hilang terbawa angin. Semangat dan maju terus, Tim Sepak Bola Indonesia!!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Dream! Dream! Dream!

Today was really fun... ^^
Maya took me to a seminar about the English and Mandarin language

Actually, only teachers who are allowed to join that seminar, but thanks to Maya and her kindergarten, I could have a chance to join so I could get a lot of lessons, hehehe.

The seminar itself was talking about how to teach foreign languages to Indonesian children. How to make a foreign language could be accepted and learned easily. The discussant is the founder of TOEFL and TOEIC. She's a young woman around 30 years old. A very successful young woman. Cool~ I want to be a cool and independent successful young woman at that age too. Hopefully, it will come true. Amiiin

I learned a lot of things from this seminar, but one thing I remember the most is:
We have to treat English as communication tools and not as a foreign language, so, it will make our process of learning it becomes easier. If we keep treating English as a foreign language, then it makes the distance between us and the language itself to be further.

I also realized that my English ability is still very low, but that's okay. There's still a lot of time to learn. I have to learn Arabic too for my final task in college, and I want to learn Japanese too (because I really like the country, hehehe)

I have many targets that I want to achieve, though I know that it may be hard because I'm not that smart, but I'll try to do my best. I also really want to go to Japan and ride the kayaking around Tokyo's river and watch Hey!Say!JUMP's concert at least once in my entire life. This, for now, is the biggest dream that I want to fulfill.

Like what Hikaru said, the more you feel frustrated about not being able to do it, you will get closer to your dream. :)

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Ikemen Desu Ne (Jdrama)

This drama is a remake of the Korean Drama You're Beautiful which was broadcasted in 2009. So, without further ado, let's get to the story~

Miko and Mio
Similar to its original story, this drama revolves around a heroine named Miko Sakuraba (Miori Takimoto). She is a novice who wants to be a nun but currently in training. She was about to go overseas in order to become a real nun. Miko is clumsy but she has a high spirit and never gives up. Miko has a twin brother named Mio and both of them had been separated from their parents since they were kids, that's why Mio aimed to be a professional artist to become famous. That way, he wished that he and his sister could find their mother. The twins are blessed with musical talents from their parents.

One day, a guy from a famous agency visited Miko. He is Hajime Mabuchi (Shingo Yanagisawa) who brought the news that Miko's twin, Mio, has been chosen to be the new member of a Japanese current phenomenal band, A.N.JELL, but due to a little accident, Mio had to have nose surgery abroad and couldn't attend the contract signing. To avoid scandals about Mio and A.N.JELL, Mabuchi asked Miko to disguise herself as Mio and replace him for three months. Miko was aware of Mio's real aim in becoming an artist is to find their mother. So, Miko agreed to help Mio until he's recovered from his surgery.

Miko who had been living in a church and learned to become a nun was surprised by the new circumstances and environment she got in. She is forced to live with the other three members of A.N.JELL who are all guys and handsome. She also had to deal with the entertainment world. The other three members of A.N.JELL are:

1. Ren Katsuragi (Yuta Tamamori), the leader and vocalist of the band, a perfectionist, a clean-freak, and very picky with foods. He has a sassy attitude, divo like, and arrogant. He easily gets angry. Ren writes most of the songs and music on the album. Behind those annoying characters and behavior, Ren is actually a lonely guy who longs for his mother's love and cared a lot about his friends. But due to the incident in his past, Ren became a cold person and couldn't trust anyone.
2. Shu Fujishiro (Taisuke Fujigaya) is the guitarist, and the nice guy in the group. Shu is the most mature in terms of character and always calm. Shu is like the oldest brother in the group. He tends to put his feelings aside and put someone else's happiness above his own. Although he looks shy outside, he actually feels things the most and very loyal. Like a prince charming who is adored by many girls because of his cool and calm nature. Shu is so gentle to the people around him.
3. Yuki Hongo (Hikaru Yaotome), just like his name, he's a very courageous person. Yuki is A.N.JELL's drummer who always lights up the place with his go-easy-go-lucky attitude. Yuki has an innocent aura and cared about his friends. Yuki has a special secret bus which he always rides when he's feeling down and needs to reset things on his own. Behind his cheerful character, Yuki is always so thoughtful about people who are dear to him. 
Miko as Mio must gain trust from Ren to approve her as a member of the band, which is not easy at all since Ren has been disagreeing with the idea of having a new member. He couldn't trust anyone to sing his song, and Miko's clumsiness makes Ren irritated. But at the same time, Ren couldn't help but think a lot about this new member. It didn't take long for Ren to find out that Miko is a girl disguising as a boy. At first, Ren couldn't accept this and hated Miko even more, but in the end, he was touched by Miko's effort and the reasons behind her disguise is to find her mom. Although Ren was hesitant because he had bad memories with his mom, he starts to believe in Miko's words that if she prays from the bottom of her heart and she strives for it, someday she will be able to find her mom. Ren promised to keep Miko's secret and protect her until her brother back.

Shu is actually the one who first discovered Mio's real gender, but unlike Ren, he didn't come to Miko and said it. Instead, he decided to keep the secret without telling Miko and protect her from afar. Ever since then, Shu develops feelings for Miko and it keeps getting stronger. He fell in love with Mio/Miko secretly, but Miko was unaware of this because she thinks that no one knew her secret except Ren and therefore there is no way that any members of the group would fall for her. Besides, she also thinks of Shu as an older brother.

Yuki is the only one who is clueless about Mio's true identity and yet he also fell for her. Yuki thought he suddenly became gay for loving Mio/Miko and keeps denying the fact that he was attracted to her. Yuki's love is so innocent that he finally decides to accept the possibility of himself being gay and keeps loving Mio. Yuki was really glad when he was told that Mio/Miko is actually a girl 😂

Although the three guys have fallen for her, Miko is clueless about that. The one whom Miko in love with is Ren because she thought Ren was the only one who knows that she is a girl at first, and Ren has always been there to protect her. Miko and Ren develop such a good relationship as the time passed, although they argue most of the time, Miko and Ren can be themselves while they are around each other. Ren is not as annoying as he was when he is with Miko. Miko realized her feelings is getting stronger that she became desperate and afraid of getting her heart broken. 

There is also Nana, another famous actress who is attracted to Ren and aware of Miko's true identity as well as her feelings for Ren. In order to separate her from Ren, she forced Ren to pretend to be her boyfriend otherwise she will reveal the secret. Nana always acts like a good fairy in front of the media, but the truth is she is faking herself to gain popularity. It's interesting to see her change of character.
The rivalry between three members to get Mio/Miko is heartbreaking and funny at the same time. The story does not only revolve around a love triangle or quarter (lol), there is a story about family and friendship as well. The secret between Miko/Mio and Ren's parents becomes the most important thing for their relationship.

Why I prefer Ikemen Desu Ne over You're Beautiful?

It's not about a beautiful face
The actors bring justice to the characters. At first, most of the fans are hesitant about this drama because they said the cast is not as handsome or pretty as the Korean actors, but in the end, and we all fall in love with their acting and the story they conveyed. Beauty is a matter of preference, and I don't think we can compare it. I personally love this version because, like most Jdramas, it has a fast pace and get to the point instead of adding unnecessary scenes or dialogues.

Ren Katsuragi is the new Tsukasa Doumyoji
He is a tsundere and a good one. Tsukasa is my favorite Tsundere and I never thought that Yuta / Ren would be able to pull off such a character. He can be annoying yet adorable at the same time. Stubborn and scary but somehow he can give a warm feeling too. I thought only MatsuJun can do this, but Yuta made a great portrayal as well, considering this is his first lead role, he nailed it.

Shu shows emotions instead of plain expression 
Unlike Shin Woo who seemed like a poker face person (in my opinion), Shu brings out more emotions and actually shows what kind of pain he felt when he was jealous or insecure. He is quiet and calm, but he can show a strong feeling through his intense look and expression. Some emotions that Shin Woo failed to show, is successfully shown in this drama because of Taipi's great acting skill. 

Hikaru portrayed Yuki in his own style
Hikaru never tries to act like Jeremy at all. He has different adorableness and he isn't exaggerating it. He can be very cheerful but when he got serious, you can feel strong emotions from him as if his cheerfulness really disappeared. He really is one of the finest actors in JE, I wish I could see him in more different roles.
One of the best chemistry ever
Tama and Miori are just perfect for the roles and their chemistry is naturally beautiful. You don't feel any awkwardness between them even when they have to say some cheesy romantic lines. In IDN, it is obvious why Mio fell in love with Ren. The fans couldn't see her with anyone else but Ren. That's because the drama didn't confuse you with too many scenes between the main lead and second lead. The chemistry between Ren and Mio is one that felt the strongest. Even after Tama and Miori had a drama with other actors and actresses, we still can't get over the chemistry between those two. Much like MatsuJun and Inoue Mao, Tama and Miori have left a great impression in their portrayal as a couple.

The bond of family and friendship
Family and friendship always become the most important aspect of Jdrama. The drama shows more of Ren's mother's warm character and the way Ren eventually forgives her is really heartwarming. I love how Jdrama writes their dialogue, they are so good with deep conversations about family, and the ones that Ren and his mother had was not a long conversation, and yet it contains a lot of important things: short and straight yet hit right in the feels.

The director is useful. 
The director didn't just boss around and say random English words. He actually made an effort to find out about Mio and Miko, but still supporting her in the end although he had been deceived with her disguise, he still cared about her and motivate her to chase her dream and believe in what her heart says.  
The Iconic Things become very important. Jdrama always makes some things iconic and make it become a treasure which seems really important. Those things will remind the viewers about the story. Like the hairpin Ren gave to Miko, the pig-rabbit doll, the stars, the necklace, and Miko's mother ring.... these things been shown many times in each episode, in different circumstances that make you understand how important it is, they don't just randomly show these things in any scenes. They really become treasures and important things for their respective owner and the feelings reach us.

Miori looks handsome as a guy
Although she still looks like a girl while playing Miko who disguised as Mio, but in episode 10 when he played as real Mio with that CG guy body, he looks really handsome. Like... a real man 😂 I kinda wish they will show more of this Mio because I believe Miori will play it brilliantly as a real guy, not as a girl who disguised herself as a guy. Of course, he needs to show feminism as Miko, but if he really plays like the real Mio, with that CG guy body, of course, I'm sure it will be more interesting.

Anyway, this drama is very recommended. And the soundtracks are really nice too. It's the same soundtracks from the Korean version but they add new songs in it. ❤

PS: The gifs were taken from Tumblr. Feel free to message me if you want to be credited or want me to take it down. Thank you :)

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Happy Fourth

To Yabu, your voice will always be my favorite of all JUMP members. You're a good leader. The born-to-be star who always managed to get everything perfect on stage. Stay awesome, and please eat more :3

To Yuya, you are my reason to love Hey! Say! JUMP and you will always be my number one. You've improved a lot. I'm proud of you :)

To Inoo-chan, you're an awesome college student. I hope you can be an awesome architecture in the future. And your randomness is the best!! and also your piano skill :D

To Hikaru, the blonde ikemen. I really adored your acting skills. And btw, it's fine if your jokes always failed, because you never fail to make me laugh. :*

To Daichan, the forever 15 years old kid. Maa, that's okay because that makes people love you more. Keep the kindness in your heart, little penguin :)

To Keito, you have improved really a lot since debut time. I can't see the awkward little boy who didn't know how to speak Japanese properly in you anymore. Stay gentle :)

To Yuto, no one's gonna hate you. They just can't. You're too lovable. I always love it when you play your drum enthusiastically and how sincere you are in your action. And you have the best smile ever. The child smile that never changed since you were kid... :3

To Yama-chan, you're humble and you're very kind and sometimes a little stupid. Ah, please study more so you won't be beaten in Yan Yan JUMP quizzes anymore lol

To Chinen, is there anything that you can't do? Ah, good luck with Ohno-kun :P 

To Ryutaro, the youngest who doesn't want to be treated as the youngest. Hey! Say! JUMP is ten letters with ten members, so it's not complete without you. Come back soon... :)

To all these wonderful young men who have brought happiness to my life, Thank you very much. I never really love an idol as much as I love all of you, guys. I will treasure you as long as I can. To everyone in Hey! Say! JUMP, let's continue this magical story for eternity. 💜

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Magic Power PV

This PV is probably not something that I will proudly show off to my friends to introduce HeySayJUMP unless they are 10 years old hahaha... Just kidding. Oh well, I will still show it to my friends, though. I don't think the PV is bad. To be honest, I love the cheerfulness and the happy feeling I get every time I'm watching it. I like the lightning. I like their 70's dance step and outfits. I really like the setting too. I like the fact that JUMP Band is included in this PV. We only got a chance to see them in concert or Shounen Club performance sometimes, so it's really great that they finally make a 'debut' appearance in a PV. Actually, I really like that for the first time, Keito got quite a number of spotlights for himself. In previous PVs, he was almost always overshadowed by others. I've realized since the beginning that Keito has some kind of enchanting aura, especially when he plays guitar, and the director finally noticed it too. Maybe because one member is not here for now. Oh well, at least Ryutaro will have something funny to watch while taking a 'holiday' for an uncertain time. He better come back soon. 

Anyway, unlike most JUMP fans, I don't have a problem with the song. I like it since the very first time I heard it. It's so catchy and cheerful and happy (most HSJ fans thought the song is childish, but hey, I'm childish too so that does not matter LOL). The song will definitely raise your gloomy mood into... a happier mood? This is for The Smurfs Japanese version theme song btw. Kids will definitely love to dance and sing along with this song. I would love to do it too, but I have to make sure that nobody's gonna see me, LOL. And what I love the most about this PV is the smiling and laughing faces of JUMP members. They look so bright. Yuya's smile is flawless. He looks best in every kind of outfits. Btw, I always love the combination of Yuya and Ryosuke's voices, and they have a little bit of a duet part in this song. I'm a very happy fangirl :3

The single itself is filled with many good songs. There are 6 songs in the single buT my favorites are:
1. Magic Power
2. School Days - Hey! Say! BEST
3. Get - Hey! Say! 7
4. Beat Line

Actually, I've got tons of things to say about every single song I mentioned above, but I think I'll just keep it for myself as people don't really care, right? You should listen to it yourself and judge it yourself ❤

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Happy Birthday, Danty!!

Hehehe... are you wondering why I didn't send you any birthday greetings? :P

Well, I've realized that today is your birthday since last night, right at 12.00 PM. I was planning to send you a voice note right away through BBM, but then I remember that last year, I greeted you at almost the exact time. Last year you said I was the very first person who greets you a happy birthday, so this year I want to be the very last one. I'm waiting until 12.00 PM, September 21st. You know the temptation to give you a birthday greeting is high as I kept seeing a lot of people tweeting or sending birthday posts to your Twitter and Facebook. I kept holding myself not to talk to you. Do you think I don't love you anymore? No, I still do, and I will always.

So, Happy Birthday!! 

Actually, I tried to find the most recent pics of us but I remember all of them are in your camera so this is the best that I can find. It's 8.47 PM here now as I'm writing this. I still have to wait for like 3 hours or more the post it. What shall I do now? 


It's 12.00 PM. Official! I'm the very last person who greets you with a birthday wish. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! THE REST OF MY BIRTHDAY WISHES ARE ON MY VOICE NOTE SO GO LISTEN TO IT~

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Kinpachi Sensei SP Final (Jdrama)

Kinpachi Sensei adalah dorama Jepang fenomenal yang sudah tayang di Jepang selama 32 tahun, dari tahun 1979 hingga 2011. Drama ini tayang per-season, dari season 1-8 dan satu season special final. Season-season sebelumnya Kinpachi Sensei biasanya memiliki sekitar 20 episode. Yah, episode yang terbilang banyak untuk ukuran drama Jepang yang biasanya cuma memiliki 9-12 episode maksimal. Sebenarnya inti dari drama ini sama di setiap seasonnya, yaitu tentang seorang guru laki-laki teledor, naif, dan polos bernama Kinpachi Sakamoto (Tatsuya Takeda) yang menjadi wali kelas 3-B di SMP Sakura. Di tiap season, Kinpachi sensei menghadapi murid-murid baru yang beraneka ragam, dari murid yang punya masalah transeksual, murid yang berasal dari keluarga pecandu narkoba, murid yang memiliki keterbelakangan mental, dan banyak lagi macamnya. Gue akan mereview episode spesial final-nya aja. Kalian nggak perlu menonton season-season sebelumnya untuk memahami jalan cerita season final ini karena gue sendiri baru menonton yang season 7, itupun belum sampai tamat karena episodenya banyak yang hilang hiks.

Drama ini dibuka dengan sedikit flashback ke hari saat Kinpachi Sakamoto pertama kali diangkat menjadi guru dan wali kelas 3-B di SMP Sakura pada tahun 1979, dan bagaimana namanya yang aneh menjadi bahan tertawaan murid-muridnya, dari angkatan pertama hingga angkatan-angkatan selanjutnya. Epic...

Tahun 2011 adalah season terakhir Kinpachi Sensei menjabat sebagai wali kelas 3-B karena ia sudah tua dan sudah saatnya pensiun, oleh karena itu Kinpachi Sensei ingin melaksanakan tugas terakhirnya ini sebaik mungkin. Kali ini ia dihadapkan di kelas yang tidak sekacau sebelumnya, namun ada satu pembuat onar besar, Yuya Kageura (Keito Okamoto). 

Kageura atau Yuya adalah pembuat masalah yang tidak bisa mengendalikan emosi dan sering menggunakan kekerasan. Ia tidak disukai semua anak di sekolah dan beberapa guru ingin menendangnya keluar dari sekolah agar tidak mencemarkan nama baik. Kinpachi Sensei masih menjadi guru yang selalu percaya bahwa ada alasan dari setiap kelakuan buruk murid-muridnya dan menolak menganggap murid-murid pembuat onar seperti Yuya sebagai sampah. Ia berniat mengubah Yuya dan memperhatikannya sebisa mungkin, tapi Kinpachi sudah tua. Tubuhnya lemah dan jantungnya mudah sakit setiap menghadapi hal-hal besar. Puncaknya saat Yuya menghajar guru Fisika, Kousaka Sensei, demi menghalangi guru itu menjadikan salah satu teman sekelasnya sebagai bahan
GIF by orenjisuki-blog on Tumblr
uji coba setrum. Yuya pun dibawa ke rehabilitasi. Hal ini membuat jantung Kinpachi Sensei melemah sehingga harus beristirahat di rumah sakit. Kinpachi Sensei sempat ingin menyerah karena merasa sudah tua. Ia sempat meminta salah satu muridnya dari kelas 3-B angkatan atas yang sudah bekerja agar mau menarik Yuya dan mendidiknya setelah lulus. Tapi muridnya menolak. Muridnya mengatakan bahwa pertemuan Yuya dengan Kinpachi Sensei adalah anugerah, dan ia yakin Kinpachi Sensei bisa mengubahnya dengan caranya, seperti yang selalu ia lakukan dulu pada murid-murid sebelumnya. Dan saat itu Kinpachi Sensei diingatkan lagi oleh muridnya bahwa seberapa sulitpun keadaan muridnya, ia tak akan pernah meninggalkannya. Pada saat itulah Kinpachi Sensei menyesal sempat berpikir untuk menyerah terhadap Yuya dan memutuskan untuk memusatkan perhatiannya demi mengubahnya menjadi orang yang lebih baik.

Memang ada alasan dibalik semua perlawanan dan sifat buruk Yuya. Yuya adalah murid yang baik dan pintar saat SD, tapi ayahnya bermasalah dengan pekerjaan lalu memilih menyerah pada keluarganya dan bunuh diri. Ibunya tidak bisa membayar uang sekolah sehingga Yuya diperlakukan dengan dingin oleh semua gurunya dan dipaksa keluar dari sekolah. Ibunya sendiri sudah menyerah padanya. Karena itulah Yuya membenci orang dewasa. Kinpachi Sensei berusaha meyakinkan guru-guru di sekolah untuk menerima Yuya kembali ke SMP Sakura dan menjamin bahwa dia akan lulus dengan baik. Ia tidak mau murid-murid lain berpikir bahwa sekolah akan dengan mudah menendang keluar siapa saja yang dianggap membawa ketidakberuntungan. Bukan pembuat onar sepertu Yuya yang harus dicemaskan, tapi bagaimana cara murid-murid sekarang yang berpikir bahwa teman sekelas tidak penting, dan bagaimana mereka bisa tidak peduli dengan penderitaan orang yang duduk disamping mereka. Menurut Kinpachi Sensei, Yuya selama ini menderita, namun tak seorangpun teman ataupun orang dewasa di sekitarnya mengulurkan tangan untuk membantu atau menunjukkan kepedulian. Hal ini yang ingin diubahnya mengenai kelas 3-B. Ia juga harus meyakinkan para orangtua murid yang menolak kehadiran Yuya di sekolah karena takut konsentrasi belajar anak-anak mereka terganggu. Kinpachi Sensei juga dikritik atas cara mengajarnya yang lemah dan naif dan bagaimana ia memiliki murid-murid yang memiliki masa lalu buruk di angkatan-angkatan sebelumnya. Namun, Kinpachi Sensei dibela oleh salah seorang muridnya dari kelas 3-B angkatan atas. Mereka berhasil meyakinkan para orangtua bahwa Kinpachi Sensei adalah guru yang hebat dan akan mampu mendidik Yuya di sekolah. 

Yuya boleh kembali ke sekolah dengan syarat ia harus tinggal bersama Kinpachi Sensei hingga masa kelulusan dan belajar bersamanya. Saat itu Kinpachi Sensei sudah tinggal sendiri karena kedua anaknya telah menempuh hidup mandiri diluar. Awalnya Yuya hanya menimbulkan masalah di rumahnya dan menolak melakukan yang diminta Kinpachi Sensei. Baginya Kinpachi Sensei sama saja dengan orang dewasa lain, meski ia heran dengan sifat aneh guru ini yang terlalu naif dan polos. Namun, selama tinggal dengan Kinpachi Sensei, Yuya berkali-kali 'berpapasan' dengan orang-orang asing yang dengan sok akrab mengajaknya bicara. Mereka bilang mereka adalah murid kelas 3-B angkatan sebelumnya, seniornya. Senior-seniornya dari kelas 3-B itu juga memaksanya untuk belajar agar ia bisa lulus ujian. Mereka bahkan menemani dan menawarkan untuk mengajarinya. Meski awalnya Yuya berusaha menghindari mereka, namun para senior ini mendesaknya dan mengancam mereka akan melakukan sesuatu yang buruk jika Yuya memberi masalah pada Kinpachi Sensei. Saat itu juga Yuya pelan-pelan menyadari guru seperti apa Kinpachi Sensei sebelumnya, dan pelan-pelan ia mulai menaruh simpati padanya. Kegigihan Kinpachi Sensei padanya dan fakta bahwa Kinpachi Sensei tidak menyerah menghadapi Yuya membuat hati anak ini perlahan terbuka.

The ending was epic. Angkatan paling atas hingga paling bawah berkumpul dalam acara kelulusan Kinpachi Sensei dari dunia mengajar. Sebenarnya itu harusnya jadi upacara kelulusan anak-anak kelas 3-B 2011, tapi keluarga besar kelas 3-B malah membuat acara untuk Kinpachi Sensei yang juga merayakan hari terakhirnya menjadi guru. Yuya Kageura pun memberikan ucapan terimakasihnya kepada Kinpachi Sensei dan semua keluarga besar 3-B yang telah membantunya. Kinpachi Sensei melakukan absen kepada semua muridnya yang hadir saat itu dan terjadi banyak flashback tentang murid-murid lamanya. Lalu Kinpachi Sensei pulang, menelusuri kembali jalan yang sama dimana murid-muridnya terdahulu hingga sekarang selalu menuju ataupun pulang dari sekolah.

It was beautiful and it was the best teacher drama I've watched so far. Kalau kalian familiar dengan dorama Jepang, akan ada banyak wajah-wajah yang kalian kenali di season special ini yang merupakan mantan murid Kinpachi Sensei. Salah satunya Hey! Say! JUMP Hikaru Yaotome dan Kota Yabu, NEWS Masuda Takahisa dan Kato Shigeaki, KAT-TUN Kamenashi Kazuya, dan beberapa aktor dan aktris terkenal seperti Taiyou Ayukawa, Tomoka Kurokawa, dan banyak lagi yang lainnya. What a beautiful drama. Adios, Kinpachi Sensei. Thanks for all the lessons to have taught. Sayonara :')

Happy Birthday, Maulida!

Hello, bunda guru... ❤
So, it's your birthday now. Indeed, you've changed a lot since the first time I met you. You're more responsible now and more mature. Maybe because you have to deal with kindergarten kids every day. Honestly, I really think that you are really really awesome. Well, you were awesome back then but you're more awesome now. You could manage your time with teaching in kindergarten and your college. That's not easy things to do, so I noticed that you've improved a lot. But I'm glad that you didn't change your child-like side, cheerfulness, and of course, your randomness LOL. You're still the same Maya that I know, it's just your point of view about life has changed, and I mean it in a good way. 

Happy birthday, May... You still have a long way to go to be a great teacher, but I'm sure you will be one someday. May all the best go with you ❤

Monday, September 19, 2011

Happy Birthday, Rahma Putri!!

So, you're 19 years old now. I see you have gained some weight too. When we were in High School, I remember how tinny you were and you complain about your weight. 😆

I don't really have anything to say actually so bye bye.....


Okay, kidding... 

You are the very first person I got to know right on the first day of high school. I remember you came to me, introduced your name, and we went to the same class for three days, but after that, you were being moved to another class and since then, every time we bumped into each other at the canteen or anywhere in school, we would always say 'hi' or simply waved to each other. In the 11th grade, we got a chance to be in the same class, and I didn't know exactly where it started, but since then, you've become one of the best friends of mine. I think we are meant to be with each other because we got the same class again in 12th grade, and we even got to go to the same university, though we're in different faculties. 

To my bestfriend, Rahma Putri Islami

There's just one step left and you will officially become an adult
This is the last time we will have teenage age, next time we're going to be 20, insya Allah.
I hope you will be an awesome adult whom people can rely on and trust
Also, I hope you can keep in touch with Vidi Aldiano ðŸ˜†

I'm trying to find some good quotes but my brain is empty now so this is all I got. Sorry~

Jaa... Happy birthday, Put ❤

Monday, September 12, 2011

College has already started again!!

That's right. My holiday has just over. And my college days have already started since yesterday. I want to appreciate my college life more than I ever did in the last two semesters. This time I have come with new goals for my college life. Not a big goal, actually... it is actually ordinary for a college student.

1. Get at least a B to A score for every course. Well, Arabic will be an exception unless a miracle happens to my brain. I don't like the Arabic lessons and I've never even dreamed to get B- for this course. C+ is already great for my standard. *Yeah, just laugh at my stupidity please 😒

2. Being more active in class and make people know that I exist. Yeah, being more active because I've spent a year in my college being a silent student. Well, what should I say? I don't like talking to people. But at least this year I should make myself being more active. Wish me luck with this one. I'm really sure I will be able to change my personality. Ganbarimasu~

For now, that's all. I'm thinking about joining organizations but I still have yet to find any interesting organization. 

In other news, my beloved boyfriend Yuya Takaki will be hosting for October Shounen Club with my dearest drummer, Yuto Nakajima, and Daiki Arioka, so I'm really looking forward to it ❤

Thursday, September 8, 2011


The title says it all... This entry is about yesterday 😆 

Tadinya gue mau melanjutkan postingan sebelumnya tapi karena foto-foto yang mau gue masukkan ada di komputer lain dan gue masih males untuk memindahkannya, jadi gue cerita tentang hari kemarin aja ya. One of those days I need to treasure ❤

Jadi sehari sebelumnya, sahabat SMA gue, Putri dan Dewi udah menghubungi gue dan bilang kalau mereka akan main ke rumah gue di hari Kamis ini karena udah berbulan-bulan kita nggak bertemu. Jadi ceritanya mereka kangen gitu, wahaha. Terus karena gue juga nggak ada acara dan gue juga kangen dengan mereka, gue pun mengiyakan. Di hari Kamisnya, Putri dan Dewi datang ke rumah gue jam 12 siang, tepat saat gue baru bangun tidur (sebenernya gue udah bangun jam setengah enam pagi, tapi setelah melakukan hal yang harus gue lakukan, gue lanjut tidur lagi karena malamnya baru bisa tidur jam dua pagi gara-gara download Yan Yan JUMP *info penting*) 

Jadi, Putri dan Dewi seperti biasa langsung masuk ke kamar gue dan menemukan gue yang masih tiduran. Kita pun ngobrol-ngobrol sebentar mengenai kehidupan perkuliahan kita masing-masing. Tentang Dewi yang udah jadi anggota BEM di Trisakti, dan tentang gue dan Putri yang masih saja menjadi kupu-kupu di kampus karena terlalu males berkegiatan (ancur banget wahahaha), lalu kita bertanya-tanya mau menghabiskan waktu dimana. Kita pun memutuskan untuk ke Pejaten Village aja untuk menghabiskan voucher gratis yang didapat Putri di sebuah restoran yang menurut info dari temannya Putri, restoran itu ada di Penvil (gue lupa nama restorannya). Setelah makan siang di rumah, kita bertiga pun pamit pergi. Kita harus jalan agak jauh untuk sampai ke jalan raya dan naik bus, tapi perjalanan sejauh apapun selalu nggak terasa kalau kita bersama orang-orang yang menyenangkan dalam hidup kita 😃

Di perjalanan, Putri bilang sok ngambek ke gue karena sikap gue yang terlalu 'cool' dan nggak menunjukkan tanda-tanda kangen ke mereka. Setelah dia bilang begitu, gue dengan datar dan tanpa ekspresi bilang, "Gue kangen kalian.." Mereka berdua langsung ketawa ngakak karena katanya udah lama nggak melihat gue berekspresi seperti itu. Yah, maaf ya kawan.. gue memang bukan tipe yang mengucapkan saat kangen. Gue kan pemalu, wkwk. Tapi tanpa perlu mengatakannya secara terang-terangan pun kalian pasti tau kalau gue kangen kan? ^^

Sesampainya di Penvil, kita sempat ke Matahari karena Dewi mau cari sepatu. Dewi bilang dia lagi suka warna ungu, makanya barang-barang yang diliriknya berwarna ungu semua. Kita juga sempat mampir ke Gramedia untuk baca gratis. Sebenernya gue mau beli beberapa buku dan novel, tapi berhubung gue lagi bokek, jadi gue baca-baca majalah aja deh. Dewi dan Putri membeli sesuatu sih, tapi gue nggak tau itu apa. Semacam peralatan kampus kayaknya. Dari Gramedia, kita mencari-cari restoran untuk menghabiskan voucher gratisnya Putri, tapi udah berkeliling sampai lantai atas pun nggak ketemu-ketemu juga. Usut punya usut, ternyata temannya Putri salah kasih informasi. Akhirnya kita memutuskan untuk cari tempat duduk yang enak buat ngobrol. Kita pun memilih Mr. Pancake sebagai tempat duduk dan santai. Disitu kita bertiga romantis banget ya, kita pesen pancake ice cream coklat satu piring untuk bertiga. Atau dengan kata lain, ngirit, wahaha. Yah, nggak apa-apa sih ya karena kita udah makan nasi semua. Kita bertiga juga memesan minuman yang berbeda-beda. Gue pesen Mochachino Blend, Dewi pesen Blueberry ice, dan untuk putri adalah ice chocolate. Niatnya supaya bisa saling nyobain. Tapi karena kalian berdua nggak suka kopi, jadi mochachino gue tidak mendapat terlalu banyak perhatian, wkwk

Disitu kita bertiga ngobrol banyak banget, terutama tentang dunia perkuliahan yang sudah setahun lebih kita jalani. Kita bertiga juga ngobrolin masa SMA dan berencana untuk main-main ke Dosqi suatu hari karena kangen dengan kantinnya yang super murah dan enak. Lalu Dewi memaksa-maksa gue dan Putri untuk main ke Trisakti sesekali, tapi kita sok males gitu dengan alasan jauh, wahaha. Pokoknya hari itu menyenangkan deh. Kita menghabiskan waktu di Mr. Pancake kurang lebih tiga jam, ya.. Sumpah itu lama abis. Lalu saat mendekati maghrib, kita memutuskan untuk pulang karena rumah Putri jaraknya super jauh, biar nggak kemaleman. Kita naik bus yang sama, tapi gue turun duluan. Huuu.. waktu terasa cepat berlalu banget kemaren. It was fun. I love you two so much. I'll see you guys again soon :*

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Saturday to Sunday...

Last weekend was probably the best weekend I've ever had, so I need to write about it ❤

Saturday, September 3, 2011
I went to Kebun Raya Bogor (Bogor Botanical Garden) with my family, my cousin Karin, and my best friend, Kartika. Of course, my big brother didn't tag along because he was lazy and rather chose to spend his time at home, sleeping. By the way, It was quite funny because I decided to invite Kartika to go with us at the last minute before we left the house. So, my mom, as usual, felt the car was too empty and asked me if I want to invite another friend. At that time, the only one who popped up in my mind was Kartika, because her house is not too far from my house, and I knew by feeling that she's the only one who had free time while the other friends were still busy with work and stuff, so I called her, asked her if she wants to go to Bogor with me, and if she could be ready by 15 minutes, and when she said yes, I and my family went immediately to her house to pick her up. I think she wasn't surprised by my family's sudden invitation like that because she already used to it. I mean, since middle school, my family always do this kind of thing to my friend 😆

We had lunch at this very cool restaurant named Gumanti near the Bogor Botanical Garden. The foods were delicious and we took some pictures there...

After lunch, we went to Zoologi Museum at Bogor Botanical Garden... If you love animals and nature, you will really love this museum :D

We spent the rest of that day in the garden, laying and sitting in the meadows. I was playing football with my little brother and my nephew. It's been quite a while since the last time I played around in the wide field. I felt like a little kid again. So fun 😃 


In the afternoon, heavy rain fell down while we were playing football. Finally, we decided to go back to the car and go home, but because our clothes were wet, mom took us to a mall near the garden to buy some cheap new clothes so we can change because if we stay wearing those wet clothes, we would catch a cold. Well, I actually caught a flu and couldn't breathe. We also had dinner at that mall. It was a fun Saturday night.

PS: To Gadis, I just replied your comment in the previous entry. Sorry for the inconvenience ❤