Tuesday, July 26, 2011

This thoughts suddenly pops up in my mind at 2.30 am

Good Morning.
It's 2.30 AM in Indonesia, and I'm still awake like I always do. 

People around me, they are slowly but surely, have started to change themselves, in a good way. They have become more mature. Be mature is a good thing, isn't it? Somehow, it amazes me when I'm talking to one friend and sharing our opinions about many things, then I realized that the way my friend is thinking has become more mature. They become smarter and even their personality is not the same personality as I used to know. 

I'm feeling lonely, sometimes. But this is not their fault because moving on to be a better person is a good thing. It's just me who doesn't want to change myself, or maybe I'm not ready to be mature, yet. To tell you the truth, my brain is not interested when it comes to serious things, that is why I usually always quiet when I talk to my friends and they started talking about something like politics, science, and such.

I do not have any interest in such a topic, that is why I never try to know about those things, which is really a mistake, maybe, or maybe not. 

Doesn't mean that I haven't changed too. I have changed in a few things like I become more quiet day by day. I feel more relaxed when I'm alone. Now, I don't need anyone else to accompany me when I need to go to places like Mall or bookstore, because I'm enjoying myself traveling alone. Despite the fact that I don't want to disturb my friends who are really busy now and I don't want to disappoint myself when my invitation gets rejected, I'm getting used to being alone.

Btw, do not be like me. However, being together with friends is still way much better than being alone.

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